ROC/DET plotter following the ISO/IEC 19795-1:2006(E) standard

Parameters allow users to change the configuration of an plotter when scheduling an experiment

Name Description Type Default
xlabel The label of the X-axis (horizontal) string False Positives (False Match Rate), in %
ylabel The label of the Y-axis (vertical) string True Positives (1 - False Non-Match Rate), in %
xlim-left float64 0.0
xlim-right float64 100.0
ylim-bottom float64 0.0
ylim-top float64 100.0
title The title for this plot string ISO/IEC 19795-1:2006(E) ROC
title-fontsize Controls the title font size uint16 10
xaxis_multiplier The multiplication factor for the X-axis (horizontal) float64 100.0
yaxis_multiplier The multiplication factor for the Y-axis (vertical) float64 100.0
axis-fontsize Controls the axis font size (labels and values) uint16 10
legend Short description of the data, to be added to the plot string
legend-fontsize Controls the font size of the legend uint16 12
legend-loc The location of the legend string best
grid If we should draw grid lines or not for the plot bool True
xaxis_log If X-axis (horizontal) should be in log-scale bool False
yaxis_log If Y-axis (vertical) should be in log-scale bool False
dpi Dots-per-inch in raster image formats uint16 60
width Width of the resulting image in pixels uint16 400
height Height of the resulting image in pixels uint16 300
content_type The type of image returned string image/png
line_attributes Scatter/Line attributes passed directly to Matplotlib string
det If set, plot a DET curve instead of a ROC bool False

This is a plotter for ISO/IEC 19795-1:2006(E) standard ROC and DET curves. It is based on the description on the standard, section 10.6 "Graphical presentation of results", pages 35 and 36.


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