The Face Recognition Grand Challenge


  • Version 4, 30/Jan/2018:
    • Port to beat.backend.python v1.5.0
  • Version 3, 31/Oct/2017:
    • Port to beat.backend.python v1.4.2
  • Version 2, 20/Jan/2016:
    • Port to Bob v2
  • Version 1, 08/Apr/2015:
    • Initial release


The FRGC data distribution consists of three parts. The first is the FRGC data set. The second part is the FRGC BEE. The BEE distribution includes all the data sets for performing and scoring the six experiments. The third part is a set of baseline algorithms for experiments 1 through 4. With all three components, it is possible to run experiments 1 through 4, from processing the raw images to producing Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROCs).

The data for FRGC consists of 50,000 recordings divided into training and validation partitions. The training partition is designed for training algorithms and the validation partition is for assessing performance of an approach in a laboratory setting. The validation partition consists of data from 4,003 subject sessions. A subject session is the set of all images of a person taken each time a person's biometric data is collected and consists of four controlled still images, two uncontrolled still images, and one three-dimensional image. The controlled images were taken in a studio setting, are full frontal facial images taken under two lighting conditions and with two facial expressions (smiling and neutral). The uncontrolled images were taken in varying illumination conditions; e.g., hallways, atriums, or outside. Each set of uncontrolled images contains two expressions, smiling and neutral.

Search experiments


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
template_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
probe_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
template_ids: system/array_1d_uint64/1 (Basic format containing a one-dimensional array of unsigned integer (64 bits) values)
Search experiments


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
template_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
probe_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
template_ids: system/array_1d_uint64/1 (Basic format containing a one-dimensional array of unsigned integer (64 bits) values)
Search experiments


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
template_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
probe_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
template_ids: system/array_1d_uint64/1 (Basic format containing a one-dimensional array of unsigned integer (64 bits) values)
Search experiments


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
template_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
probe_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
template_ids: system/array_1d_uint64/1 (Basic format containing a one-dimensional array of unsigned integer (64 bits) values)
Search experiments


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
template_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
probe_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
template_ids: system/array_1d_uint64/1 (Basic format containing a one-dimensional array of unsigned integer (64 bits) values)
Search experiments


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
template_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
probe_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
file_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
client_id: system/text/1 (Basic format containing a text)
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
template_ids: system/array_1d_uint64/1 (Basic format containing a one-dimensional array of unsigned integer (64 bits) values)

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