This algorithm is a legacy one. The API has changed since its implementation. New versions and forks will need to be updated.
This algorithm is splittable

Algorithms have at least one input and one output. All algorithm endpoints are organized in groups. Groups are used by the platform to indicate which inputs and outputs are synchronized together. The first group is automatically synchronized with the channel defined by the block in which the algorithm is deployed.

Group: probes

Endpoint Name Data Format Nature
keystroke system/kboc16_keystroke/1 Input
client_id system/text/1 Input
file system/uint64/1 Input
score_file robertodaza/competition_kboc16/1 Output

Group: templates

Endpoint Name Data Format Nature
features system/kboc16_keystroke/1 Input
id system/text/1 Input

Algorithms may use functions and classes declared in libraries. Here you can see the libraries and import names used by this library. You don't need to import the library manually on your code, the platform will do it for you. Just use the object as it has been imported with the selected named. For example, if you choose to import a library using the name lib, then access function f within your code like lib.f().

Library Import as
robertodaza/kboc16_baseline_matchers/4 kboc16_baseline_matchers
This algorithm is only usable to you. Its code was not shared.
Could not find any documentation for this object.


Updated Name Databases/Protocols Analyzers
robertodaza/robertodaza/competition_kboc16/2/Kboc16_Competition_Baseline_Combined_Manhattan_Mahalanobis_Distance kboc16/1@D robertodaza/kboc16_analyzer/1

This table shows the number of times this algorithm has been successfully run using the given environment. Note this does not provide sufficient information to evaluate if the algorithm will run when submitted to different conditions.

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