#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Andre Anjos <andre.anjos@idiap.ch>
# Wed 24 Aug 2011 13:06:25 CEST
"""Defines the job manager which can help you managing submitted grid jobs.
from __future__ import print_function
import subprocess
import time
import copy, os, sys
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
from pickle import dumps, loads
from cPickle import dumps, loads
from .tools import makedirs_safe, logger, str_
from .manager import JobManager
from .models import add_job, Job
[docs]class JobManagerLocal(JobManager):
"""Manages jobs run in parallel on the local machine."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Initializes this object with a state file and a method for qsub'bing.
Keyword parameters:
The file containing a valid status database for the manager. If the file
does not exist it is initialized. If it exists, it is loaded.
JobManager.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def submit(self, command_line, name = None, array = None, dependencies = [], exec_dir = None, log_dir = None, dry_run = False, stop_on_failure = False, **kwargs):
"""Submits a job that will be executed on the local machine during a call to "run".
All kwargs will simply be ignored."""
# remove duplicate dependencies
dependencies = sorted(list(set(dependencies)))
# add job to database
job = add_job(self.session, command_line=command_line, name=name, dependencies=dependencies, array=array, exec_dir=exec_dir, log_dir=log_dir, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure)
logger.info("Added job '%s' to the database", job)
if dry_run:
print("Would have added the Job", job, "to the database to be executed locally.")
logger.info("Deleted job '%s' from the database due to dry-run option", job)
job_id = None
job_id = job.unique
# return the new job id
return job_id
[docs] def resubmit(self, job_ids = None, also_success = False, running_jobs = False, new_command=None, keep_logs=False, **kwargs):
"""Re-submit jobs automatically"""
# iterate over all jobs
jobs = self.get_jobs(job_ids)
if new_command is not None:
if len(jobs) == 1:
logger.warn("Ignoring new command since no single job id was specified")
accepted_old_status = ('submitted', 'success', 'failure') if also_success else ('submitted', 'failure',)
for job in jobs:
# check if this job needs re-submission
if running_jobs or job.status in accepted_old_status:
if job.queue_name != 'local' and job.status == 'executing':
logger.error("Cannot re-submit job '%s' locally since it is still running in the grid. Use 'jman stop' to stop it\'s execution!", job)
# re-submit job to the grid
logger.info("Re-submitted job '%s' to the database", job)
if not keep_logs:
[docs] def stop_jobs(self, job_ids=None):
"""Resets the status of the job to 'submitted' when they are labeled as 'executing'."""
jobs = self.get_jobs(job_ids)
for job in jobs:
if job.status in ('executing', 'queued', 'waiting') and job.queue_name == 'local':
logger.info("Reset job '%s' (%s) in the database", job.name, self._format_log(job.id))
[docs] def stop_job(self, job_id, array_id = None):
"""Resets the status of the given to 'submitted' when they are labeled as 'executing'."""
job, array_job = self._job_and_array(job_id, array_id)
if job is not None:
if job.status in ('executing', 'queued', 'waiting'):
logger.info("Reset job '%s' (%s) in the database", job.name, self._format_log(job.id))
job.status = 'submitted'
if array_job is not None and array_job.status in ('executing', 'queued', 'waiting'):
logger.debug("Reset array job '%s' in the database", array_job)
array_job.status = 'submitted'
if array_job is None:
for array_job in job.array:
if array_job.status in ('executing', 'queued', 'waiting'):
logger.debug("Reset array job '%s' in the database", array_job)
array_job.status = 'submitted'
###### Methods to run the jobs in parallel on the local machine #####
def _run_parallel_job(self, job_id, array_id = None, no_log = False, nice = None, verbosity = 0):
"""Executes the code for this job on the local machine."""
environ = copy.deepcopy(os.environ)
environ['JOB_ID'] = str(job_id)
if array_id:
environ['SGE_TASK_ID'] = str(array_id)
environ['SGE_TASK_ID'] = 'undefined'
# generate call to the wrapper script
command = [self.wrapper_script, '-l%sd'%("v"*verbosity), self._database, 'run-job']
if nice is not None:
command = ['nice', '-n%d'%nice] + command
job, array_job = self._job_and_array(job_id, array_id)
if job is None:
# rare case: job was deleted before starting
return None
logger.info("Starting execution of Job '%s' (%s)", job.name, self._format_log(job_id, array_id, len(job.array)))
# create log files
if no_log or job.log_dir is None:
out, err = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
# create line-buffered files for writing output and error status
if array_job is not None:
out, err = open(array_job.std_out_file(), 'w', 1), open(array_job.std_err_file(), 'w', 1)
out, err = open(job.std_out_file(), 'w', 1), open(job.std_err_file(), 'w', 1)
# return the subprocess pipe to the process
return subprocess.Popen(command, env=environ, stdout=out, stderr=err, bufsize=1)
except OSError as e:
logger.error("Could not execute job '%s' (%s) locally\n- reason:\t%s\n- command line:\t%s\n- directory:\t%s\n- command:\t%s", job.name, self._format_log(job_id, array_id, len(job.array)), e, " ".join(job.get_command_line()), "." if job.exec_dir is None else job.exec_dir, " ".join(command))
job.finish(117, array_id) # ASCII 'O'
return None
def _format_log(self, job_id, array_id = None, array_count = 0):
return ("%d (%d/%d)" % (job_id, array_id, array_count)) if array_id is not None and array_count else ("%d (%d)" % (job_id, array_id)) if array_id is not None else ("%d" % job_id)
[docs] def run_scheduler(self, parallel_jobs = 1, job_ids = None, sleep_time = 0.1, die_when_finished = False, no_log = False, nice = None, verbosity = 0):
"""Starts the scheduler, which is constantly checking for jobs that should be ran."""
running_tasks = []
finished_tasks = set()
# keep the scheduler alive until every job is finished or the KeyboardInterrupt is caught
while True:
# Flag that might be set in some rare cases, and that prevents the scheduler to die
repeat_execution = False
# FIRST, try if there are finished processes
for task_index in range(len(running_tasks)-1, -1, -1):
task = running_tasks[task_index]
process = task[0]
if process.poll() is not None:
# process ended
job_id = task[1]
array_id = task[2] if len(task) > 2 else None
job, array_job = self._job_and_array(job_id, array_id)
if job is not None:
jj = array_job if array_job is not None else job
result = "%s (%d)" % (jj.status, jj.result) if jj.result is not None else "%s (?)" % jj.status
if jj.status not in ('success', 'failure'):
logger.error("Job '%s' (%s) finished with status '%s' instead of 'success' or 'failure'. Usually this means an internal error. Check your wrapper_script parameter!", job.name, self._format_log(job_id, array_id), jj.status)
raise StopIteration("Job did not finish correctly.")
logger.info("Job '%s' (%s) finished execution with result '%s'", job.name, self._format_log(job_id, array_id), result)
# in any case, remove the job from the list
del running_tasks[task_index]
# SECOND, check if new jobs can be submitted; THIS NEEDS TO LOCK THE DATABASE
if len(running_tasks) < parallel_jobs:
# get all unfinished jobs:
jobs = self.get_jobs(job_ids)
# put all new jobs into the queue
for job in jobs:
if job.status == 'submitted' and job.queue_name == 'local':
# get all unfinished jobs that are submitted to the local queue
unfinished_jobs = [job for job in jobs if job.status in ('queued', 'executing') and job.queue_name == 'local']
for job in unfinished_jobs:
if job.array:
# find array jobs that can run
queued_array_jobs = [array_job for array_job in job.array if array_job.status == 'queued']
if not len(queued_array_jobs):
job.finish(0, -1)
repeat_execution = True
# there are new array jobs to run
for i in range(min(parallel_jobs - len(running_tasks), len(queued_array_jobs))):
array_job = queued_array_jobs[i]
# start a new job from the array
process = self._run_parallel_job(job.unique, array_job.id, no_log=no_log, nice=nice, verbosity=verbosity)
if process is None:
running_tasks.append((process, job.unique, array_job.id))
# we here set the status to executing manually to avoid jobs to be run twice
# e.g., if the loop is executed while the asynchronous job did not start yet
array_job.status = 'executing'
job.status = 'executing'
if len(running_tasks) == parallel_jobs:
if job.status == 'queued':
# start a new job
process = self._run_parallel_job(job.unique, no_log=no_log, nice=nice, verbosity=verbosity)
if process is None:
running_tasks.append((process, job.unique))
# we here set the status to executing manually to avoid jobs to be run twice
# e.g., if the loop is executed while the asynchronous job did not start yet
job.status = 'executing'
if len(running_tasks) == parallel_jobs:
# if after the submission of jobs there are no jobs running, we should have finished all the queue.
if die_when_finished and not repeat_execution and len(running_tasks) == 0:
logger.info("Stopping task scheduler since there are no more jobs running.")
# THIRD: sleep the desired amount of time before re-checking
# This is the only way to stop: you have to interrupt the scheduler
except (KeyboardInterrupt, StopIteration):
if hasattr(self, 'session'):
logger.info("Stopping task scheduler due to user interrupt.")
for task in running_tasks:
logger.warn("Killing job '%s' that was still running.", self._format_log(task[1], task[2] if len(task) > 2 else None))
except OSError as e:
logger.error("Killing job '%s' was not successful: '%s'", self._format_log(task[1], task[2] if len(task) > 2 else None), e)
# stop all jobs that are currently running or queued
# check the result of the jobs that we have run, and return the list of failed jobs
jobs = self.get_jobs(finished_tasks)
failures = [job.unique for job in jobs if job.status != 'success']
return sorted(failures)