#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Andre Anjos <andre.anjos@idiap.ch>
# Mon 28 Jan 2013 16:40:27 CET
"""A custom build class for Pkg-config based extensions
import sys
import os
import platform
import pkg_resources
from distutils.extension import Extension as DistutilsExtension
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from .pkgconfig import pkgconfig
from .boost import boost
from .utils import uniq
__version__ = pkg_resources.require(__name__)[0].version
[docs]def check_packages(packages):
"""Checks if the requirements for the given packages are satisfied.
Raises a :py:class:`RuntimeError` in case requirements are not satisfied.
This means either not finding a package if no version number is specified or
verifying that the package version does not match the required version by the
Package requirements can be set like this::
"pkg > VERSION"
In this case, the package version should be greater than the given version
number. Comparisons are done using :py:mod:`distutils.version.LooseVersion`.
You can use other comparators such as ``<``, ``<=``, ``>=`` or ``==``. If no
version number is given, then we only require that the package is installed.
from re import split
used = set()
retval = []
for requirement in uniq(packages):
splitreq = split(r'\s*(?P<cmp>[<>=]+)\s*', requirement)
if len(splitreq) not in (1, 3):
raise RuntimeError("cannot parse requirement `%s'", requirement)
p = pkgconfig(splitreq[0])
if len(splitreq) == 3: # package + version number
if splitreq[1] == '>':
assert p > splitreq[2], "%s version is not > `%s'" % (p.name, splitreq[2])
elif splitreq[1] == '>=':
assert p >= splitreq[2], "%s version is not >= `%s'" % (p.name, splitreq[2])
elif splitreq[1] == '<':
assert p < splitreq[2], "%s version is not < `%s'" % (p, splitreq[2])
elif splitreq[1] == '<=':
assert p <= splitreq[2], "%s version is not <= `%s'" % (p, splitreq[2])
elif splitreq[1] == '==':
assert p <= splitreq[2], "%s version is not == `%s'" % (p, splitreq[2])
raise RuntimeError("cannot parse requirement `%s'", requirement)
if p.name in used:
raise RuntimeError("package `%s' had already been requested - cannot (currently) handle recurring requirements")
return retval
[docs]def generate_self_macros(extname, version):
"""Generates standard macros with library, module names and prefix"""
s = extname.rsplit('.', 1)
retval = [
('BOB_EXT_MODULE_PREFIX', '"%s"' % s[0]),
('BOB_EXT_MODULE_NAME', '"%s"' % s[1]),
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
retval.append(('BOB_EXT_ENTRY_NAME', 'PyInit_%s' % s[1]))
retval.append(('BOB_EXT_ENTRY_NAME', 'init%s' % s[1]))
if version: retval.append(('BOB_EXT_MODULE_VERSION', '"%s"' % version))
return retval
[docs]def reorganize_isystem(args):
"""Re-organizes the -isystem includes so that more specific paths come
remainder = []
includes = []
skip = False
for i in range(len(args)):
if skip:
skip = False
if args[i] == '-isystem':
skip = True
includes = uniq(includes[::-1])[::-1]
# sort includes so that the shortest system includes go last
# this algorithm will ensure '/usr/include' comes after other
# overwrites
includes.sort(key=lambda item: (-len(item), item))
retval = [tuple(remainder)] + [('-isystem', k) for k in includes]
from itertools import chain
return list(chain.from_iterable(retval))
[docs]def normalize_requirements(requirements):
"""Normalizes the requirements keeping only the most tight"""
from re import split
parsed = {}
for requirement in requirements:
splitreq = split(r'\s*(?P<cmp>[<>=]+)\s*', requirement)
if len(splitreq) not in (1, 3):
raise RuntimeError("cannot parse requirement `%s'", requirement)
if len(splitreq) == 1: # only package
parsed.setdefault(splitreq[0], [])
if len(splitreq) == 3: # package + version number
parsed.setdefault(splitreq[0], []).append(tuple(splitreq[1:]))
# at this point, all requirements are organised:
# requirement -> [(op, version), (op, version), ...]
leftovers = []
for key, value in parsed.items():
value = uniq(value)
if not value:
for v in value:
leftovers.append(' '.join((key, v[0], v[1])))
return leftovers
[docs]class Extension(DistutilsExtension):
"""Extension building with pkg-config packages.
See the documentation for :py:class:`distutils.extension.Extension` for more
details on input parameters.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Initialize the extension with parameters.
External package extensions (mostly comming from pkg-config), adds a single
parameter to the standard arguments of the constructor:
packages : [list]
This should be a list of strings indicating the name of the bob
(pkg-config) modules you would like to have linked to your extension
**additionally** to ``bob-python``. Candidates are module names like
"bob-machine" or "bob-math".
For convenience, you can also specify "opencv" or other 'pkg-config'
registered packages as a dependencies.
packages = []
if 'packages' in kwargs and kwargs['packages']:
if isinstance(kwargs['packages'], str):
if 'packages' in kwargs: del kwargs['packages']
# uniformize packages
packages = normalize_requirements([k.strip().lower() for k in packages])
# Boost requires a special treatment
boost_req = ''
for i, pkg in enumerate(packages):
if pkg.startswith('boost'):
boost_req = pkg
del packages[i]
# We still look for the keyword 'boost_modules'
boost_modules = []
if 'boost_modules' in kwargs and kwargs['boost_modules']:
if isinstance(kwargs['boost_modules'], str):
if 'boost_modules' in kwargs: del kwargs['boost_modules']
if boost_modules and not boost_req: boost_req = 'boost >= 1.0'
# Was a version parameter given?
version = None
if 'version' in kwargs:
version = kwargs['version']
del kwargs['version']
# Mixing
parameters = {
'define_macros': generate_self_macros(args[0], version),
'extra_compile_args': ['-std=c++0x'], #synomym for c++11?
'library_dirs': [],
'libraries': [],
# Compilation options
if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
parameters['extra_compile_args'] += ['-Wno-#warnings']
user_includes = kwargs.get('include_dirs', [])
pkg_includes = []
# Updates for boost
if boost_req:
boost_pkg = boost(boost_req.replace('boost', '').strip())
# Adds macros
parameters['define_macros'] += boost_pkg.macros()
# Adds the include directory (enough for using just the template library)
if boost_pkg.include_directory not in user_includes:
'-isystem', boost_pkg.include_directory
# Adds specific boost libraries requested by the user
if boost_modules:
boost_libdirs, boost_libraries = boost_pkg.libconfig(boost_modules)
# Checks all other pkg-config requirements
pkgs = check_packages(packages)
for pkg in pkgs:
# Adds parameters for each package, in order
parameters['define_macros'] += pkg.package_macros()
# Include directories are added with a special path
for k in pkg.include_directories():
if k in user_includes or k in pkg_includes: continue
parameters['extra_compile_args'].extend(['-isystem', k])
parameters['define_macros'] += pkg.package_macros()
parameters['library_dirs'] += pkg.library_directories()
if pkg.name.find('bob-') == 0: # one of bob's packages
# make-up the names of versioned Bob libraries we must link against
if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
libs = ['%s.%s' % (k, pkg.version) for k in pkg.libraries()]
elif platform.system() == 'Linux':
libs = [':lib%s.so.%s' % (k, pkg.version) for k in pkg.libraries()]
raise RuntimeError("supports only MacOSX and Linux builds")
libs = pkg.libraries()
parameters['libraries'] += libs
# Filter and make unique
for key in parameters.keys():
# Tune input parameters if they were set
if key in kwargs:
kwargs[key] = list(kwargs[key]) #deep copy
else: kwargs[key] = parameters[key]
if key in ('extra_compile_args'): continue
kwargs[key] = uniq(kwargs[key])
# add our include dir by default
self_include_dir = resource_filename(__name__, 'include')
kwargs.setdefault('include_dirs', []).append(self_include_dir)
# Uniq'fy parameters that are not on our parameter list
kwargs['include_dirs'] = uniq(kwargs['include_dirs'])
# Stream-line '-isystem' includes
kwargs['extra_compile_args'] = reorganize_isystem(kwargs['extra_compile_args'])
# Make sure the language is correctly set to C++
kwargs['language'] = 'c++'
# On Linux, set the runtime path
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
kwargs.setdefault('runtime_library_dirs', [])
kwargs['runtime_library_dirs'] += kwargs['library_dirs']
kwargs['runtime_library_dirs'] = uniq(kwargs['runtime_library_dirs'])
# Run the constructor for the base class
DistutilsExtension.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# post-process the options since
# there is an erroneous '-Wstrict-prototypes' in the environment options
# see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8106258/cc1plus-warning-command-line-option-wstrict-prototypes-is-valid-for-ada-c-o
# note: this seems to work for python 2 only; for python 3, we still get the warnings...
import distutils.sysconfig
opt = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var('OPT')
os.environ['OPT'] = " ".join(flag for flag in opt.split() if flag != '-Wstrict-prototypes')
[docs]def get_config():
"""Returns a string containing the configuration information.
packages = pkg_resources.require(__name__)
this = packages[0]
deps = packages[1:]
retval = "%s: %s (%s)\n" % (this.key, this.version, this.location)
retval += " - python dependencies:\n"
for d in deps: retval += " - %s: %s (%s)\n" % (d.key, d.version, d.location)
return retval.strip()
# gets sphinx autodoc done right - don't remove it
__all__ = [_ for _ in dir() if not _.startswith('_')]