#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed May 17 09:43:09 2017
@author: Olegs Nikisins
# ==============================================================================
# Import what is needed here:
from bob.pad.base.algorithm import Algorithm
from bob.bio.video.utils import FrameContainer
import itertools as it
import numpy as np
import bob.learn.libsvm
import bob.io.base
import os
from bob.pad.base.utils import convert_frame_cont_to_array, convert_and_prepare_features, combinations, \
select_uniform_data_subset, select_quasi_uniform_data_subset, mean_std_normalize, split_data_to_train_cv, \
norm_train_cv_data, prepare_data_for_hyper_param_grid_search
# ==============================================================================
# Main body :
class SVM(Algorithm):
This class is designed to train SVM given features (either numpy arrays or Frame Containers)
from real and attack classes. The trained SVM is then used to classify the
testing data as either real or attack. The SVM is trained in two stages.
First, the best parameters for SVM are estimated using train and
cross-validation subsets. The size of the subsets used in hyper-parameter
tuning is defined by ``n_samples`` parameter of this class. Once best
parameters are determined, the SVM machine is trained using complete training
``machine_type`` : :py:class:`str`
A type of the SVM machine. Please check ``bob.learn.libsvm`` for
more details. Default: 'C_SVC'.
``kernel_type`` : :py:class:`str`
A type of kerenel for the SVM machine. Please check ``bob.learn.libsvm``
for more details. Default: 'RBF'.
``n_samples`` : :py:class:`int`
Number of uniformly selected feature vectors per class defining the
sizes of sub-sets used in the hyper-parameter grid search.
``trainer_grid_search_params`` : :py:class:`dict`
Dictionary containing the hyper-parameters of the SVM to be tested
in the grid-search.
Default: {'cost': [2**p for p in range(-5, 16, 2)], 'gamma': [2**p for p in range(-15, 4, 2)]}.
``mean_std_norm_flag`` : :py:class:`bool`
Perform mean-std normalization of data if set to True. Default: False.
``frame_level_scores_flag`` : :py:class:`bool`
Return scores for each frame individually if True. Otherwise, return a
single score per video. Should be used only when features are in Frame Containers. Default: False.
``save_debug_data_flag`` : :py:class:`bool`
Save the data, which might be usefull for debugging if ``True``.
Default: ``True``.
``reduced_train_data_flag`` : :py:class:`bool`
Reduce the amount of final training samples if set to ``True``.
Default: ``False``.
``n_train_samples`` : :py:class:`int`
Number of uniformly selected feature vectors per class defining the
sizes of sub-sets used in the final traing of the SVM.
Default: 50000.
def __init__(
'cost': [2**p for p in range(-5, 16, 2)],
'gamma': [2**p for p in range(-15, 4, 2)]
self.machine_type = machine_type
self.kernel_type = kernel_type
self.n_samples = n_samples
self.trainer_grid_search_params = trainer_grid_search_params
self.mean_std_norm_flag = mean_std_norm_flag
self.frame_level_scores_flag = frame_level_scores_flag
self.save_debug_data_flag = save_debug_data_flag
self.reduced_train_data_flag = reduced_train_data_flag
self.n_train_samples = n_train_samples
self.machine = None
# ==========================================================================
[docs] def comp_prediction_precision(self, machine, real, attack):
This function computes the precision of the predictions as a ratio
of correctly classified samples to the total number of samples.
``machine`` : object
A pre-trained SVM machine.
``real`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
Array of features representing the real class.
``attack`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
Array of features representing the attack class.
``precision`` : :py:class:`float`
The precision of the predictions.
labels_real = machine.predict_class(real)
labels_attack = machine.predict_class(attack)
samples_num = len(labels_real) + len(labels_attack)
precision = (np.sum(labels_real == 1) + np.sum(labels_attack == -1)
).astype(np.float) / samples_num
return precision
# ==========================================================================
[docs] def train_svm(
'cost': [2**p for p in range(-5, 16, 2)],
'gamma': [2**p for p in range(-15, 4, 2)]
First, this function tunes the hyper-parameters of the SVM classifier using
grid search on the sub-sets of training data. Train and cross-validation
subsets for both classes are formed from the available input training_features.
Once successfull parameters are determined the SVM is trained on the
whole training data set. The resulting machine is returned by the function.
``training_features`` : [[FrameContainer], [FrameContainer]]
A list containing two elements: [0] - a list of Frame Containers with
feature vectors for the real class; [1] - a list of Frame Containers with
feature vectors for the attack class.
``n_samples`` : :py:class:`int`
Number of uniformly selected feature vectors per class defining the
sizes of sub-sets used in the hyper-parameter grid search.
``machine_type`` : :py:class:`str`
A type of the SVM machine. Please check ``bob.learn.libsvm`` for
more details.
``kernel_type`` : :py:class:`str`
A type of kerenel for the SVM machine. Please check ``bob.learn.libsvm``
for more details.
``trainer_grid_search_params`` : :py:class:`dict`
Dictionary containing the hyper-parameters of the SVM to be tested
in the grid-search.
``mean_std_norm_flag`` : :py:class:`bool`
Perform mean-std normalization of data if set to True. Default: False.
``projector_file`` : :py:class:`str`
The name of the file to save the trained projector to. Only the path
of this file is used in this function. The file debug_data.hdf5 will
be save in this path. This file contains information, which might be
usefull for debugging.
``save_debug_data_flag`` : :py:class:`bool`
Save the data, which might be usefull for debugging if ``True``.
Default: ``True``.
``reduced_train_data_flag`` : :py:class:`bool`
Reduce the amount of final training samples if set to ``True``.
Default: ``False``.
``n_train_samples`` : :py:class:`int`
Number of uniformly selected feature vectors per class defining the
sizes of sub-sets used in the final traing of the SVM.
Default: 50000.
``machine`` : object
A trained SVM machine.
one_class_flag = (
machine_type == 'ONE_CLASS') # True if one-class SVM is used
# get the data for the hyper-parameter grid-search:
real_train, real_cv, attack_train, attack_cv = \
prepare_data_for_hyper_param_grid_search(training_features, n_samples)
if mean_std_norm_flag:
# normalize the data:
real_train, real_cv, attack_train, attack_cv = norm_train_cv_data(
real_train, real_cv, attack_train, attack_cv, one_class_flag)
precisions_cv = [
] # for saving the precision on the cross-validation set
precisions_train = []
trainer_grid_search_params_list = combinations(
) # list containing all combinations of params
for trainer_grid_search_param in trainer_grid_search_params_list:
# initialize the SVM trainer:
trainer = bob.learn.libsvm.Trainer(
for key in trainer_grid_search_param.keys():
setattr(trainer, key, trainer_grid_search_param[
key]) # set the params of trainer
if not (one_class_flag): # two-class SVM case
data = [
] # data used for training the machine in the grid-search
else: # one class SVM case
data = [np.copy(real_train)
] # only real class is used for training
machine = trainer.train(data) # train the machine
precision_cv = self.comp_prediction_precision(
machine, np.copy(real_cv), np.copy(attack_cv))
precision_train = self.comp_prediction_precision(
machine, np.copy(real_train), np.copy(attack_train))
del data
del machine
del trainer
# best SVM parameters according to CV set
selected_params = trainer_grid_search_params_list[np.argmax(precisions_cv)]
trainer = bob.learn.libsvm.Trainer(
for key in selected_params.keys():
setattr(trainer, key,
selected_params[key]) # set the params of trainer
# Save the data, which is usefull for debugging.
if save_debug_data_flag:
debug_file = os.path.join(
os.path.split(projector_file)[0], "debug_data.hdf5")
debug_dict = {}
debug_dict['precisions_train'] = precisions_train
debug_dict['precisions_cv'] = precisions_cv
for key in selected_params.keys():
debug_dict[key] = selected_params[key]
f = bob.io.base.HDF5File(
debug_file, 'w') # open hdf5 file to save the debug data
for key in debug_dict.keys():
f.set(key, debug_dict[key])
del f
# training_features[0] - training features for the REAL class.
real = convert_and_prepare_features(
training_features[0]) # output is array
# training_features[1] - training features for the ATTACK class.
attack = convert_and_prepare_features(
training_features[1]) # output is array
features_mean = 0.0
features_std = 1.0
if mean_std_norm_flag:
# Normalize the data:
if not (one_class_flag): # two-class SVM case
features = np.vstack([real, attack])
features_norm, features_mean, features_std = mean_std_normalize(
real = features_norm[0:real.shape[
0], :] # The array is now normalized
attack = features_norm[real.shape[
0]:, :] # The array is now normalized
else: # one-class SVM case
real, features_mean, features_std = mean_std_normalize(
real) # use only real class to compute normalizers
attack = mean_std_normalize(attack, features_mean,
# ``real`` and ``attack`` arrays are now normalizaed
if reduced_train_data_flag:
# uniformly select subsets of features:
real = select_quasi_uniform_data_subset(real, n_train_samples)
attack = select_quasi_uniform_data_subset(
attack, n_train_samples)
if not (one_class_flag): # two-class SVM case
data = [np.copy(real), np.copy(attack)] # data for final training
else: # one-class SVM case
data = [np.copy(real)] # only real class used for training
# free the memory of unnecessary data
del real
del attack
machine = trainer.train(data) # train the machine
if mean_std_norm_flag:
machine.input_subtract = features_mean # subtract the mean of train data
machine.input_divide = features_std # divide by std of train data
del data
return machine
# ==========================================================================
[docs] def train_projector(self, training_features, projector_file):
Train SVM feature projector and save the trained SVM to a given file.
The ``requires_projector_training = True`` flag must be set to True to
enable this function.
``training_features`` : [[FrameContainer], [FrameContainer]]
A list containing two elements: [0] - a list of Frame Containers with
feature vectors for the real class; [1] - a list of Frame Containers with
feature vectors for the attack class.
``projector_file`` : :py:class:`str`
The file to save the trained projector to.
This file should be readable with the :py:meth:`load_projector` function.
machine = self.train_svm(
f = bob.io.base.HDF5File(projector_file,
'w') # open hdf5 file to save to
machine.save(f) # save the machine and normalization parameters
del f
# ==========================================================================
[docs] def load_projector(self, projector_file):
Load the pretrained projector/SVM from file to perform a feature projection.
This function usually is useful in combination with the
:py:meth:`train_projector` function.
Please register `performs_projection = True` in the constructor to
enable this function.
``projector_file`` : :py:class:`str`
The file to read the projector from.
f = bob.io.base.HDF5File(projector_file, 'r')
self.machine = bob.learn.libsvm.Machine(f)
del f
# ==========================================================================
[docs] def project(self, feature):
This function computes class probabilities for the input feature using pretrained SVM.
The feature in this case is a Frame Container with features for each frame.
The probabilities will be computed and returned for each frame.
Set ``performs_projection = True`` in the constructor to enable this function.
It is assured that the :py:meth:`load_projector` was called before the
``project`` function is executed.
``feature`` : object
A Frame Container conteining the features of an individual,
see ``bob.bio.video.utils.FrameContainer``.
``probabilities`` : 1D or 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
2D in the case of two-class SVM.
An array containing class probabilities for each frame.
First column contains probabilities for each frame being a real class.
Second column contains probabilities for each frame being an attack class.
1D in the case of one-class SVM.
Vector with scores for each frame defining belonging to the real class.
Must be writable with the ``write_feature`` function and
readable with the ``read_feature`` function.
if isinstance(
FrameContainer): # if FrameContainer convert to 2D numpy array
features_array = convert_frame_cont_to_array(feature)
features_array = feature
if not (self.machine_type == 'ONE_CLASS'): # two-class SVM case
probabilities = self.machine.predict_class_and_probabilities(
probabilities = self.machine.predict_class_and_scores(
return probabilities
# ==========================================================================
[docs] def score(self, toscore):
Returns a probability of a sample being a real class.
``toscore`` : 1D or 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
2D in the case of two-class SVM.
An array containing class probabilities for each frame.
First column contains probabilities for each frame being a real class.
Second column contains probabilities for each frame being an attack class.
1D in the case of one-class SVM.
Vector with scores for each frame defining belonging to the real class.
``score`` : :py:class:`float` or a 1D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
If ``frame_level_scores_flag = False`` a single score is returned.
One score per video.
Score is a probability of a sample being a real class.
If ``frame_level_scores_flag = True`` a 1D array of scores is returned.
One score per frame.
Score is a probability of a sample being a real class.
if toscore.ndim == 1:
return [toscore[0]]
if self.frame_level_scores_flag:
score = toscore[:,
0] # here score is a 1D array containing scores for each frame
score = np.mean(toscore[:, 0]) # compute a single score per sample
return score
# ==========================================================================
[docs] def score_for_multiple_projections(self, toscore):
Returns a list of scores computed by the score method of this class.
``toscore`` : 1D or 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
2D in the case of two-class SVM.
An array containing class probabilities for each frame.
First column contains probabilities for each frame being a real class.
Second column contains probabilities for each frame being an attack class.
1D in the case of one-class SVM.
Vector with scores for each frame defining belonging to the real class.
``list_of_scores`` : [:py:class:`float`]
A list containing the scores.
scores = self.score(
toscore) # returns float score or 1D array of scores
if isinstance(scores, np.float): # if a single score
list_of_scores = [scores]
list_of_scores = list(scores)
return list_of_scores