Active Tuberculosis Detection On CXR Package for Bob

Package to train convolutional neural networks for tuberculosis detection on frontal chest X-rays. Additionally, this package implements prediction of TB on chest X-rays and evaluation of performances. It is build using PyTorch.

Please use the BibTeX reference below to cite this work:

   author = {Raposo, Geoffrey},
   keywords = {deep learning, generalization, Interpretability, transfer learning, Tuberculosis Detection},
   projects = {Idiap},
   month = {7},
   title = {Active tuberculosis detection from frontal chest X-ray images},
   type = {Idiap-Com},
   number = {Idiap-Com-01-2021},
   year = {2021},
   institution = {Idiap},
   url = {},
   pdf = {}

User Guide

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