Source code for bob.ip.qualitymeasure.msu_iqa_features

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :

import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as ssg
import bob.ip.base
import bob.ip.color
from . import galbally_iqm_features as iqm

from . import remove_highlights

''' Utility functions '''

def matlab_rgb2hsv(rgbImage):
    # first normalize the range of values to 0-1

    isUint8 = True
    if isUint8:
        rgbImage = rgbImage.astype(np.float64) / 255.0

    hsv = np.zeros_like(rgbImage)
    bob.ip.color.rgb_to_hsv(rgbImage, hsv)
    h = hsv[0, :, :]
    s = hsv[1, :, :]
    v = hsv[2, :, :]

    return (h, s, v)

def imshow(image):
    import matplotlib
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    if len(image.shape) == 3:
        # imshow() expects color image in a slightly different format, so first
        # rearrange the 3d data for imshow...
        outImg = image.tolist()
        result = np.dstack((outImg[0], outImg[1]))
        outImg = np.dstack((result, outImg[2]))
        # [:,:,1],
        plt.imshow((outImg * 255.0).astype(np.uint8))

        if(len(image.shape) == 2):
            # display gray image.

'''Auxilliary functions'''

def sobelEdgeMap(image, orientation='both'):

    # bob..sobel returns filter-responses which need to be thresholded to get
    # the edge-map
    thinning = 1
    refImage = image.astype(np.float)

    # compute edge map for reference image
    # returns 3D image. 1st dim is the edge-direction. 1st component is
    # vertical; 2nd component is hor. responses
    refSobel_sep = bob.ip.base.sobel(refImage)
    refSobelX = refSobel_sep[0, :, :]
    refSobelY = refSobel_sep[1, :, :]
    if orientation is 'horizontal':
        refEdge = iqm.edge_thinning(refSobelX[:, :], refSobelX[:, :], thinning)
        if orientation is 'vertical':
            refEdge = iqm.edge_thinning(
                    :, :], refSobelY[
                    :, :], thinning)
            refEdge = iqm.edge_thinning(
                    :, :], refSobelY[
                    :, :], thinning)

    return refEdge

[docs]def compute_msu_iqa_features(rgbImage): """Computes image-quality features for the given input color (RGB) image. This is the main function to call. Parameters: rgbImage (:py:class:`numpy.ndarray`): A ``uint8`` array with 3 dimensions, representing the RGB input image of shape [3,M,N] (M rows x N cols). Returns: featSet (:py:class:`numpy.ndarray`): a 1D numpy array of 121 float32 scalars. This function returns the image-quality features (for face anti- spoofing) that have been described by Wen et al. in their paper: "Face spoof detection with image distortion analysis", IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 10(4), pp. 746-761, April 2015. """ rgbImage = rgbImage.copy() assert len( rgbImage.shape) == 3, 'compute_msu_iqa_features():: image should be ' \ 'a 3D array (containing a rgb image)' # defined above. Calls Bob's rgb_to_hsv() after rescaling the input image. h, s, v = matlab_rgb2hsv(rgbImage) grayImage = np.zeros_like(h, dtype='uint8') bob.ip.color.rgb_to_gray(rgbImage, grayImage) # compute blur-features blurFeat = blurriness(grayImage) pinaBlur = marzilianoBlur(grayImage) pinaBlur /= 30.0 # compute color-diversity features colorHist, totNumColors = calColorHist(rgbImage) totNumColors /= 2000.0 # as done in Matlab code provided by MSU. # calculate mean, deviation and skewness of each channel # use histogram shifting for the hue channel momentFeatsH = calmoment_shift(h) momentFeats = momentFeatsH.copy() momentFeatsS = calmoment(s) momentFeats = np.hstack((momentFeats, momentFeatsS)) momentFeatsV = calmoment(v) momentFeats = np.hstack((momentFeats, momentFeatsV)) # compute the image-specularity features speckleFeats = compute_iqa_specularity_features(rgbImage, startEps=0.06) # stack the various feature-values in the same order as in MSU's matlab # code. fv = speckleFeats.copy() fv = np.hstack((fv, momentFeats)) fv = np.hstack((fv, colorHist)) fv = np.hstack((fv, totNumColors)) fv = np.hstack((fv, blurFeat)) fv = np.hstack((fv, pinaBlur)) return fv
def compute_iqa_specularity_features(rgbImage, startEps=0.05): """Returns three features characterizing the specularity present in input color image. First the specular and diffuse components of the input image are separated using the """ # separate the specular and diffuse components of input color image. # original python version #speckleFreeImg, diffuseImg, speckleImg = tsh.remove_highlights( # rgbImage.astype(float), startEps, verboseFlag=False) speckleFreeImg, diffuseImg, speckleImg = remove_highlights( rgbImage.astype(np.float32), startEps) speckleImg[np.where(np.isinf(speckleImg))] = 0 speckleImg[np.where(np.isnan(speckleImg))] = 0 speckleImg[np.where(speckleImg < 0)] = 0 speckleImg[np.where(speckleImg > 255)] = 255 # speckleImg contains the specular-component if len(speckleImg.shape) == 3: speckleImg = speckleImg[0] speckleImg = speckleImg.clip(min=0) speckleMean = np.mean(speckleImg) # factors 1.5 and 4.0 are proposed by Wen et al. in their paper and matlab # code. lowSpeckleThresh = speckleMean * 1.5 hiSpeckleThresh = speckleMean * 4.0 specklePixels = speckleImg[ np.where( np.logical_and( speckleImg >= lowSpeckleThresh, speckleImg < hiSpeckleThresh))] # percentage of specular pixels in image r = float(specklePixels.flatten().shape[ 0]) / (speckleImg.shape[0] * speckleImg.shape[1]) m = np.mean(specklePixels) # mean-specularity (of specular-pixels) s = np.std(specklePixels) # std. of specularity (of specular-pixels) # scaling by factor of 150 is as done by Wen et al. in their matlab code. return np.asarray((r, m / 150.0, s / 150.0), dtype=np.float32) def marzilianoBlur(image): """Method proposed by Marziliano et al. for determining the average width of vertical edges, as a measure of blurredness in an image. (Reimplemented from the Matlab code provided by MSU.) :param image: 2D gray-level (face) image :param regionMask: (optional) 2D matrix (binary image), where 1s mark the pixels belonging to a region of interest, and 0s indicate pixels outside ROI. """ assert len( image.shape) == 2, 'marzilianoBlur():: input image should be ' \ 'a 2D array (gray level image)' # compute vertical edge-map of image using sobel edgeMap = sobelEdgeMap(image, 'vertical') # There will be some difference between the result of this function and the # Matlab version, because the edgeMap produced by sobelEdgeMap() is not # exactly the same as that produced by Matlab's edge() function. Test edge- # map generated in Matlab produces the same result as the matlab version of # MarzilianoBlur(). blurImg = image C = blurImg.shape[1] # number of cols in image # row, col contain the indices of the pixels that comprise edge-map. (row, col) = edgeMap.nonzero() blurMetric = 0 if len(row) > 0: # to make the following code work in a similar fashion to the original # matlab code, sort the cols in ascending order, and sort the rows # according to the cols. # ind = np.lexsort((row,col)) # row = row[ind] # col = col[ind] # print('lexsort_col: %d' % (1+col)) # print('lexsort_row: %d' % (1+row)) # This was only used for debugging (to compare with Matlab code). In # fact it is not necessary, so it is commented out. edgeWidths = np.zeros_like(row, dtype=int) for i in range(len(row)): rEdge = row[i] cEdge = col[i] # instead of setting them to 'inf' as in MSU's Matlab version cStart = 0 cEnd = 0 # we want to estimate the edge-width, which will be cEnd - cStart. # search for start of edge in horizontal direction if cEdge > 0: # i.e., edge is not on the left-border # 2.1: search left of current pixel (backwards) if blurImg[ rEdge, cEdge] > blurImg[ rEdge, cEdge - 1]: # edge corresponds to a local peak; estimate left- # extent of peak j = cEdge - 1 while j > 0 and blurImg[rEdge, j] >= blurImg[rEdge, j - 1]: j -= 1 cStart = j else: # edge corresponds to a local valley; determine left- # extent of valley j = cEdge - 1 while j > 0 and blurImg[rEdge, j] <= blurImg[rEdge, j - 1]: j -= 1 cStart = j # search for end of edge in horizontal direction cEnd = C - 1 # initialize to right-border of image -- the max. # possible position for cEnd if cEdge < C - 1: if blurImg[ rEdge, cEdge] > blurImg[ rEdge, cEdge + 1]: # edge corresponds to a local peak; estimate right-extent # of peak j = cEdge + 1 while j < C - 1 and blurImg[rEdge, j] >= blurImg[rEdge, j + 1]: j += 1 cEnd = j else: # edge corresponds to a local valley; determine right- # extent of valley j = cEdge + 1 while j < C - 1 and blurImg[rEdge, j] <= blurImg[rEdge, j + 1]: j += 1 cEnd = j edgeWidths[i] = cEnd - cStart # sanity-check (edgeWidths should not have negative values) negSum = np.sum(edgeWidths[np.where(edgeWidths < 0)]) assert negSum == 0, 'marzilianoBlur():: edgeWidths[] contains ' \ 'negative values. YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!' # Final metric computation blurMetric = np.mean(edgeWidths) # compute histogram of edgeWidths ...(later) # binnum = 100; # t = ((1:binnum) - .5) .* C ./ binnum; # whist = hist(width_array, t) ./ length(width_array); return blurMetric def calmoment(channel, regionMask=None): """ returns the first 3 statistical moments (mean, standard-dev., skewness) and 2 other first-order statistical measures of input image :param channel: 2D array containing gray-image-like data """ assert len( channel.shape) == 2, 'calmoment():: channel should be ' \ 'a 2D array (a single color-channel)' t = np.arange(0.05, 1.05, 0.05) + 0.025 # t = 0.05:0.05:1; # pixnum = length(channel(:)); nPix = m = np.mean(channel) # m = mean(channel(:)); # d = sqrt(sum((channel(:) - m) .^ 2) / pixnum); d = np.std(channel) # s = sum(((channel(:) - m) ./ d) .^ 3) / pixnum; s = np.sum(np.power(((channel - m) / d), 3)) / nPix # print(t) myHH = np.histogram(channel, t)[0] # print(myHH) # hh = hist(channel(:),t) / pixnum; hh = myHH.astype(float) / nPix # H = np.array([m,d,s, np.sum(hh[0:1]), np.sum(hh[-2:-1])]) # H = [m d s # sum(hh(1:2)) sum(hh(end-1:end))]; H = np.array([m, d, s]) s0 = np.sum(hh[0:2]) # print(s0) H = np.hstack((H, s0)) s1 = np.sum(hh[-2:]) # print(s1) H = np.hstack((H, s1)) return H def calmoment_shift(channel): assert len( channel.shape) == 2, 'calmoment_shift():: channel should be a ' \ '2D array (a single color-channel)' channel = channel + 0.5 channel[np.where(channel > 1.0)] -= 1.0 H = calmoment(channel) return H def calColorHist(image, m=100): """ function returns the top 'm' most popular colors in the input image :param image: RGB color-image represented in a 3D array :param m: integer specifying how many 'top' colors to be counted (e.g. for m=10 the function will return the pixel-counts for the top 10 most popular colors in image) :return cHist: counts of the top 100 most popular colors in image :return numClrs: total number of distinct colors in image """ # 1. compute color histogram of image (normalized, if specified) numBins = 32 maxval = 255 cHist = rgbhist(image, maxval, numBins, 1) # 2. determine top 100 colors of image from histogram y = sorted(cHist, reverse=True) # [Y, I] = sort(H,'descend'); cHist = y[0:m] # H = Y(1:m)'; c = np.cumsum(y) # C = cumsum(Y); numClrs = np.where(c > 0.99)[0][0] # clrnum = find(C>.99,1,'first') - 1; cHist = np.array(cHist) return cHist, numClrs ''' computes 3d color histogram of image ''' def rgbhist(image, maxval, nBins, normType=0): assert len(image.shape) == 3, 'image should be a 3D (rgb) array of shape' \ ' (3, m,n) where m is no. of rows, and n is no. if cols in image.c$' assert normType > -1 and normType < 2, 'rgbhist():: normType should ' \ ' be only 0 or 1' # zeros([nBins nBins nBins]); H = np.zeros((nBins, nBins, nBins), dtype=np.uint32) decimator = (maxval + 1) / nBins numPix = image.shape[1] * image.shape[2] # im = reshape(I,[size(I,1)*size(I,2) 3]); im = image.reshape(3, numPix).copy() im = im.T p = np.floor(im.astype(float) / decimator).astype(np.uint32) # in future versions of numpy (1.13 and above) you can replace this with: # unique_p, count = np.unique(p, return_counts=True, axis=0) # the following lines were taken from: p2 = np.ascontiguousarray(p).view( np.dtype((np.void, p.dtype.itemsize * p.shape[1]))) unique_p, count = np.unique(p2, return_counts=True) unique_p = unique_p.view(p.dtype).reshape(-1, p.shape[1]) # till here H[unique_p[:, 0], unique_p[:, 1], unique_p[:, 2]] = count H = H.ravel() # H = H(:); # Un-Normalized histogram if normType == 1: H = H.astype(np.float32) / np.sum(H) # l1 normalization return H def blurriness(image): """ function to estimate blurriness of an image, as computed by Di Wen et al. in their IEEE-TIFS-2015 paper. :param image: a gray-level image """ assert len( image.shape) == 2, 'Input to blurriness() function should ' \ 'be a 2D (gray) image' d = 4 fsize = 2 * d + 1 kver = np.ones((1, fsize)) / fsize khor = kver.T Bver = ssg.convolve2d( image.astype( np.float32), kver.astype( np.float32), mode='same') Bhor = ssg.convolve2d( image.astype( np.float32), khor.astype( np.float32), mode='same') # implementations of DFver and DFhor below don't look the same as in the # Matlab code, but the following implementation produces equivalent # results. there might be a bug in Matlab! The 2 commented statements above # would correspond to the intent of the Matlab code. DFver = np.diff(image.astype('int16'), axis=0) DFver[np.where(DFver < 0)] = 0 DFhor = np.diff(image.astype('int16'), axis=1) DFhor[np.where(DFhor < 0)] = 0 DBver = np.abs(np.diff(Bver, axis=0)) DBhor = np.abs(np.diff(Bhor, axis=1)) Vver = DFver.astype(float) - DBver.astype(float) Vhor = DFhor.astype(float) - DBhor.astype(float) Vver[Vver < 0] = 0 # Vver(find(Vver<0)) = 0; Vhor[Vhor < 0] = 0 # Vhor(find(Vhor<0)) = 0; SFver = np.sum(DFver) SFhor = np.sum(DFhor) # sum(DFhor(:)); SVver = np.sum(Vver) # sum(Vver(:)); SVhor = np.sum(Vhor) # sum(Vhor(:)); BFver = (SFver - SVver) / SFver BFhor = (SFhor - SVhor) / SFhor blurF = max(BFver, BFhor) # max([BFver BFhor]); return blurF