Source code for bob.ip.qualitymeasure.galbally_iqm_features

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :

import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as ssg
import scipy.ndimage.filters as snf

import bob.ip.base

compute_quality_features is the main function to be called, to extract a set of
image quality-features computed for the input image
:param image: 2d numpy array. Should contain input image of size [M,N] (i.e. M
    rows x N cols).
:return featSet: a tuple of float-scalars, each representing one image-quality

def convert_rgb_image_to_gray(image):
    This function converts RGB input image to gray-scale.


    image (:py:class:`numpy.ndarray`): A ``uint8`` array with 2 or 3
        dimensions, representing the input image of shape [M,N] (M rows x N
        cols). If 2D, image should contain a gray-image of shape [M,N]. If 3D,
        image should have a shape [3,M,N], and should contain an RGB-image.


    gray_image (:py:class:`numpy.ndarray`): A gray-scale image as
        computed by matlab_rgb2gray function.

    gray_image = None
    #print("shape of input image:")
    # print(image.shape)
    if len(image.shape) == 3:
        if(image.shape[0] == 3):
            # compute gray-level image for input color-frame
            gray_image = matlab_rgb2gray(image)
#             print(gray_image.shape)
            print('error. Wrong kind of input image')
        if len(image.shape) == 2:
            gray_image = image
#             print(gray_image.shape)
            print('error -- wrong kind of input')

    return gray_image

[docs]def compute_quality_features(image, smoothed = None): """Extract a set of image quality-features computed for the input image. Parameters: image (:py:class:`numpy.ndarray`): A ``uint8`` array with 2 or 3 dimensions, representing the input image of shape [M,N] (M rows x N cols). If 2D, image should contain a gray-image of shape [M,N]. If 3D, image should have a shape [3,M,N], and should contain an RGB-image. smoothed None or :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` A ``uint8`` array with 2 or 3 dimensions, representing the smoothed version of the input image of shape [M,N] (M rows x N cols). If 2D, image should contain a gray-image of shape [M,N]. If 3D, image should have a shape [3,M,N], and should contain an RGB-image. Default: None Returns: featSet (:py:class:`numpy.ndarray`): a 1D numpy array of 18 float32 scalars, each representing one image-quality measure. This function returns a subset of the image-quality features (for face anti-spoofing) that have been described by Galbally et al. in their paper: "Image Quality Assessment for Fake Biometric Detection: Application to Iris, Fingerprint, and Face Recognition", IEEE Trans. on Image Processing Vol 23(2), 2014. """ gray_image = convert_rgb_image_to_gray(image) if gray_image is not None: if smoothed is None: # default behavior gwin = gauss_2d((3, 3), 0.5) # set up the smoothing-filter # print("computing degraded version of image") smoothed = ssg.convolve2d( gray_image, gwin, boundary='symm', mode='same') else: smoothed = convert_rgb_image_to_gray(smoothed) """ Some of the image-quality measures computed here require a reference image. For these measures, we use the input-image itself as a reference-image, and we compute the quality-measure of a smoothed version of the input-image. The assumption in this approach is that smoothing degrades a spoof-image more than it does a genuine image (see Galbally's paper referenced above). """ # print("computing galbally quality features") featSet = image_quality_measures(gray_image, smoothed) return featSet else: return None
""" actually computes various measures of similarity between the two input images, but also returns some descriptors of the reference-image that are independent of any other image. Returns a tuple of 18 values, each of which is a float- scalar. The quality measures computed in this function correspond to the Image- quality features discussed in Galbally et al., 2014. """ def image_quality_measures(refImage, testImage): """Compute image-quality measures for testImage and return a tuple of quality-measures. Some of the quality-measures require a reference- image, but others are 'no-reference' measures. :input refImage: 2d numpy array. Should represent input 8-bit gray-level image of size [M,N]. :input testImage: 2d numpy array. Should represent input 8-bit gray- level image of size [M,N].. :return a tuple of 18 values, each of which is a float-scalar. The quality measures computed in this function correspond to the Image- quality features discussed in Galbally et al., 2014. """ assert len(refImage.shape) == 2, "refImage should be a 2D array" assert len(testImage.shape) == 2, "testImage should be a 2D array" assert (refImage.shape[0] == testImage.shape[0] ), "The two images should have the same width" assert (refImage.shape[1] == testImage.shape[1] ), "The two images should have the same height" diffImg = refImage.astype(np.float) - testImage.astype(np.float) diffSq = np.square(diffImg) sumDiffSq = np.sum(diffSq) absDiffImg = np.absolute(diffImg) refSq = np.square(refImage.astype(np.float)) sumRefSq = np.sum(refSq) # number of pixels in each image numPx = refImage.shape[0] * refImage.shape[1] maxPxVal = 255.0 # 1 MSE mse00 = float(sumDiffSq) / float(numPx) # 2 PSNR psnr01 = np.inf if mse00 > 0: psnr01 = 10.0 * np.log10(maxPxVal * maxPxVal / mse00) # 3 AD: Average difference ad02 = float(np.sum(diffImg)) / float(numPx) # 4 SC: structural content testSq = np.square(testImage.astype(np.float)) sumTestSq = np.sum(testSq) sc03 = np.inf if sumTestSq > 0: sc03 = float(sumRefSq) / float(sumTestSq) # 5 NK: normalized cross-correlation imgProd = refImage * testImage # element-wise product nk04 = float(np.sum(imgProd)) / float(sumRefSq) # 6 MD: Maximum difference md05 = float(np.amax(absDiffImg)) # 7 LMSE: Laplacian MSE scipy implementation of laplacian is different from # Matlab's version, especially at the image-borders To significant # differences between scipy...laplace and Matlab's del2() are: # a. Matlab del2() divides the convolution result by 4, so the ratio # (scipy.laplace() result)/(del2()-result) is 4 # b. Matlab does a different kind of processing at the boundaries, so # the results at the boundaries are different in the 2 calls. # In Galbally's Matlab code, there is a factor of 4, which I have dropped # (no difference in result), # because this is implicit in scipy.ndimage.filters.laplace() # mode can be 'wrap', 'reflect', 'nearest', 'mirror', or ['constant' with # a specified value] op = snf.laplace(refImage, mode='reflect') opSq = np.square(op) sum_opSq = np.sum(opSq) tmp1 = (op - (snf.laplace(testImage, mode='reflect'))) num_op = np.square(tmp1) lmse06 = float(np.sum(num_op)) / float(sum_opSq) # 8 NAE: normalized abs. error sumRef = np.sum(np.absolute(refImage)) nae07 = float(np.sum(absDiffImg)) / float(sumRef) # 9 SNRv: SNR in db snrv08 = 10.0 * np.log10(float(sumRefSq) / float(sumDiffSq)) # 10 RAMDv: R-averaged max diff (r=10) # implementation below is same as what Galbally does in Matlab r = 10 # the [::-1] flips the sorted vector, so that it is in descending order sorted = np.sort(diffImg.flatten())[::-1] topsum = np.sum(sorted[0:r]) ramdv09 = np.sqrt(float(topsum) / float(r)) # 11,12: MAS: Mean Angle Similarity, MAMS: Mean Angle-Magnitude Similarity mas10, mams11 = angle_similarity(refImage, testImage, diffImg) fftRef = np.fft.fft2(refImage) # fftTest = np.fft.fft2(testImage) # 13, 14: SME: spectral magnitude error; SPE: spectral phase error # spectralSimilarity(fftRef, fftTest, numPx) sme12, spe13 = spectral_similarity(refImage, testImage) # 15 TED: Total edge difference # ted14 = edge_similarity(refImage, testImage) # 16 TCD: Total corner difference # tcd15 = corner_similarity(refImage, testImage) # 17, 18: GME: gradient-magnitude error; GPE: gradient phase error gme16, gpe17 = gradient_similarity(refImage, testImage) # 19 SSIM ssim18, _ = ssim(refImage, testImage) # 20 VIF vif19 = vif(refImage, testImage) # 21,22,23,24,25: RRED, BIQI, JQI, NIQE: these parameters are not computed # here. # 26 HLFI: high-low frequency index (implemented as done by Galbally in # Matlab). hlfi25 = high_low_freq_index(fftRef, refImage.shape[1]) return np.asarray( (mse00, psnr01, ad02, sc03, nk04, md05, lmse06, nae07, snrv08, ramdv09, mas10, mams11, sme12, gme16, gpe17, ssim18, vif19, hlfi25), dtype=np.float32) """ Matlab-like RGB to gray... """ def matlab_rgb2gray(rgbImage): '''converts color rgbImage to gray to produce exactly the same result as Matlab would. Inputs: rgbimage: numpy array of shape [3, height, width] Return: numpy array of shape [height, width] containing a gray-image with floating- point pixel values, in the range[(16.0/255) .. (235.0/255)] ''' # g1 = 0.299*rgbFrame[0,:,:] + 0.587*rgbFrame[1,:,:] + # 0.114*rgbFrame[2,:,:] #standard coeffs CCIR601 # this is how it's done in matlab... rgbImage = rgbImage / 255.0 C0 = 65.481 / 255.0 C1 = 128.553 / 255.0 C2 = 24.966 / 255.0 scaleMin = 16.0 / 255.0 # scaleMax = 235.0/255.0 gray = scaleMin + \ (C0 * rgbImage[0, :, :] + C1 * rgbImage[1, :, :] + C2 * rgbImage[2, :, :]) return gray """ SSIM: Structural Similarity index between two gray-level images. The dynamic range is assumed to be 0..255. Ref:Z. Wang, A.C. Bovik, H.R. Sheikh and E.P. Simoncelli: "Image Quality Assessment: From error measurement to Structural Similarity" IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 13(1), 01/2004 @param refImage: 2D numpy array (reference image) @param testImage: 2D numpy array (test image) Both input images should have the same dimensions. This is assumed, and not verified in this function @return ssim: float-scalar. The mean structural similarity between the 2 input images. @return ssim_map: the SSIM index map of the test image (this map is smaller than the test image). """ def ssim(refImage, testImage): """Compute and return SSIM between two images. Parameters: refImage: 2D numpy array (reference image) testImage: 2D numpy array (test image) Returns: Returns ssim and ssim_map ssim: float-scalar. The mean structural similarity between the 2 input images. ssim_map: the SSIM index map of the test image (this map is smaller than the test image). """ M = refImage.shape[0] N = refImage.shape[1] winSz = 11 # window size for gaussian filter winSgm = 1.5 # sigma for gaussian filter # input image should be at least 11x11 in size. if(M < winSz) or (N < winSz): ssim_index = -np.inf ssim_map = -np.inf return ssim_index, ssim_map # construct the gaussian filter gwin = gauss_2d((winSz, winSz), winSgm) # constants taken from the initial matlab implementation provided by # Bovik's lab. K1 = 0.01 K2 = 0.03 L = 255 # dynamic range. C1 = (K1 * L) * (K1 * L) C2 = (K2 * L) * (K2 * L) # refImage=refImage.astype(np.float) # testImage=testImage.astype(np.float) # ssg is scipy.signal mu1 = ssg.convolve2d(refImage, gwin, mode='valid') mu2 = ssg.convolve2d(testImage, gwin, mode='valid') mu1Sq = mu1 * mu1 mu2Sq = mu2 * mu2 mu1_mu2 = mu1 * mu2 sigma1_sq = ssg.convolve2d( (refImage * refImage), gwin, mode='valid') - mu1Sq sigma2_sq = ssg.convolve2d( (testImage * testImage), gwin, mode='valid') - mu1Sq sigma12 = ssg.convolve2d( (refImage * testImage), gwin, mode='valid') - mu1_mu2 assert (C1 > 0 and C2 > 0), "Conditions for computing ssim with this " "code are not met. Set the Ks and L to values > 0." num1 = (2.0 * mu1_mu2 + C1) * (2.0 * sigma12 + C2) den1 = (mu1Sq + mu2Sq + C1) * (sigma1_sq + sigma2_sq + C2) ssim_map = num1 / den1 ssim = np.average(ssim_map) return ssim, ssim_map def vif(refImage, testImage): """ VIF: Visual Information Fidelity measure. Ref: H.R. Sheikh and A.C. Bovik: "Image Information and Visual Quality", IEEE Trans. Image Processing. Adapted from Galbally's matlab code, which was provided by Bovik et al's LIVE lab. @param refImage: 2D numpy array (reference image) @param testImage: 2D numpy array (test image) Both input images should have the same dimensions. This is assumed, and not verified in this function @return vifp: float-scalar. Measure of visual information fidelity between the 2 input images """ sigma_nsq = 2.0 num = 0 den = 0 # sc is scale, taking values (1,2,3,4) for sc in range(1, 5): N = (2**(4 - sc + 1)) + 1 win = gauss_2d((N, N), (float(N) / 5.0)) if sc > 1: refImage = ssg.convolve2d(refImage, win, mode='valid') testImage = ssg.convolve2d(testImage, win, mode='valid') # downsample by factor 2 in each direction refImage = refImage[::2, ::2] testImage = testImage[::2, ::2] mu1 = ssg.convolve2d(refImage, win, mode='valid') mu2 = ssg.convolve2d(testImage, win, mode='valid') mu1Sq = mu1 * mu1 mu2Sq = mu2 * mu2 mu1_mu2 = mu1 * mu2 sigma1_sq = ssg.convolve2d( (refImage * refImage), win, mode='valid') - mu1Sq sigma2_sq = ssg.convolve2d( (testImage * testImage), win, mode='valid') - mu2Sq sigma12 = ssg.convolve2d( (refImage * testImage), win, mode='valid') - mu1_mu2 sigma1_sq[sigma1_sq < 0] = 0 # set negative filter responses to 0. sigma2_sq[sigma2_sq < 0] = 0 g = sigma12 / (sigma1_sq + 1e-10) sv_sq = sigma2_sq - g * sigma12 g[(sigma1_sq < 1e-10)] = 0 sv_sq[sigma1_sq < 1e-10] = sigma2_sq[sigma1_sq < 1e-10] sigma1_sq[sigma1_sq < 1e-10] = 0 g[(sigma2_sq < 1e-10)] = 0 sv_sq[sigma2_sq < 1e-10] = 0 sv_sq[g < 0] = sigma2_sq[g < 0] g[g < 0] = 0 # sic. As implemented in the original matlab version... sv_sq[sv_sq <= 1e-10] = 1e-10 m1 = g * g * sigma1_sq m2 = sv_sq + sigma_nsq m3 = np.log10(1 + m1 / m2) m4 = np.log10(1 + (sigma1_sq / sigma_nsq)) num += np.sum(m3) den += np.sum(m4) vifp = num / den return vifp def high_low_freq_index(imgFFT, ncols): """ HLFI: relative difference between high- and low-frequency energy in image. Ref: I. Avcibas, N. Memon, B. Sankur: "Steganalysis using image quality metrics", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 12, 2003. @param imgFFT: 2D numpy array of complex numbers, representing Fourier transform of test image. @param ncols: int. Number of columns in image. @return float-scalar. """ N = ncols colHalf = int(round(N / 2)) # (N/2) + (N % 2) #round it up freqSel = 0.15 freqCol = round(freqSel * N) lowFreqColHalf = int(round(freqCol / 2.0)) fftRes = imgFFT # np.fft.fft2(image) fftMag = np.abs(fftRes) totalEnergy = np.sum(fftMag) # print(totalEnergy) lowIdx = colHalf - lowFreqColHalf hiIdx = colHalf + lowFreqColHalf LowFreqMag = fftMag[:, lowIdx:hiIdx] lowFreqMagTotal = np.sum(LowFreqMag) fftMag[:, lowIdx:hiIdx] = 0 highFreqMagTotal = np.sum(fftMag) highLowFreqIQ = np.abs( lowFreqMagTotal - highFreqMagTotal) / float(totalEnergy) return highLowFreqIQ def gradient_similarity(refImage, testImage): """ Image similarity based on gradient. Computes the mean phase and magnitude difference of gradient between input reference and test images. Ref: I. Avcibas, N. Memon, B. Sankur: "Steganalysis using image quality metrics", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 12, 2003. @param refImage: 2D numpy array (reference image) @param testImage: 2D numpy array (test image) Both input images should have the same dimensions. This is assumed, and not verified in this function. @return difGradMag: float-scalar. Mean difference in gradient- magnitude. @return difGradPhase: float-scalar. Mean difference in gradient-phase. """ # we assume that testImage is of the same shape as refImage numPx = refImage.shape[0] * refImage.shape[1] # compute gradient (a la matlab) for reference image # 5: spacing of 5 pixels between 2 sites of grad. evaluation. refGrad = np.gradient(refImage, 5, 5) refReal = refGrad[0] refImag = refGrad[1] refGradComplex = refReal + 1j * refImag refMag = np.abs(refGradComplex) refPhase = np.arctan2(refImag, refReal) # compute gradient for test image # 5: spacing of 5 pixels between 2 sites of grad. evaluation. It applies # to both dims. testGrad = np.gradient(testImage, 5) testReal = testGrad[0] testImag = testGrad[1] testGradComplex = testReal + 1j * testImag testMag = np.abs(testGradComplex) testPhase = np.arctan2(testImag, testReal) absPhaseDiff = np.abs(refPhase - testPhase) difGradPhase = (np.sum(absPhaseDiff)) / float(numPx) absMagDiff = np.abs(refMag - testMag) difGradMag = float(np.sum(absMagDiff)) / float(numPx) return difGradMag, difGradPhase def testRegionalMax(): A = 10 * np.ones([10, 10]) A[1:4, 1:4] = 22 A[5:8, 5:8] = 33 A[1, 6] = 44 A[2, 7] = 45 A[3, 8] = 44 rm = regionalmax(A) print(A) print(rm) def regionalmax(img): """ find local maxima using 3x3 mask. Used in corner_similarity() Should produce results very similar to matlabs imregionalmax() @param img: 2d numpy array. Image-like, containing a 'cornerness'-index for every pixel. @return regmax: 2d numpy array. Binary image showing corners (which are regions of local maxima in input image). """ h = img.shape[0] w = img.shape[1] # extend input image borders by repeating border-values b = np.zeros((img.shape[0] + 2, img.shape[1] + 2)) b[1:-1, 1:-1] = img b[0, :] = b[1, :] b[:, 0] = b[:, 1] b[-1, :] = b[-2, :] b[:, -1] = b[:, -2] # will contain the output bitmap showing local maxima. regmax = np.zeros((h, w), dtype='uint8') for i in range(1, h + 1): for j in range(1, w + 1): subim = b[i - 1:i + 2, j - 1:j + 2] lmax = np.amax(subim) lmin = np.amin(subim) if b[i, j] == lmax and b[i, j] > lmin: regmax[i - 1, j - 1] = 1 for i in range(1, h): for j in range(w): if regmax[i, j] == 1: imin = i - 1 if imin < 0: imin = 0 imax = i + 2 if imax > h: imax = h for k in range(imin, imax): jmin = j - 1 if jmin < 0: jmin = 0 jmax = j + 2 if jmax > w: jmax = w for l in range(jmin, jmax): if(img[k, l] == img[i, j]): regmax[k, l] = 1 return regmax def cornerMetric(image): """ returns a 'cornerness' image, where each pixel-value specifies the 'degree of cornerness' of the corresponding pixel in input image The 'cornerness' image is of size (N-2, M-2) for an input image of size (N,M) (no cornerness computed for the border pixel of input.) @param image: 2d numpy array. Input image for which cornerness needs to be computed. @return cornerness: 2d numpy array giving a 'cornerness'-value for the input image. """ image = image.astype(np.float) sensitivity_factor = 0.4 gwin = gauss_2d((5, 5), 1.5) vfilt = np.array([-1, 0, 1], ndmin=2) hfilt = vfilt.T A = ssg.convolve2d(image, vfilt, boundary='symm', mode='same') B = ssg.convolve2d(image, hfilt, boundary='symm', mode='same') # crop out the valid portions of the filter-response (same size for both A # and B) A = A[1:-2, 1:-2] B = B[1:-2, 1:-2] # compute products of A, B, C C = A * B A = A * A B = B * B # filter A, B, and C A = ssg.convolve2d(A, gwin, boundary='symm', mode='valid') B = ssg.convolve2d(B, gwin, boundary='symm', mode='valid') C = ssg.convolve2d(C, gwin, boundary='symm', mode='valid') ABsum = A + B cornerness = (A * B) - (C * C) - sensitivity_factor * (ABsum * ABsum) return cornerness def corner_similarity(refImage, testImage): ''' compute the corner-based similarity between 2 images (how close are the numbers of corners found in the two images?). returns an index between 0 and 1. The smaller the better. @param refImage: 2D numpy array (reference image) @param testImage: 2D numpy array (test image) @return float-scalar. ''' C = cornerMetric(refImage) C_peaks = regionalmax(C) # imshow(C_peaks) CG = cornerMetric(testImage) CG_peaks = regionalmax(CG) nCornersRef = np.sum(C_peaks) nCornersTest = np.sum(CG_peaks) # print('CornerSim:: %f %f', %(nCornersRef, nCornersTest) ) maxCorners = max(nCornersRef, nCornersTest) qCornersDiff = np.fabs(nCornersRef - nCornersTest) / float(maxCorners) return qCornersDiff def edge_similarity(refImage, testImage): """ Similarity between the edge-maps of the two input images. Ref: I. Avcibas, N. Memon, B. Sankur: "Steganalysis using image quality metrics", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 12, 2003. @param refImage: 2D numpy array (reference image) @param testImage: 2D numpy array (test image) @return float-scalar """ # bob..sobel returns filter-responses which need to be thresholded to get # the edge-map thinning = 1 refImage = refImage.astype(np.float) # compute edge map for reference image # returns 3D image. 1st dim is the edge-direction. 1st component is # vertical; 2nd component is hor. responses refSobel_sep = bob.ip.base.sobel(refImage) refSobelX = refSobel_sep[0, :, :] refSobelY = refSobel_sep[1, :, :] refEdge = edge_thinning(refSobelX[:, :], refSobelY[:, :], thinning) # compute edge map for test image testSobel_sep = bob.ip.base.sobel(testImage) testSobelX = testSobel_sep[0, :, :] testSobelY = testSobel_sep[1, :, :] testEdge = edge_thinning(testSobelX[:, :], testSobelY[:, :], thinning) numPx = refImage.shape[0] * refImage.shape[1] numRefEdgePx = np.sum(refEdge) numTestEdgePx = np.sum(testEdge) qEdgeD = np.abs(numRefEdgePx - numTestEdgePx) / float(numPx) return qEdgeD def edge_thinning(bx, by, thinning=1): """ function to perform edge-thining in the same way as done in Matlab. Called in edge_similarity() Returns a binary edge-map (uint8 image). @param bx: vertical edge-filter responses (for example, response of 1 of the two Sobel filters) @param by: horizontal edge-filter responses @param thinning: [0,1]. Default:1, implies 'do edge-thinning'. If set to 0, no edge-thinning is done. bx and by should be of the same shape """ assert(len(bx.shape) == 2) and \ (len(by.shape) == 2), "bx and by should be 2D arrays." assert(bx.shape[0] == by.shape[0]) and \ (bx.shape[1] == by.shape[1]), "bx and by should have the same shape." m = bx.shape[0] n = by.shape[1] # will contain the resulting edge-map. e = np.zeros([m, n], dtype=np.uint8) # compute the edge-strength from the 2 directional filter-responses b = np.sqrt(bx * bx + by * by) # compute the threshold a la Matlab (as described in "Digital Image # Processing" book by W.K. Pratt. scale = 4 cutoff = scale * np.mean(b) # np.spacing(1) is the same as eps in matlab. myEps = np.spacing(1) * 100.0 # compute the edge-map a la Matlab if not thinning: e = b > cutoff else: b1 = np.ones_like(b, dtype=bool) b2 = np.ones_like(b, dtype=bool) b3 = np.ones_like(b, dtype=bool) b4 = np.ones_like(b, dtype=bool) c1 = b > cutoff b1[:, 1:] = (np.roll(b, 1, axis=1) < b)[:, 1:] b2[:, :-1] = (np.roll(b, -1, axis=1) < b)[:, :-1] c2 = (bx >= (by - myEps)) & b1 & b2 b3[1:, :] = (np.roll(b, 1, axis=0) < b)[1:, :] b4[:-1, 1:] = (np.roll(b, -1, axis=0) < b)[:-1, 1:] c3 = (by >= (bx - myEps)) & b3 & b4 e = c1 & (c2 | c3) return e def spectral_similarity(refImage, testImage): """ @param refImage: 2D numpy array (reference image) @param testImage: 2D numpy array (test image) @return sme: float-scalar. Mean difference in magnitudes of spectra of the two images. @return spe: float-scalar. Mean difference in phases of spectra of the two images. """ # assume that ref and test images have the same shape rows = refImage.shape[0] cols = refImage.shape[1] numPx = rows * cols fftRef = np.fft.rfft2(refImage) fftTest = np.fft.rfft2(testImage) refMag = np.abs(fftRef) testMag = np.abs(fftTest) absMagDiff = np.abs(refMag - testMag) # SME: spectral magnitude error sme = np.sum(absMagDiff * absMagDiff) / float(numPx) # SPE: spectral phase error refPhase = np.angle(fftRef) testPhase = np.angle(fftTest) absPhaseDiff = np.abs(refPhase - testPhase) spe = np.sum(absPhaseDiff * absPhaseDiff) / float(numPx) return sme, spe def angle_similarity(refImage, testImage, diffImage): """ Cosine-Similarity between the the rows of the two input images. Ref: I. Avcibas, N. Memon, B. Sankur: "Steganalysis using image quality metrics", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 12, 2003. @param refImage: 2D numpy array (reference image) @param testImage: 2D numpy array (test image) @param diffImage: 2D numpy array. Difference between refImage and testImage. Not strictly necessary as input but precomputed here, to save computation time. @return mas: float-scalar. Mean angle-similarity. @return mams: float-scalar. Mean angle-magnitude similarity. """ mas = None mams = None numPx = refImage.shape[0] * refImage.shape[1] refNorm = np.linalg.norm(refImage, axis=1) testNorm = np.linalg.norm(testImage, axis=1) diffNorm = np.linalg.norm(diffImage, axis=1) magnitVec = diffNorm / 255.0 # Galbally divides by sqrt(255**2) magnitVec = np.reshape(magnitVec, (refImage.shape[0], 1)) # np.einsum('ij,ij->i',a,b) is equivalent to np.diag(,b.T)) cosTheta = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', refImage, testImage) / \ (refNorm * testNorm) cosTheta[cosTheta < -1.0] = -1.0 cosTheta[cosTheta > 1.0] = 1.0 cosTheta = np.nan_to_num(cosTheta) thetaVec = np.arccos(cosTheta).reshape((refImage.shape[0], 1)) tmp2 = thetaVec * 2.0 / np.pi # MAS: mean angle similarity mas = 1.0 - (sum(tmp2) / float(numPx)) tmp3 = 1.0 - tmp2 tmp4 = 1.0 - magnitVec chi = 1.0 - (tmp3 * tmp4) # MAMS: mean angle-magnitude similarity mams = sum(chi) / float(numPx) return (float(mas), float(mams)) def gauss_2d(shape=(3, 3), sigma=0.5): """ Returns a 2D gaussian-filter matrix equivalent of matlab fspecial('gaussian'...) Works correctly. @param shape: tuple defining the size of the desired filter in each dimension. Elements of tuple should be 2 positive odd-integers. @param sigma: float-scalar @return h: 2D numpy array. Contains weights for 2D gaussian filter. 2D gaussian mask - should give the same result as MATLAB's fspecial('gaussian',[shape],[sigma]) """ m, n = [(ss - 1.) / 2. for ss in shape] y, x = np.ogrid[-m:m + 1, -n:n + 1] h = np.exp(-(x * x + y * y) / (2. * sigma * sigma)) h[h < np.finfo(h.dtype).eps * h.max()] = 0 sumh = h.sum() if sumh != 0: h /= sumh return h def gaussianSmooth(image): ''' returns a smoothed version of input gray-level image smoothing is done using a fixed 3x3 gaussian filter (sigma=0.5) ''' # perform Gaussian filtering # radius=1 creates a 3x3 filter. gaussian = bob.ip.base.Gaussian(sigma=(0.5, 0.5), radius=(1, 1)) return gaussian(image)