import bob.ip.base
import bob.ip.color
import numpy
import os
import collections
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('bob.ip.facedetect')
from .utils import bounding_box_from_annotation, parallel_part, quasi_random_indices
from .._library import BoundingBox, FeatureExtractor
[docs]class TrainingSet:
"""A set of images including bounding boxes that are used as a training set
The ``TrainingSet`` incorporates information about the data used to train the face detector.
It is heavily bound to the scripts to re-train the face detector, which are documented in section :ref:`retrain_detector`.
The training set can be in several stages, which are optimized for speed.
First, training data is collected in different ways and stored in one or more list files.
These list files contain the location of the image files, and where the face bounding boxes in the according images are.
Then, positive and negative features from one or more file lists are extracted and stored in a given ``feature_directory``, where 'positive' features represent faces, and 'negative' features represent the background.
Finally, the training is performed using only these features only, without keeping track of where they actually stem from.
**Constructor Documentation**
Creates an empty training set.
``feature_directory`` : str
The name of a temporary directory, where (intermediate) features will be stored.
This directory should be able to store several 100GB of data.
def __init__(self, feature_directory = None):
self.feature_directory = feature_directory
self.image_paths = []
self.bounding_boxes = []
self.positive_indices = set()
self.negative_indices = set()
[docs] def add_image(self, image_path, annotations):
"""Adds an image and its bounding boxes to the current list of files
The bounding boxes are automatically estimated based on the given annotations.
``image_path`` : str
The file name of the image, including its full path
``annotations`` : [dict]
A list of annotations, i.e., where each annotation can be anything that :py:func:`bounding_box_from_annotation` can handle; this list can be empty, in case the image does not contain any faces
self.bounding_boxes.append([bounding_box_from_annotation(**a) for a in annotations])
[docs] def add_from_db(self, database, files):
"""Adds images and bounding boxes for the given files of a database that follows the :py:ref:` <>` interface.
``database`` : a derivative of :py:class:``
The database interface, which provides file names and annotations for the given ``files``
``files`` : :py:class:`` or compatible
The files (as returned by :py:meth:``) which should be added to the training list
for f in files:
annotation = database.annotations(f)
image_path = database.original_file_name(f)
self.add_image(image_path, [annotation])
[docs] def save(self, list_file):
"""Saves the current list of annotations to the given file.
``list_file`` : str
The name of a list file to write the currently stored list into
with open(list_file, 'w') as f:
for i in range(len(self.image_paths)):
for bbx in self.bounding_boxes[i]:
f.write("\t[%f %f %f %f]" % (bbx.top_f, bbx.left_f, bbx.size_f[0], bbx.size_f[1]))
[docs] def load(self, list_file):
"""Loads the list of annotations from the given file and **appends** it to the current list.
``list_file`` : str
The name of a list file to load and append
with open(list_file) as f:
for line in f:
if line and line[0] != '#':
splits = line.split()
bounding_boxes = []
for i in range(1, len(splits), 4):
assert splits[i][0] == '[' and splits[i+3][-1] == ']'
bounding_boxes.append(BoundingBox(topleft=(float(splits[i][1:]), float(splits[i+1])), size=(float(splits[i+2]), float(splits[i+3][:-1]))))
[docs] def iterate(self, max_number_of_files=None):
"""iterate([max_number_of_files]) -> image, bounding_boxes, image_file
Yields the image and the bounding boxes stored in the training set as an iterator.
This function loads the images and converts them to gray-scale.
It yields the image, the list of bounding boxes and the original image file name.
``max_number_of_files`` : int or ``None``
If specified, limit the number of returned data by sub-selection using :py:func:`quasi_random_indices`
``image`` : array_like(2D)
The image loaded from file and converted to gray scale
``bounding_boxes`` : [:py:class:`BoundingBox`]
A list of bounding boxes, where faces are found in the image; might be empty (in case of pure background images)
`` image_file`` : str
The name of the original image that was read
indices = quasi_random_indices(len(self), max_number_of_files)
for index in indices:
image =[index])
if len(image.shape) == 3:
image = bob.ip.color.rgb_to_gray(image)
# return image and bounding box as iterator
yield image, self.bounding_boxes[index], self.image_paths[index]
def _feature_file(self, parallel = None, index = None):
"""Returns the name of an intermediate file for storing features."""
if index is None:
index = 0 if parallel is None or "SGE_TASK_ID" not in os.environ else int(os.environ["SGE_TASK_ID"])
return os.path.join(self.feature_directory, "Features_%02d.hdf5" % index)
def __len__(self):
"""Returns the number of files stored inside this training set."""
return len(self.image_paths)
[docs] def sample(self, model = None, maximum_number_of_positives = None, maximum_number_of_negatives = None, positive_indices = None, negative_indices = None):
"""sample([model], [maximum_number_of_positives], [maximum_number_of_negatives], [positive_indices], [negative_indices]) -> positives, negatives
Returns positive and negative samples from the set of positives and negatives.
This reads the previously extracted feature file (or all of them, in case features were extracted in parallel) and returns features.
If the ``model`` is not specified, a random sub-selection of positive and negative features is returned.
When the ``model`` is given, all patches are first classified with the given ``model``, and the ones that are mis-classified most are returned.
The number of returned positives and negatives can be limited by specifying the ``maximum_number_of_positives`` and ``maximum_number_of_negatives``.
This function keeps track of the positives and negatives that it once has returned, so it does not return the same positive or negative feature twice.
However, when you have to restart training from a given point, you can set the ``positive_indices`` and ``negative_indices`` parameters, to retrieve the features for the given indices.
In this case, no additional features are selected, but the given sets of indices are stored internally.
.. note::
The ``positive_indices`` and ``negative_indices`` only have an effect, when ``model`` is ``None``.
``model`` : :py:class:`bob.learn.boosting.BoostedMachine` or ``None``
If given, the ``model`` is used to predict the training features, and the highest mis-predicted features are returned
``maximum_number_of_positives, maximum_number_of_negatives`` : int
The maximum number of positive and negative features to be returned
``positive_indices, negative_indices`` : set(int) or ``None``
The set of positive and negative indices to extract features for, instead of randomly choosing indices; only considered when ``model = None``
``positives, negatives`` : array_like(2D, uint16)
The new set of training features for the positive class (faces) and negative class (background).
# get all existing feature files
feature_file = self._feature_file(index = 0)
if os.path.exists(feature_file):
feature_files = [feature_file]
feature_files = []
i = 1
while True:
feature_file = self._feature_file(index = i)
if not os.path.exists(feature_file):
i += 1
features = []
labels = []
# make a first iteration through the feature files and count the number of positives and negatives
positive_count, negative_count = 0, 0"Reading %d feature files", len(feature_files))
for feature_file in feature_files:
logger.debug(".. Loading file %s", feature_file)
hdf5 =
positive_count += hdf5.get("TotalPositives")
negative_count += hdf5.get("TotalNegatives")
del hdf5
if model is None:
# get a list of indices and store them, so that we don't re-use them next time
if positive_indices is None:
positive_indices = set(quasi_random_indices(positive_count, maximum_number_of_positives))
if negative_indices is None:
negative_indices = set(quasi_random_indices(negative_count, maximum_number_of_negatives))
self.positive_indices |= positive_indices
self.negative_indices |= negative_indices
# now, iterate through the files again and sample
positive_indices = collections.deque(sorted(positive_indices))
negative_indices = collections.deque(sorted(negative_indices))"Extracting %d of %d positive and %d of %d negative samples" % (len(positive_indices), positive_count, len(negative_indices), negative_count))
positive_count, negative_count = 0, 0
for feature_file in feature_files:
hdf5 =
for image in sorted(hdf5.sub_groups(recursive=False, relative=True)):
for scale in sorted(hdf5.keys(relative=True)):
read = hdf5.get(scale)
size = read.shape[0]
if scale.startswith("Positives"):
# copy positive data
while positive_indices and positive_count <= positive_indices[0] and positive_count + size > positive_indices[0]:
assert positive_indices[0] >= positive_count
features.append(read[positive_indices.popleft() - positive_count, :])
positive_count += size
# copy negative data
while negative_indices and negative_count <= negative_indices[0] and negative_count + size > negative_indices[0]:
assert negative_indices[0] >= negative_count
features.append(read[negative_indices.popleft() - negative_count, :])
negative_count += size"..")
# return features and labels
return numpy.array(features), numpy.array(labels)
positive_count -= len(self.positive_indices)
negative_count -= len(self.negative_indices)"Getting worst %d of %d positive and worst %d of %d negative examples", min(maximum_number_of_positives, positive_count), positive_count, min(maximum_number_of_negatives, negative_count), negative_count)
# compute the worst features based on the current model
worst_positives, worst_negatives = [], []
positive_count, negative_count = 0, 0
for feature_file in feature_files:
hdf5 =
for image in sorted(hdf5.sub_groups(recursive=False, relative=True)):
for scale in sorted(hdf5.keys(relative=True)):
read = hdf5.get(scale)
size = read.shape[0]
prediction = bob.blitz.array((size,), numpy.float64)
# forward features through the model
result = model.forward(read, prediction)
if scale.startswith("Positives"):
indices = [i for i in range(size) if positive_count + i not in self.positive_indices]
worst_positives.extend([(prediction[i], positive_count + i, read[i]) for i in indices if prediction[i] <= 0])
positive_count += size
indices = [i for i in range(size) if negative_count + i not in self.negative_indices]
worst_negatives.extend([(prediction[i], negative_count + i, read[i]) for i in indices if prediction[i] >= 0])
negative_count += size"..")
# cut off good results
if maximum_number_of_positives is not None and len(worst_positives) > maximum_number_of_positives:
# keep only the positives with the low predictions (i.e., the worst)
worst_positives = sorted(worst_positives, key=lambda k: k[0])[:maximum_number_of_positives]
if maximum_number_of_negatives is not None and len(worst_negatives) > maximum_number_of_negatives:
# keep only the negatives with the high predictions (i.e., the worst)
worst_negatives = sorted(worst_negatives, reverse=True, key=lambda k: k[0])[:maximum_number_of_negatives]
# mark all indices to be used
self.positive_indices |= set(k[1] for k in worst_positives)
self.negative_indices |= set(k[1] for k in worst_negatives)
# finally, collect features and labels
return numpy.array([f[2] for f in worst_positives] + [f[2] for f in worst_negatives]), numpy.array([1]*len(worst_positives) + [-1]*len(worst_negatives))