
COVD-HRF + SSL for Vessel Segmentation

  • Configuration resolution: 1168 x 1648

The dataset available in this file is composed of DRIVE STARE, CHASE-DB1, and IOSTAR vessel (with annotated samples), and HRF “default” training set, without labels, for training, and HRF’s “default” test set, for evaluation.

For details on datasets, consult:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8

"""COVD-HRF + SSL for Vessel Segmentation

* Configuration resolution: 1168 x 1648

The dataset available in this file is composed of DRIVE STARE, CHASE-DB1, and
IOSTAR vessel (with annotated samples), and HRF "default" training set, without
labels, for training, and HRF's "default" test set, for evaluation.

For details on datasets, consult:

* :py:mod:``
* :py:mod:``
* :py:mod:``
* :py:mod:``
* :py:mod:``

from bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.hrf.covd import dataset as _covd
from bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.hrf.default import dataset as _baseline
from import SSLDataset

# copy dictionary and replace only the augmented train dataset
dataset = dict(**_covd)
dataset["__train__"] = SSLDataset(_covd["__train__"], _baseline["__train__"])