#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Tools for self-building and other utilities."""
import contextlib
import copy
import distutils.version
import glob
import json
import logging
import os
import platform
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import click
import conda_build.api
import yaml
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def root_logger_protection():
"""Protects the root logger against spurious (conda) manipulation"""
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
level = root_logger.level
handlers = copy.copy(root_logger.handlers)
root_logger.handlers = handlers
[docs]def load_order_file(path):
"""Loads an order.txt style file, removes empty lines and comments."""
with open(path, "rt") as f:
return comment_cleanup(f.readlines())
[docs]def conda_arch():
"""Returns the current OS name and architecture as recognized by conda."""
r = "unknown"
if platform.system().lower() == "linux":
r = "linux"
elif platform.system().lower() == "darwin":
r = "osx"
raise RuntimeError('Unsupported system "%s"' % platform.system())
if platform.machine().lower() == "x86_64":
r += "-64"
elif platform.machine().lower() in ("arm64", "aarch64"):
r += platform.machine().lower()
raise RuntimeError('Unsupported machine type "%s"' % platform.machine())
return r
[docs]def should_skip_build(metadata_tuples):
"""Takes the output of render_recipe as input and evaluates if this
recipe's build should be skipped."""
return all(m[0].skip() for m in metadata_tuples)
[docs]def next_build_number(channel_url, basename):
"""Calculates the next build number of a package given the channel.
This function returns the next build number (integer) for a package given
its resulting tarball base filename (can be obtained with
channel_url: The URL where to look for packages clashes (normally a beta
basename: The tarball basename to check on the channel
Returns: The next build number with the current configuration. Zero (0) is
returned if no match is found. Also returns the URLs of the packages it
finds with matches on the name, version and python-version, ordered by
(reversed) build-number.
from conda.core.index import calculate_channel_urls
from conda.exports import fetch_index
# get the channel index
channel_urls = calculate_channel_urls(
[channel_url], prepend=False, use_local=False
logger.debug("Downloading channel index from %s", channel_urls)
index = fetch_index(channel_urls=channel_urls)
# remove .tar.bz2/.conda from name, then split from the end twice, on '-'
if basename.endswith(".tar.bz2"):
name, version, build = basename[:-8].rsplit("-", 2)
elif basename.endswith(".conda"):
name, version, build = basename[:-6].rsplit("-", 2)
raise RuntimeError(
"Package name %s does not end in either "
".tar.bz2 or .conda" % (basename,)
# remove the build number as we're looking for the next value
# examples to be coped with:
# vlfeat-0.9.20-0 -> '0'
# vlfeat-0.9.21-h18fa195_0 -> 'h18fa195_0'
# tqdm-4.11.1-py36_0 -> 'py36_0'
# websocket-client-0.47.0-py27haf68d3b_0 -> 'py27haf68d3b_0'
# websocket-client-0.47.0-py36haf68d3b_0 -> 'py36haf68d3b_0'
build_variant = build.rsplit("_", 1)[0]
# vlfeat-0.9.20-0 -> '0'
# vlfeat-0.9.21-h18fa195_0 -> 'h18fa195'
# tqdm-4.11.1-py36_0 -> 'py36'
# websocket-client-0.47.0-py27haf68d3b_0 -> 'py27haf68d3b'
# websocket-client-0.47.0-py36haf68d3b_0 -> 'py36haf68d3b'
build_variant = build_variant.split("h", 1)[0]
# vlfeat-0.9.20-0 -> '0'
# vlfeat-0.9.21-h18fa195_0 -> ''
# tqdm-4.11.1-py36_0 -> 'py36'
# websocket-client-0.47.0-py27haf68d3b_0 -> 'py27'
# websocket-client-0.47.0-py36haf68d3b_0 -> 'py36'
if re.match("^[0-9]+$", build_variant) is not None:
build_variant = ""
# search if package with the same characteristics
urls = {}
build_number = 0
for dist in index:
if (
dist.name == name
and dist.version == version
and dist.build_string.startswith(build_variant)
): # match!
url = index[dist].url
"Found match at %s for %s-%s-%s",
build_number = max(build_number, dist.build_number + 1)
urls[index[dist].timestamp] = url.replace(channel_url, "")
sorted_urls = [urls[k] for k in reversed(list(urls.keys()))]
return build_number, sorted_urls
[docs]def make_conda_config(config, python, append_file, condarc_options):
"""Creates a conda configuration for a build merging various sources.
This function will use the conda-build API to construct a configuration by
merging different sources of information.
config: Path leading to the ``conda_build_config.yaml`` to use
python: The version of python to use for the build as ``x.y`` (e.g.
append_file: Path leading to the ``recipe_append.yaml`` file to use
condarc_options: A dictionary (typically read from a condarc YAML file)
that contains build and channel options
Returns: A dictionary containing the merged configuration, as produced by
conda-build API's ``get_or_merge_config()`` function.
with root_logger_protection():
from conda_build.conda_interface import url_path
retval = conda_build.api.get_or_merge_config(
retval.channel_urls = []
for url in condarc_options["channels"]:
# allow people to specify relative or absolute paths to local channels
# These channels still must follow conda rules - they must have the
# appropriate platform-specific subdir (e.g. win-64)
if os.path.isdir(url):
if not os.path.isabs(url):
url = os.path.normpath(
os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), url))
with root_logger_protection():
url = url_path(url)
return retval
[docs]def get_output_path(metadata, config):
"""Renders the recipe and returns the name of the output file."""
with root_logger_protection():
return conda_build.api.get_output_file_paths(metadata, config=config)
[docs]def use_mambabuild():
"""Will inject mamba solver to conda build API to speed up resolves"""
# only importing this module will do the job.
from boa.cli.mambabuild import prepare
[docs]def get_parsed_recipe(metadata):
"""Renders the recipe and returns the interpreted YAML file."""
with root_logger_protection():
return metadata[0][0].get_rendered_recipe_text()
[docs]def exists_on_channel(channel_url, basename):
"""Checks on the given channel if a package with the specs exist.
This procedure always ignores the package hash code, if one is set. It
differentiates between `.conda` and `.tar.bz2` packages.
channel_url: The URL where to look for packages clashes (normally a beta
basename: The basename of the tarball to search for
Returns: A complete package url, if the package already exists in the
channel or ``None`` otherwise.
build_number, urls = next_build_number(channel_url, basename)
def _get_build_number(name):
# remove .tar.bz2/.conda from name, then split from the end twice, on
# '-'
if name.endswith(".conda"):
name, version, build = name[:-6].rsplit("-", 2)
elif name.endswith(".tar.bz2"):
name, version, build = name[:-8].rsplit("-", 2)
raise RuntimeError(
"Package name %s does not end in either "
".tar.bz2 or .conda" % (name,)
# remove the build number as we're looking for the next value
# examples to be coped with:
# vlfeat-0.9.20-0 -> '0'
# vlfeat-0.9.21-h18fa195_0 -> 'h18fa195_0'
# tqdm-4.11.1-py36_0 -> 'py36_0'
# untokenize-0.1.1-py_0.conda -> 'py_0'
# websocket-client-0.47.0-py27haf68d3b_0 -> 'py27haf68d3b_0'
# websocket-client-0.47.0-py36haf68d3b_0 -> 'py36haf68d3b_0'
s = build.rsplit("_", 1)
return s[1] if len(s) == 2 else s[0]
self_build_number = _get_build_number(basename)
other_build_numbers = dict(
[(k, _get_build_number(os.path.basename(k))) for k in urls]
if self_build_number in other_build_numbers.values():
pkg_type = ".conda" if basename.endswith(".conda") else ".tar.bz2"
for k, v in other_build_numbers.items():
if k.endswith(pkg_type): # match
return "".join((channel_url, k))
[docs]def remove_pins(deps):
return [ll.split()[0] for ll in deps]
[docs]def uniq(seq, idfun=None):
"""Very fast, order preserving uniq function."""
# order preserving
if idfun is None:
def idfun(x):
return x
seen = {}
result = []
for item in seq:
marker = idfun(item)
# in old Python versions:
# if seen.has_key(marker)
# but in new ones:
if marker in seen:
seen[marker] = 1
return result
[docs]def parse_dependencies(recipe_dir, config):
metadata = get_rendered_metadata(recipe_dir, config)
recipe = get_parsed_recipe(metadata)
requirements = []
for section in ("build", "host"):
requirements += remove_pins(
recipe.get("requirements", {}).get(section, [])
# we don't remove pins for the rest of the recipe
requirements += recipe.get("requirements", {}).get("run", [])
requirements += recipe.get("test", {}).get("requires", [])
# also add conda-forge compilers to make sure source installed packages are
# compiled properly
requirements += ["compilers"]
# further requirements
requirements += [
"pip", # required for installing further packages
"ipdb", # for debugging
"pre-commit", # for quality-assurance
# remove duplicates without affecting the order
return uniq(requirements)
[docs]def get_env_directory(conda, name):
"""Get the directory of a particular conda environment or fail silently."""
cmd = [conda, "env", "list", "--json"]
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
data = json.loads(output)
paths = data.get("envs", [])
if not paths:
# real error condition, reports it at least, but no exception raising...
logger.error("No environments in conda (%s) installation?", conda)
return None
if name in ("base", "root"):
return paths[0] # first environment is base
# else, must search for the path ending in ``/name``
retval = [k for k in paths if k.endswith(os.sep + name)]
if retval:
return retval[0]
# if no environment with said name is found, return ``None``
return None
[docs]def conda_create(conda, name, overwrite, condarc, packages, dry_run, use_local):
"""Creates a new conda environment following package specifications.
This command can create a new conda environment following the list of input
packages. It will overwrite an existing environment if indicated.
conda: path to the main conda executable of the installation
name: the name of the environment to create or overwrite
overwrite: if set to ```True``, overwrite potentially existing environments
with the same name
condarc: a dictionary of options for conda, including channel urls
packages: the package list specification
dry_run: if set, then don't execute anything, just print stuff
use_local: include the local conda-bld directory as a possible installation
channel (useful for testing multiple interdependent recipes that are
built locally)
from .bootstrap import run_cmdline
specs = []
for k in packages:
k = " ".join(k.split()[:2]) # remove eventual build string
if any(elem in k for elem in "><|"):
specs.append(k.replace(" ", ""))
specs.append(k.replace(" ", "="))
# if the current environment exists, delete it first
envdir = get_env_directory(conda, name)
if envdir is not None:
if overwrite:
cmd = [conda, "env", "remove", "--yes", "--name", name]
logger.debug("$ " + " ".join(cmd))
if not dry_run:
raise RuntimeError(
"environment `%s' exists in `%s' - use "
"--overwrite to overwrite" % (name, envdir)
cmdline_channels = ["--channel=%s" % k for k in condarc["channels"]]
cmd = [
] + cmdline_channels
if dry_run:
if use_local:
# creates a .condarc file to sediment the just created environment
if not dry_run:
# get envdir again - it may just be created!
envdir = get_env_directory(conda, name)
destrc = os.path.join(envdir, "condarc")
logger.info("Creating %s...", destrc)
with open(destrc, "w") as f:
yaml.dump(condarc, f, indent=2)
[docs]def get_docserver_setup(public, stable, server, intranet, group):
"""Returns a setup for BOB_DOCUMENTATION_SERVER.
BOB_DOCUMENTATION_SERVER is used in bob.extension.utils.link_documentation
to find the links of the documentation of Bob packages. The initial servers in
the output servers list have higher priority.
What is available to build the documentation depends on the setup of
``public`` and ``stable``:
* public and stable: only returns the public stable folder
* public and not stable: only returns the public beta folder
* not public and stable: returns public and private stable folders
* not public and not stable: returns public and private beta folders
Will also look for a `sphinx` directory.
If returned, Private channels have **lower** priority over public channels
because, private packages can enventually become public.
public: Boolean indicating if we're supposed to include only public
stable: Boolean indicating if we're supposed to include only stable
server: The base address of the server containing our conda channels
intranet: Boolean indicating if we should add "private"/"public" prefixes
on the returned paths
group: The group of packages (gitlab namespace) the package we're
is part of. Values should match URL namespaces currently available on
our internal webserver. Currently, only "bob" or "beat" will work.
Returns: a string to be used by bob.extension to find dependent
documentation projects.
if (not public) and (not intranet):
raise RuntimeError(
"You cannot request for private channels and set"
" intranet=False (server=%s) - these are conflicting options"
% server
entries = []
# public documentation: always can access
prefix = "/software/%s" % group
if stable:
entries += [
+ prefix
+ "/docs/"
+ group
+ "/%(name)s/%(version)s/sphinx/",
server + prefix + "/docs/" + group + "/%(name)s/stable/sphinx/",
server + prefix + "/docs/" + group + "/%(name)s/%(version)s/",
server + prefix + "/docs/" + group + "/%(name)s/stable/",
entries += [
server + prefix + "/docs/" + group + "/%(name)s/master/sphinx/",
server + prefix + "/docs/" + group + "/%(name)s/master/",
if not public:
# add private channels, (notice they are not accessible outside idiap)
prefix = "/private"
if stable:
entries += [
+ prefix
+ "/docs/"
+ group
+ "/%(name)s/%(version)s/sphinx/",
server + prefix + "/docs/" + group + "/%(name)s/stable/sphinx/",
server + prefix + "/docs/" + group + "/%(name)s/%(version)s/",
server + prefix + "/docs/" + group + "/%(name)s/stable/",
entries += [
server + prefix + "/docs/" + group + "/%(name)s/master/sphinx/",
server + prefix + "/docs/" + group + "/%(name)s/master/",
return "|".join(entries)
[docs]def check_version(workdir, envtag):
"""Checks if the version being built and the value reported match.
This method will read the contents of the file ``version.txt`` and compare it
to the potentially set ``envtag`` (may be ``None``). If the value of
``envtag`` is different than ``None``, ensure it matches the value in
``version.txt`` or raises an exception.
workdir: The work directory where the repo of the package being built was
envtag: (optional) tag provided by the environment
Returns: A tuple with the version of the package that we're currently
building and a boolean flag indicating if the version number represents a
pre-release or a stable release.
version = open(os.path.join(workdir, "version.txt"), "rt").read().rstrip()
# if we're building a stable release, ensure a tag is set
parsed_version = distutils.version.LooseVersion(version).version
is_prerelease = any([isinstance(k, str) for k in parsed_version])
if is_prerelease:
if envtag is not None:
raise EnvironmentError(
'"version.txt" indicates version is a '
'pre-release (v%s) - but environment provided tag "%s", '
"which indicates this is a **stable** build. "
"Have you created the tag using ``bdt release``?"
% (version, envtag)
else: # it is a stable build
if envtag is None:
raise EnvironmentError(
'"version.txt" indicates version is a '
"stable build (v%s) - but there is **NO** tag environment "
"variable defined, which indicates this is **not** "
"a tagged build. Use ``bdt release`` to create stable releases"
% (version,)
if envtag[1:] != version:
raise EnvironmentError(
'"version.txt" and the value of '
"the provided tag do **NOT** agree - the former "
"reports version %s, the latter, %s" % (version, envtag[1:])
return version, is_prerelease
[docs]def git_clean_build(runner, verbose):
"""Runs git-clean to clean-up build products.
runner: A pointer to the ``run_cmdline()`` function
verbose: A boolean flag indicating if the git command should report erased
files or not
# glob wild card entries we'd like to keep
exclude_from_cleanup = [
"miniconda.sh", # the installer, cached
".cache", # eventual functional caches
"sphinx", # build artifact -- documentation
"test_results.xml", # build artifact -- tests report
"coverage.xml", # build artifact -- coverage report
# artifacts
exclude_from_cleanup += ["miniconda/conda-bld/"]
exclude_from_cleanup += glob.glob("dist/*.zip")
"Excluding the following paths from git-clean:\n - %s",
" - ".join(exclude_from_cleanup),
# decide on verbosity
flags = "-ffdx"
if not verbose:
flags += "q"
["git", "clean", flags]
+ ["--exclude=%s" % k for k in exclude_from_cleanup]
[docs]def base_build(
"""Builds a non-beat/non-bob software dependence that doesn't exist on
This function will build a software dependence that is required for our
software stack, but does not (yet) exist on the conda-forge channels. It first
check if the build should run for the current architecture, checks if the
package is not already built on our public channel and, if that is true, then
proceeds with the build of the dependence.
bootstrap: Module that should be pre-loaded so this function can be used
in a pre-bdt build
server: The base address of the server containing our conda channels
intranet: Boolean indicating if we should add "private"/"public" prefixes
on the returned paths
group: The group of packages (gitlab namespace) the package we're compiling
is part of. Values should match URL namespaces currently available on
our internal webserver. Currently, only "bob" or "beat" will work.
recipe_dir: The directory containing the recipe's ``meta.yaml`` file
conda_build_config: Path to the ``conda_build_config.yaml`` file to use
condarc_options: Pre-parsed condarc options loaded from the respective YAML
list: The list of built packages, as returned by
# if you get to this point, tries to build the package
channels, upload_channel = bootstrap.get_channels(
# alays use the correct channel list: stable and public
condarc_options["channels"] = channels
"Using the following channels during (potential) build:\n - %s",
"\n - ".join(condarc_options["channels"]),
logger.info("Merging conda configuration files...")
conda_config = make_conda_config(
conda_build_config, None, None, condarc_options
metadata = get_rendered_metadata(recipe_dir, conda_config)
arch = conda_arch()
# checks we should actually build this recipe
if should_skip_build(metadata):
'Skipping UNSUPPORTED build of "%s" on %s', recipe_dir, arch
paths = get_output_path(metadata, conda_config)
urls = [
exists_on_channel(upload_channel, os.path.basename(k)) for k in paths
if all(urls):
"Skipping build(s) for recipe at '%s' as packages with matching "
"characteristics exist (%s)",
", ".join(urls),
if any(urls):
use_urls = [k for k in urls if k]
raise RuntimeError(
"One or more packages for recipe at '%s' already exist (%s). "
"Change the package build number to trigger a build."
% (recipe_dir, ", ".join(use_urls)),
# if you get to this point, just builds the package(s)
logger.info("Building %s", recipe_dir)
with root_logger_protection():
return conda_build.api.build(recipe_dir, config=conda_config)
[docs]def load_packages_from_conda_build_config(
conda_build_config, condarc_options, with_pins=False
with open(conda_build_config, "r") as f:
content = f.read()
idx1 = content.find("# AUTOMATIC PARSING START")
idx2 = content.find("# AUTOMATIC PARSING END")
content = content[idx1:idx2]
# filter out using conda-build specific markers
from conda_build.metadata import ns_cfg, select_lines
config = make_conda_config(conda_build_config, None, None, condarc_options)
content = select_lines(content, ns_cfg(config), variants_in_place=False)
package_pins = yaml.safe_load(content)
package_names_map = package_pins.pop("package_names_map")
if with_pins:
# NB : in pins, need to strip the occasional " cuda*" suffix
# tensorflow=x.x.x cuda* -> tensorflow=x.x.x
packages = [
f"{package_names_map.get(p, p)}={str(v[0]).split(' ')[0]}"
for p, v in package_pins.items()
packages = [package_names_map.get(p, p) for p in package_pins.keys()]
return packages, package_names_map
[docs]def bob_devel(
Tests that all packages listed in bob/devtools/data/conda_build_config.yaml
can be installed in one environment.
# Load the packages and their pins in bob/devtools/data/conda_build_config.yaml
# Create a temporary conda-build recipe to test if all packages can be installed
packages, _ = load_packages_from_conda_build_config(
conda_build_config, condarc_options
recipe_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "deps", "bob-devel")
template_yaml = os.path.join(recipe_dir, "meta.template.yaml")
final_yaml = os.path.join(recipe_dir, "meta.yaml")
package_list = "\n".join(
" - {p1} {{{{ {p2} }}}}".format(
p1=p, p2=p.replace("-", "_").replace(".", "_")
for p in packages
with open(template_yaml) as fr, open(final_yaml, "w") as fw:
content = fr.read()
content = content.replace("# PACKAGE_LIST", package_list)
"Writing a conda build recipe with the following content:\n%s",
# run conda build
packages = base_build(
print(f"The following packages were built: {packages}")
default=os.environ.get("CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE", "bob"),
help="The namespace of the project being built",
"CONDA_ROOT", os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.curdir, "miniconda"))
help="The location where we should install miniconda",
default=os.environ.get("CI_PROJECT_DIR", os.path.realpath(os.curdir)),
help="The directory where the repo was cloned",
help="If executing on an internet-connected server, unset this flag",
type=click.Choice(["public", "internal", "private"]),
default=os.environ.get("CI_PROJECT_VISIBILITY", "public"),
help="The visibility level for this project",
help="If building a tag, pass it with this flag",
help="Increases the verbosity level. We always prints error and critical messages. Use a single '-v' to enable warnings, two '-vv' to enable information messages and three '-vvv' to enable debug messages [default: %(default)s]",
help="Use this flag to avoid running certain tests during the build. It forwards all settings to 'nosetests' via --eval-attr=<settings> and 'pytest' via -m=<settings>.",
def cli(
"Builds bob.devtools on the CI"
# loads the "adjacent" bootstrap module
import importlib.util
mydir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
bootstrap_file = os.path.join(mydir, "bootstrap.py")
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("bootstrap", bootstrap_file)
bootstrap = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
server = bootstrap._SERVER
bootstrap.setup_logger(logger, verbose)
bootstrap.set_environment("LANG", "en_US.UTF-8")
bootstrap.set_environment("LC_ALL", os.environ["LANG"])
bootstrap.set_environment("NOSE_EVAL_ATTR", test_mark_expr)
bootstrap.set_environment("PYTEST_ADDOPTS", f"-m '{test_mark_expr}'")
# create the build configuration
conda_build_config = os.path.join(
work_dir, "conda", "conda_build_config.yaml"
condarc = os.path.join(conda_root, "condarc")
logger.info("Loading (this build's) CONDARC file from %s...", condarc)
with open(condarc, "rb") as f:
condarc_options = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
# dump packages at conda_root
prefix = get_env_directory(os.environ["CONDA_EXE"], "base")
if condarc_options.get("conda-build", {}).get("root-dir") is None:
condarc_options["croot"] = os.path.join(prefix, "conda-bld")
# get information about the version of the package being built
version, is_prerelease = check_version(work_dir, tag)
bootstrap.set_environment("BOB_PACKAGE_VERSION", version)
public = visibility == "public"
channels, upload_channel = bootstrap.get_channels(
stable=(not is_prerelease),
intranet=(not internet),
condarc_options["channels"] = channels + ["conda-forge"]
# populate ctx.obj
ctx.obj["verbose"] = verbose
ctx.obj["conda_root"] = conda_root
ctx.obj["group"] = group
ctx.obj["bootstrap"] = bootstrap
ctx.obj["server"] = server
ctx.obj["work_dir"] = work_dir
ctx.obj["internet"] = internet
ctx.obj["condarc_options"] = condarc_options
ctx.obj["conda_build_config"] = conda_build_config
ctx.obj["upload_channel"] = upload_channel
def build_bob_devel(obj):
intranet=not obj["internet"],
git_clean_build(obj["bootstrap"].run_cmdline, verbose=(obj["verbose"] >= 3))
def build_deps(obj):
"""builds all dependencies in the 'deps' subdirectory - or at least checks
these dependencies are already available; these dependencies go directly
to the public channel once built
recipes = load_order_file(os.path.join("deps", "order.txt"))
for k, recipe in enumerate([os.path.join("deps", k) for k in recipes]):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(recipe, "meta.yaml")):
# ignore - not a conda package
not obj["internet"],
git_clean_build(obj["bootstrap"].run_cmdline, verbose=(obj["verbose"] >= 3))
help="If set, then performs the equivalent of a 'twine check' on the generated python package (zip file)",
def build_devtools(obj, twine_check):
bootstrap = obj["bootstrap"]
condarc_options = obj["condarc_options"]
conda_build_config = obj["conda_build_config"]
work_dir = obj["work_dir"]
upload_channel = obj["upload_channel"]
recipe_append = os.path.join(work_dir, "data", "recipe_append.yaml")
"Using the following channels during build:\n - %s",
"\n - ".join(condarc_options["channels"]),
logger.info("Merging conda configuration files...")
conda_config = make_conda_config(
conda_build_config, None, recipe_append, condarc_options
recipe_dir = os.path.join(obj["work_dir"], "conda")
metadata = get_rendered_metadata(recipe_dir, conda_config)
paths = get_output_path(metadata, conda_config)
# asserts we're building at the right location
for path in paths:
assert path.startswith(os.path.join(obj["conda_root"], "conda-bld")), (
'Output path for build (%s) does not start with "%s" - this '
"typically means this build is running on a shared builder and "
"the file ~/.conda/environments.txt is polluted with other "
"environment paths. To fix, empty that file and set its mode "
"to read-only for all."
% (path, os.path.join(obj["conda_root"], "conda-bld"))
# retrieve the current build number(s) for this build
build_numbers = [
next_build_number(upload_channel, os.path.basename(k))[0] for k in paths
# homogenize to the largest build number
build_number = max([int(k) for k in build_numbers])
# runs the build using the conda-build API
# notice we cannot build from the pre-parsed metadata because it has already
# resolved the "wrong" build number. We'll have to reparse after setting the
# environment variable BOB_BUILD_NUMBER.
bootstrap.set_environment("BOB_BUILD_NUMBER", str(build_number))
with root_logger_protection():
conda_build.api.build(recipe_dir, config=conda_config)
# checks if long_description of python package renders fine
if twine_check:
from twine.commands.check import check
package = glob.glob("dist/*.zip")
failed = check(package)
if failed:
raise RuntimeError(
"twine check (a.k.a. readme check) %s: FAILED" % package[0]
logger.info("twine check (a.k.a. readme check) %s: OK", package[0])
git_clean_build(bootstrap.run_cmdline, verbose=(obj["verbose"] >= 3))
if __name__ == "__main__":