
You can install this package via conda, simply pointing to our stable or beta channels:

$ conda create -n bdt -c bob.devtools
# or, for beta releases:
$ conda create -n bdt -c -c bob.devtools

If you use one of our supported Python versions on your base environment, you may also install bdt on it:

$ conda install -n base -c bob.devtools
# or, for beta releases:
$ conda install -n base -c -c bob.devtools

We provide packages for both 64-bit Linux and MacOS, for Python 3.6+. Once installed, you can use these tools within the created environment like this:

$ conda activate base  #or bdt, depending where you installed it
(bdt) $ bdt --help


Some of the commands in the bdt command-line application require access to your gitlab private token, which you can pass at every iteration, or setup at your ~/.python-gitlab.cfg. Please note that in case you don’t set it up, it will request for your API token on-the-fly, what can be cumbersome and repeatitive. Your ~/.python-gitlab.cfg should roughly look like this (there must be an “idiap” section on it, at least):

default = idiap
ssl_verify = true
timeout = 15

url =
private_token = <obtain token at your settings page in gitlab>
api_version = 4

We recommend you set chmod 600 to this file to avoid prying eyes to read out your personal token. Once you have your token set up, communication should work transparently between the built-in gitlab client and the server.

If you would like to use the WebDAV interface to our web service for manually uploading contents, you may also setup the address, username and password for that server inside the file ~/.bdtrc. Here is a skeleton:

server =
username = username
password = password

You may obtain these parameters from our internal page explaining the WebDAV configuration. For security reasons, you should also set chmod 600 to this file.

To increment your development environments created with bdt create using pip-installable packages, create a section named create in the file ~/.bdtrc with the following contents, e.g.:

pip_extras = ipdb

Then, by default, bdt create will automatically pip install ipdb and mr.developer at environment creation time. You may reset this list to your liking.