Source code for bob.devtools.changelog

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

'''Utilities for retrieving, parsing and auto-generating changelogs'''

import io
import datetime
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import pytz
import dateutil.parser

[docs]def parse_date(d): '''Parses any date supported by :py:func:`dateutil.parser.parse`''' return dateutil.parser.parse(d, ignoretz=True).replace( tzinfo=pytz.timezone("Europe/Zurich"))
def _sort_commits(commits, reverse): '''Sorts gitlab commit objects using their ``committed_date`` attribute''' return sorted(commits, key=lambda x: parse_date(x.committed_date), reverse=reverse, ) def _sort_tags(tags, reverse): '''Sorts gitlab tag objects using their ``committed_date`` attribute''' return sorted(tags, key=lambda x: parse_date(x.commit['committed_date']), reverse=reverse, )
[docs]def get_file_from_gitlab(gitpkg, path, ref='master'): '''Retrieves a file from a Gitlab repository, returns a (StringIO) file''' return io.StringIO(gitpkg.files.get(file_path=path, ref=branch).decode())
[docs]def get_last_tag(package): '''Returns the last (gitlab object) tag for the given package Args: package: The gitlab project object from where to fetch the last release date information Returns: a tag object ''' # according to the Gitlab API documentation, tags are sorted from the last # updated to the first, by default - no need to do further sorting! tag_list = package.tags.list() if tag_list: # there are tags, use these return tag_list[0]
[docs]def get_last_tag_date(package): '''Returns the last release date for the given package Falls back to the first commit date if the package has not yet been tagged Args: package: The gitlab project object from where to fetch the last release date information Returns: a datetime object that refers to the last date the package was released. If the package was never released, then returns the date just before the first commit. ''' # according to the Gitlab API documentation, tags are sorted from the last # updated to the first, by default - no need to do further sorting! tag_list = package.tags.list() if tag_list: # there are tags, use these last = tag_list[0] logger.debug('Last tag for package %s (id=%d) is %s',,, return parse_date(last.commit['committed_date']) + \ datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=500) else: commit_list = package.commits.list(all=True) if commit_list: # there are commits, use these first = _sort_commits(commit_list, reverse=False)[0] logger.debug('First commit for package %s (id=%d) is from %s',,, first.committed_date) return parse_date(first.committed_date) - \ datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=500) else: # there are no commits nor tags - abort raise RuntimeError('package %s (id=%d) does not have commits ' \ 'or tags so I cannot devise a good starting date' % \ (,
def _get_tag_changelog(tag): try: return tag.release['description'] except Exception: return '' def _write_one_tag(f, pkg_name, tag): '''Prints commit information for a single tag of a given package Args: f: A :py:class:`File` ready to be written at pkg_name: The name of the package we are writing tags of tag: The tag value ''' git_date = parse_date(tag.commit['committed_date']) f.write(' * %s (%s)\n' % (, git_date.strftime('%b %d, %Y %H:%M'))) for line in _get_tag_changelog(tag).replace('\r\n', '\n').split('\n'): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('* ') or line.startswith('- '): line = line[2:] line = line.replace('!', pkg_name + '!').replace(pkg_name + \ pkg_name, pkg_name) line = line.replace('#', pkg_name + '#') if not line: continue f.write('%s* %s' % (5*' ', line)) def _write_commits_range(f, pkg_name, commits): '''Writes all commits of a given package within a range, to the output file Args: f: A :py:class:`File` ready to be written at pkg_name: The name of the package we are writing tags of commits: List of commits to be written ''' for commit in commits: commit_title = commit.title # skip commits that do not carry much useful information if '[skip ci]' in commit_title or \ 'Merge branch' in commit_title or \ 'Increased stable' in commit_title: continue commit_title = commit_title.strip() commit_title = commit_title.replace('!', pkg_name + '!').replace(pkg_name + pkg_name, pkg_name) commit_title = commit_title.replace('#', pkg_name + '#') f.write('%s- %s' % (' ' * 5, commit_title)) def _write_mergerequests_range(f, pkg_name, mrs): '''Writes all merge-requests of a given package, with a range, to the output file Args: f: A :py:class:`File` ready to be written at pkg_name: The name of the package we are writing tags of mrs: The list of merge requests to write ''' for mr in mrs: title = mr.title.strip().replace('\r','').replace('\n', ' ') title = title.replace(' !', ' ' + pkg_name + '!') title = title.replace(' #', ' ' + pkg_name + '#') description = mr.description.strip().replace('\r','').replace('\n', ' ') description = description.replace(' !', ' ' + pkg_name + '!') description = description.replace(' #', ' ' + pkg_name + '#') space = ': ' if description else '' log = ''' - {pkg}!{iid} {title}{space}{description}''' f.write(log.format(pkg=pkg_name, iid=mr.iid, title=title, space=space, description=description)) f.write('\n')
[docs]def write_tags_with_commits(f, gitpkg, since, mode): '''Writes all tags and commits of a given package to the output file Args: f: A :py:class:`File` ready to be written at gitpkg: A pointer to the gitlab package object since: Starting date (as a datetime object) mode: One of mrs (merge-requests), commits or tags indicating how to list entries in the changelog for this package ''' # get tags since release and sort them tags = gitpkg.tags.list() # sort tags by date tags = [k for k in tags if parse_date(k.commit['committed_date']) >= since] tags = _sort_tags(tags, reverse=False) # get commits since release date and sort them too commits = gitpkg.commits.list(since=since, all=True) # sort commits by date commits = _sort_commits(commits, reverse=False) # get merge requests since the release data mrs = list(reversed(gitpkg.mergerequests.list(state='merged', updated_after=since, order_by='updated_at', all=True))) f.write('* %s\n' % (gitpkg.attributes['path_with_namespace'],)) # go through tags and writes each with its message and corresponding # commits start_date = since for tag in tags: # write tag name and its text _write_one_tag(f, gitpkg.attributes['path_with_namespace'], tag) end_date = parse_date(tag.commit['committed_date']) if mode == 'commits': # write commits from the previous tag up to this one commits4tag = [k for k in commits \ if (start_date < parse_date(k.committed_date) <= end_date)] _write_commits_range(f, gitpkg.attributes['path_with_namespace'], commits4tag) elif mode == 'mrs': # write merge requests from the previous tag up to this one # the attribute 'merged_at' is not available in GitLab API as of 27 # June 2018 mrs4tag = [k for k in mrs \ if (start_date < parse_date(k.updated_at) <= end_date)] _write_mergerequests_range(f, gitpkg.attributes['path_with_namespace'], mrs4tag) start_date = end_date if mode != 'tags': # write the tentative patch version bump for the future tag f.write(' * patch\n') if mode == 'mrs': # write leftover merge requests # the attribute 'merged_at' is not available in GitLab API as of 27 # June 2018 leftover_mrs = [k for k in mrs \ if parse_date(k.updated_at) > start_date] _write_mergerequests_range(f, gitpkg.attributes['path_with_namespace'], leftover_mrs) else: # write leftover commits that were not tagged yet leftover_commits = [k for k in commits \ if parse_date(k.committed_date) > start_date] _write_commits_range(f, gitpkg.attributes['path_with_namespace'], leftover_commits)
[docs]def write_tags(f, gitpkg, since): '''Writes all tags of a given package to the output file Args: f: A :py:class:`File` ready to be written at gitpkg: A pointer to the gitlab package object since: Starting date as a datetime object ''' tags = gitpkg.tags.list() # sort tags by date tags = [k for k in tags if parse_date(k.commit['committed_date']) >= since] tags = _sort_tags(tags, reverse=False) f.write('* %s\n') for tag in tags: _write_one_tag(gitpkg.attributes['path_with_namespace'], tag)