Python API

Bob database interface for the Face Recognition Grand Challange (FRGC) v2.0


Returns a string containing the configuration information.

class bob.db.frgc.Database(original_directory='/idiap/resource/database/frgc/FRGC-2.0-dist', original_extension='.jpg')

Bases: bob.db.base.Database

The Database class reads the original XML lists and provides access using the common bob.db API.


Returns the annotations for the given file as a dictionary {‘reye’:(y,x), ‘leye’:(y,x), ‘mouth’:(y,x), ‘nose’:(y,x)}.

client_ids(groups=None, protocol=None, purposes=None, mask_type='maskIII')[source]

Returns a list of client ids for the specific query by the user.

Keyword Parameters:


One or several groups to which the models belong (‘world’, ‘dev’).


One or several of the FRGC protocols (‘2.0.1’, ‘2.0.2, ‘2.0.4’), required only if one of the groups is ‘dev’.


One or several groups for which files should be retrieved (‘enroll’, ‘probe’). Only used when the group is ‘dev’· For some protocol/mask_type pairs, not all clients are used for enrollment / for probe.


One of the mask types (‘maskI’, ‘maskII’, ‘maskIII’).

Returns: A list containing all the client id’s which have the given properties.

get_client_id_from_file_id(file_id, **kwargs)[source]

Returns the client_id (real client id) attached to the given file_id

Keyword Parameters:


The file_id to consider

Returns: The client_id attached to the given file_id

get_client_id_from_model_id(model_id, **kwargs)[source]

Returns the client_id attached to the given model_id.

Keyword Parameters:


The model_id to consider


The given model_id must have been the result of a previous call to model_ids() of the same database object, otherwise it will not be known or might be corrupted.

Returns: The client_id attached to the given model_id


Returns a list of groups for the given protocol

Keyword Parameters:


One or several of the FRGC protocols (‘2.0.1’, ‘2.0.2, ‘2.0.4’),

Returns: a list of groups

model_ids(groups=None, protocol=None, mask_type='maskIII')[source]

Returns a set of model ids for the specific query by the user.

The models are dependent on the protocol and the mask. Only those FRGC “target” files are returned that are required by the given mask!


Clients, models, and files are not identical for the FRGC database! Model ids are neither client nor file id’s, so please do not mix that up!

Keyword Parameters:


One or several groups to which the models belong (‘world’, ‘dev’).


One or several of the FRGC protocols (‘2.0.1’, ‘2.0.2, ‘2.0.4’), required only if one of the groups is ‘dev’.


One of the mask types (‘maskI’, ‘maskII’, ‘maskIII’).

Returns: A list containing all the model id’s belonging to the given group.

object_sets(groups=None, protocol='2.0.2', purposes=None, model_ids=None, mask_type='maskIII')[source]

Using the specified restrictions, this function returns a list of FileSet objects.

Keyword Parameters:


Here, only the ‘dev’ group is valid.


Here, only the FRGC protocol ‘2.0.2’ is valid. Only used, if ‘dev’ is amongst the groups.


One or several groups for which files should be retrieved (‘enroll’, ‘probe’). In FRGC terms, ‘enroll’ is “Target”, while ‘probe’ is “Target” (protocols ‘2.0.1’ and ‘2.0.2’) or “Query” (protocol ‘2.0.4’)


If given (as a list of model id’s or a single one), only the files belonging to the specified model id is returned.


One of the mask types (‘maskI’, ‘maskII’, ‘maskIII’).

objects(groups=None, protocol=None, purposes=None, model_ids=None, mask_type='maskIII')[source]

Using the specified restrictions, this function returns a list of File objects.

Keyword Parameters:


One or several groups to which the models belong (‘world’, ‘dev’). ‘world’ files are “Training”, whereas ‘dev’ files are “Target” and/or “Query”.


One or more of the FRGC protocols (‘2.0.1’, ‘2.0.2’, ‘2.0.4’). Only used, if ‘dev’ is amongst the groups. If not specified, all FRGC protocols will be taken into account.


One or several groups for which files should be retrieved (‘enroll’, ‘probe’). Only used when the group is ‘dev’· In FRGC terms, ‘enroll’ is “Target”, while ‘probe’ is “Target” (protocols ‘2.0.1’ and ‘2.0.2’) or “Query” (protocol ‘2.0.4’)


If given (as a list of model id’s or a single one), only the files belonging to the specified model id is returned.


When querying objects of group ‘world’, model ids are expected to be client ids (as returned by ‘client_ids()’), whereas for group ‘dev’ model ids are real model ids (as returned by ‘model_ids()’)


One of the mask types (‘maskI’, ‘maskII’, ‘maskIII’).


Returns True for every protocol for which file sets (instead of single files) are used for enrollment and probing. Currently, this is only the ‘2.0.2’, protocol.

class bob.db.frgc.File(signature, presentation, path)

Bases: bob.db.base.File

This class is just the File object that is returned by the objects function. It will be created on need and is not stored anywhere.

make_path(directory=None, extension=None)[source]

Wraps the current path so that a complete path is formed. If directory and extension ‘.jpg’ are specified, extensions are automatically replaced by ‘.JPG’ if necessary.

Keyword parameters:


An optional directory name that will be prefixed to the returned result.


An optional extension that will be suffixed to the returned filename. The extension normally includes the leading . character as in .jpg or .hdf5.

Returns a string containing the newly generated file path.

class bob.db.frgc.FileSet(frgc_file)

Bases: object

This class is just the FileSet object that is returned by the object_sets function. It will be created on need and is not stored anywhere.

class bob.db.frgc.Interface

Bases: bob.db.base.driver.Interface


Adds commands to a given argparse.ArgumentParser

This method, effectively, allows you to define special commands that your database will be able to perform when called from the common driver like for example create or checkfiles.

You are not obliged to overwrite this method. If you do, you will have the chance to establish your own commands. You don’t have to worry about stock commands such as files() or version(). They will be automatically hooked-in depending on the values you return for type() and files().


parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) – An instance of a parser that you can customize, i.e., call argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument() on.


Returns the list of files required for this interface to work, which is empty.


Returnes the FRGC database base directory, where the original FRGC file lists (XML) are stored. You might want to adapt this directory to your needs.


The name of this database


a Python-conforming name for this database. This must match the package name. If the package is named, then this function must return foo.

Return type



Defines the type of the database, which is not SQL3, but text based


The version of this package


The current version number defined in

Return type
