User’s Guide

Setting up the Dataset

Download the DRIONS-DB dataset, take note of it’s root directory and configure the data access using the bob command-line configuration utility. For example:

$ conda activate your-bob-env
(your-bob-env) $ bob config set bob.db.drionsdb.datadir /path/to/root/of/drionsdb
(your-bob-env) $ bob config show #to check

You can than check if your local version of the dataset is compatible with this interface and has the standard directory tree:

$ conda activate your-bob-env
(your-bob-env) $ drionsdb checkfiles
checkfiles completed sucessfully


This packages provides a default protocol that uses the train/test split as proposed by:

    author = {K.K. Maninis and J. Pont-Tuset and P. Arbel\'{a}ez and L. Van Gool},
    title = {Deep Retinal Image Understanding},
    booktitle = {Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)},
    year = {2016}

The train-test split is defined on their project website.