#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Mon 13 Aug 2012 16:19:18 CEST
"""This module defines, among other less important constructions, a management
interface that can be used by Bob to display information about the database and
manage installed files.
import os
import abc
import six
def dbshell(arguments):
"""Drops you into a database shell"""
if len(arguments.files) != 1:
raise RuntimeError(
"Something is wrong this database is supposed to be of type SQLite, but you have more than one data file available: %s" % argument.files)
if arguments.type == 'sqlite':
prog = 'sqlite3'
raise RuntimeError("Error auxiliary database file '%s' cannot be used to initiate a database shell connection (type='%s')" % (
dbfile, arguments.type))
cmdline = [prog, arguments.files[0]]
import subprocess
if arguments.dryrun:
print("[dry-run] exec '%s'" % ' '.join(cmdline))
return 0
p = subprocess.Popen(cmdline)
except OSError as e:
# occurs when the file is not executable or not found
print("Error executing '%s': %s (%d)" % (' '.join(cmdline), e.strerror,
import sys
except KeyboardInterrupt: # the user CTRL-C'ed
import signal
os.kill(p.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
return signal.SIGTERM
return p.returncode
def dbshell_command(subparsers):
"""Adds a new dbshell subcommand to your subparser"""
parser = subparsers.add_parser('dbshell', help=dbshell.__doc__)
parser.add_argument("-n", "--dry-run", dest="dryrun", default=False,
help="does not actually run, just prints what would do instead")
def upload(arguments):
"""Uploads generated metadata to the Idiap build server"""
import pkg_resources
basedir = pkg_resources.resource_filename('bob.db.%s' % arguments.name, '')
assert basedir, "Database and package names do not match. Your declared " \
"database name should be <name>, if your package is called bob.db.<name>"
# check all files exist
for p in arguments.files:
if not os.path.exists(p):
raise IOError("Metadata file `%s' is not available. Did you run "
"`create' before attempting to upload?" % (p,))
# compress
import tarfile
import tempfile
import six.moves.urllib
import six.moves.http_client
import shutil
parsed_url = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlparse(arguments.url)
with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tmpfile:
# if you get here, all files are there, ready to package
print("Compressing metadata files to temporary file...")
f = tarfile.open(fileobj=tmpfile, mode='w:bz2')
for k, p in enumerate(arguments.files):
n = os.path.relpath(p, basedir)
print("+ [%d/%d] %s" % (k + 1, len(arguments.files), n))
f.add(p, n)
# print what we are going to do
target_path = '/'.join((parsed_url.path, arguments.name + ".tar.bz2"))
print("Uploading protocol files to %s" % target_path)
if parsed_url.scheme in ('', 'file'): #local file upload
shutil.copyfileobj(tmpfile, open(target_path, 'wb'))
except (shutil.Error, IOError) as e:
# maybe no file location? try next steps
print("Error: %s" % e)
# if you get to this point, it is because it is a network transfer
if parsed_url.scheme == 'https':
dav_server = six.moves.http_client.HTTPSConnection(parsed_url.netloc)
dav_server = six.moves.http_client.HTTPConnection(parsed_url.netloc)
# copy tmpfile to DAV server
import base64
import getpass
from six.moves import input
print("Authorization requested by server %s" % parsed_url.netloc)
username = input('Username: ')
username = username.encode('ascii')
password = getpass.getpass(prompt='Password: ')
password = password.encode('ascii')
upass = base64.encodestring(b'%s:%s' % \
(username, password)).decode('ascii')[:-1]
headers = {'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % upass}
dav_server.request('PUT', target_path, tmpfile, headers=headers)
res = dav_server.getresponse()
response = res.read()
if not (200 <= res.status < 300):
raise IOError(response)
print("Uploaded %s (status: %d)" % (target_path, res.status))
def upload_command(subparsers):
"""Adds a new 'upload' subcommand to your parser"""
# default destination for the file to be uploaded is on the local directory
curdir = 'file://' + os.path.realpath(os.curdir)
parser = subparsers.add_parser('upload', help=upload.__doc__)
parser.add_argument("url", default=curdir, nargs='?', help='Pass the URL ' \
'for uploading your contribution (if not set, uses default: ' \
return parser
def download(arguments):
"""Downloads and uncompresses meta data generated files from Idiap
arguments (argparse.Namespace): A set of arguments passed by the
command-line parser
int: A POSIX compliant return value of ``0`` if the download is successful,
or ``1`` in case it is not.
IOError: if metafiles exist and ``--force`` was not passed
urllib2.HTTPError: if the target resource does not exist on the webserver
# What should happen as a combination of flags. Legend:
# 0 - Exit, with status 0
# X - Download, overwrite if there
# R - Raise exception, err
# +----------+-----------+----------+--------+
# | complete | --missing | --force | none |
# +----------+-----------+----------+--------+
# | yes | 0 | X | R |
# +----------+-----------+----------+--------+
# | no | X | X | X |
# +----------+-----------+----------+--------+
if not arguments.files:
print("Skipping download of metadata files for bob.db.%s: no files "
"declared" % arguments.name)
# Check we're complete in terms of metafiles
complete = True
for p in arguments.files:
if not os.path.exists(p):
complete = False
if complete:
if arguments.missing:
print("Skipping download of metadata files for `bob.db.%s': complete" %
return 0
elif arguments.force:
print("Re-downloading metafiles for `bob.db.%s'" % arguments.name)
raise IOError("Metadata files are already available. Remove metadata "
"files before attempting download or --force")
# if you get here, all files aren't there, unpack
source_url = os.path.join(arguments.source, arguments.name + ".tar.bz2")
target_dir = arguments.test_dir # test case
if not target_dir: # puts files on the root of the installed package
import pkg_resources
target_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename('bob.db.%s' %
arguments.name, '')
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError("The package `bob.db.%s' is not currently "
"installed. N.B.: The database and package names **must** "
"match. Your package should be named `bob.db.%s', if the driver "
"name for your database is `%s'. Check." % (3 * (arguments.name,)))
# download file from Idiap server, unpack and remove it
import sys
import tempfile
import tarfile
import pkg_resources
from .utils import safe_tarmembers
if sys.version_info[0] <= 2:
import urllib2 as urllib
import urllib.request as urllib
print ("Extracting url `%s' into `%s'" % (source_url, target_dir))
u = urllib.urlopen(source_url)
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tar.bz2")
open(f.name, 'wb').write(u.read())
t = tarfile.open(fileobj=f, mode='r:bz2')
members = list(safe_tarmembers(t))
for k, m in enumerate(members):
print("x [%d/%d] %s" % (k + 1, len(members), m.name,))
t.extract(m, target_dir)
def download_command(subparsers):
"""Adds a new 'download' subcommand to your parser"""
from argparse import SUPPRESS
if 'DOCSERVER' in os.environ:
USE_SERVER = os.environ['DOCSERVER']
USE_SERVER = 'https://www.idiap.ch'
parser = subparsers.add_parser('download', help=download.__doc__)
default="%s/software/bob/databases/latest/" % USE_SERVER)
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
group.add_argument("--force", action='store_true',
default=False, help="Overwrite existing database files?")
group.add_argument("--missing", action='store_true',
default=False, help="Only downloads if files are missing")
parser.add_argument("--test-dir", help=SUPPRESS)
return parser
def print_files(arguments):
"""Prints the current location of raw database files."""
print ("Files for database '%s':" % arguments.name)
for k in arguments.files:
return 0
def files_command(subparsers):
"""Adds a new 'files' subcommand to your parser"""
parser = subparsers.add_parser('files', help=print_files.__doc__)
return parser
def version(arguments):
"""Outputs the database version"""
print('%s == %s' % (arguments.name, arguments.version))
return 0
def version_command(subparsers):
parser = subparsers.add_parser('version', help=version.__doc__)
return parser
class Interface(object):
"""Base manager for Bob databases
You should derive and implement an Interface object on every ``bob.db``
package you create.
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def name(self):
'''The name of this database
str: a Python-conforming name for this database. This **must** match the
package name. If the package is named ``bob.db.foo``, then this function
must return ``foo``.
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def files(self):
'''List of meta-data files for the package to be downloaded/uploaded
This function should normally return an empty list, except in case the
database being implemented requires download/upload of metadata files that
are **not** kept in its (git) repository.
list: A python iterable with all metadata files needed. The paths listed
by this method should correspond to full paths (not relative ones) w.r.t.
the database package implementing it. This is normally achieved by using
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def version(self):
'''The version of this package
str: The current version number defined in ``setup.py``
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def type(self):
'''The type of auxiliary files you have for this database
str: A string defining the type of database implemented. You can return
only two values on this function, either ``sqlite`` or ``text``. If you
return ``sqlite``, then we append special actions such as ``dbshell`` on
``bob_dbmanage`` automatically for you. Otherwise, we don't.
[docs] def setup_parser(self, parser, short_description, long_description):
'''Sets up the base parser for this database.
short_description (str): A short description (one-liner) for this
long_description (str): A more involved explanation of this database
argparse.ArgumentParser: a subparser, ready so you can add commands on
from argparse import RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
# creates a top-level parser for this database
top_level = parser.add_parser(self.name(),
help=short_description, description=long_description)
type = self.type()
files = self.files()
subparsers = top_level.add_subparsers(title="subcommands")
# adds some stock commands
if files:
if type in ('sqlite',):
if files is not None:
return subparsers
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def add_commands(self, parser):
'''Adds commands to a given :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser`
This method, effectively, allows you to define special commands that your
database will be able to perform when called from the common driver like
for example ``create`` or ``checkfiles``.
You are not obliged to overwrite this method. If you do, you will have the
chance to establish your own commands. You don't have to worry about stock
commands such as :py:meth:`files` or :py:meth:`version`. They will be
automatically hooked-in depending on the values you return for
:py:meth:`type` and :py:meth:`files`.
parser (argparse.ArgumentParser): An instance of a parser that you can
customize, i.e., call :py:meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument`
__all__ = ('Interface',)