Local development of Bob packages

Very often, developers of Bob packages are confronted with the need to clone repositories locally and develop installation/build and runtime code. While it is possible to use conda for such, the use of zc.buildout offers an quick and easy alternative to achieve this. It allows the creation of isolated, directory-based python development environments that can be modulated based on the development needs of the current package(s) one needs to work on.

The steps involved in creating a development environment are the following:

  1. Checkout from gitlab the package the user wants to develop

  2. Create a conda installation containing base packages that the current package being developed requires

  3. Optionally, create a buildout configuration that allows the cross-development of packages

  4. Run the application buildout to set-up the desired development environment

This guide is a step-by-step guide in performing these.

Checking out Bob package sources

Bob packages are developed through Gitlab. In order to checkout a package, just use git:

$ git clone https://gitlab.idiap.ch/bob/<package>

Where <package> is the package you want to develop. Various packages exist in Bob’s gitlab instance.

Create a base conda-installation

The base conda installation should contemplate all packages that you want to develop against. This is typically listed in the package’s requirements.txt, but may also include test dependencies listed in test-requirements.txt depending on the package. The file conda/meta.yaml should be considered the canonical source for information concerning package installation and deployment. After following Bob’s installation instructions, install all packages listed on the meta.yaml file using a single conda installation command.

For example, if the package one needs to develop lists build dependencies A, B and C and test dependencies T and U, the following command-line should suffice once you followed Bob’s installation instructions:

$ cd <package>
$ cat conda/meta.yaml #inspect contents and decide what to install
$ conda create -n dev A B C T U bob.buildout
$ conda activate dev #ready to develop your package

Optional Use of not-yet-released conda packages

When developing and testing new features, one often wishes to work against the very latest, bleeding edge, available set of changes on dependent packages. If that is the case, consider adding our conda beta channel alongside conda channels available for download in your condarc file.

The location of .condarc is configurable, but it is often set in ${HOME}/.condarc. Read about condarc online if you are in doubt.

After our conda beta channel is included on your configuration, proceed as above to create an environment with the latest dependencies instead of the latest stable versions of each package.

Optional Automated environment creation

It is possible to automate the above procedure using a script that tries to automatically parse build and test requirements in conda/meta.yaml and create the required development environment from scratch. This script lives in the package bob.admin. The first step is to checkout bob.admin alongside the package you’re developing:

$ cd ..
$ ls
$ git clone https://gitlab.idiap.ch/bob/bob.admin
$ ls
$ cd <PACKAGE>


If you already have checked out bob.admin, make sure to update it with git pull. We’re constantly making improvements to this package.

Once bob.admin is available alongside your package, make sure both conda and conda-build are installed and updated on the base environment of your conda installation. The automated script requires conda version 4.4 or above and conda-build version 3 or above. It also requires the package pyyaml to be installed on the base of your conda installation. Follow this recipe to get all up-to-date and ready:

$ conda update -n base conda conda-build
$ conda install -n base pyyaml


Notice the application conda is in my ${PATH} and therefore the shell can find it easily. Make sure you do the same.

Now that you’re all set, just call the script bob.admin/conda/conda-bootstrapy and pass the name of the resulting environment you’d like to create:

$ cd <PACKAGE>
$ conda activate base
$ ../bob.admin/conda/conda-bootstrap.py dev

This will parse the conda recipe from your package and create a new conda environment on your conda installation called dev. The environment dev contains all build and test dependencies required for your package. Activate this environment and you’re ready.


By default, our script will include our conda beta channel while creating your environment. You may modify the file bob.admin/conda/build-condarc if you’d like to include or remove channels.

In this setup, we bypass your own condarc setup and use a stock version provided with bob.admin.

Running buildout

The last step is to create a hooked-up environment so you can quickly test local changes to your package w/o necessarily creating a conda-package. This step is the easiest:

$ cd <PACKAGE> #if that is not the case
$ conda activate dev
$ buildout

zc.buildout works by modifying the load paths of scripts to find the correct version of your package sources from the local checkout. After running, buildout creates a directory called bin on your local package checkout. Use the applications living there to develop your package. For example, if you need to run the test suite:

$ ./bin/nosetests -sv

A python interpreter clone can be used to run interactive sessions:

$ ./bin/python

Optional Cross-development of dependencies

From time to time, you may wish to cross-develop multiple projects at once. For example, you may wish to develop bob.bio.face, while also making modifications to bob.bio.base. In this case, you’ll need to create a buildout recipe (i.e., a new .cfg) file that instructs buildout to also checkout the sources for bob.bio.base while setting up the local structure for bob.bio.face. Follow our development guide from bob.extension at Bob Package Development for more instructions on this step. Once your new .cfg is ready, use it like this setup:

$ buildout -c newrecipe.cfg