#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Andre Anjos <andre.anjos@idiap.ch>
# Mon 4 Feb 09:24:35 2013 CET
"""A wrapper for defining environment variables for the compilation
import os
import string
import logging
import platform
[docs]def substitute(value, d):
"""Substitutes ${} expressions on ``value`` with values from ``d``, using
return string.Template(value).substitute(**d)
[docs]class EnvironmentWrapper(object):
"""Provides methods for wrapping other install() methods with environment
settings from initialization.
# 30.01.2017: we only set debug flags, release flags are set by toolchain
# Note: CLang does not work well with BZ_DEBUG
if platform.system() != 'Darwin':
def __init__(self, logger, debug=None, prefixes=None, environ=None):
self.debug = debug
self.environ = dict(environ) if environ else {}
# do environment variable substitution on user dictionary
for key in self.environ:
self.environ[key] = substitute(self.environ[key], self.environ)
# if PKG_CONFIG_PATH is set on self.environ, then prefix it
pkgcfg = []
if 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH' in self.environ:
pkgcfg += self.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'].split(os.pathsep)
# set the pkg-config paths to look at, environment settings in front
prefixes = prefixes if prefixes else []
if 'CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH' in self.environ:
prefixes = self.environ['CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH'].split(os.pathsep) + prefixes
if 'CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH' in os.environ:
prefixes = os.environ['CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH'].split(os.pathsep) + prefixes
if 'BOB_PREFIX_PATH' in self.environ:
prefixes = self.environ['BOB_PREFIX_PATH'].split(os.pathsep) + prefixes
if 'BOB_PREFIX_PATH' in os.environ:
prefixes = os.environ['BOB_PREFIX_PATH'].split(os.pathsep) + prefixes
pkgcfg += [os.path.join(k, 'lib', 'pkgconfig') for k in prefixes]
pkgcfg += [os.path.join(k, 'lib64', 'pkgconfig') for k in prefixes]
pkgcfg += [os.path.join(k, 'lib32', 'pkgconfig') for k in prefixes]
def __remove_environ(key):
if key in self.environ: del self.environ[key]
def __append_to_environ(key, value, sep=' '):
if self.environ.get(key):
if value:
self.environ[key] += sep + value.strip(sep)
if value:
self.environ[key] = value.strip(sep)
def __prepend_to_environ(key, value, sep=' '):
if self.environ.get(key):
if value:
self.environ[key] = value.strip(sep) + sep + self.environ[key]
if value:
self.environ[key] = value.strip(sep)
# joins all paths, respecting potential environment variables set by the
# user, with priority
__append_to_environ('BOB_PREFIX_PATH', os.pathsep.join(prefixes),
__append_to_environ('CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH', os.pathsep.join(prefixes),
__append_to_environ('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', os.environ.get('PKG_CONFIG_PATH'),
__append_to_environ('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', os.pathsep.join(pkgcfg), os.pathsep)
# reset the CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS depending on the user input
cflags = None
if self.debug is True: cflags = str(EnvironmentWrapper.DEBUG_CFLAGS)
# else: pass
def _order_flags(key, internal=None):
if internal:
# prepend internal
saved = self.environ.get(key)
__append_to_environ(key, internal)
__append_to_environ(key, saved)
__prepend_to_environ(key, os.environ.get(key))
# for these environment variables, values set on the environment come first
# so we can override with our debug flag
if cflags is not None:
_order_flags('CFLAGS', cflags)
_order_flags('CXXFLAGS', cflags)
[docs] def set(self):
"""Sets the current environment for variables needed for the setup of the
package to be compiled"""
self._saved_environment = dict(os.environ) #copy
[docs] def unset(self):
"""Resets the environment back to its previous state"""
# cleanup
if self._saved_environment:
os.environ = self._saved_environment
self._saved_environment = {}
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, *exc_details):