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1import copy
2import logging
3import os
5from functools import partial
7import numpy as np
9from clapper.rc import UserDefaults
13from import download_file, md5_hash
14from import Database
15from bob.pipelines.sample import DelayedSample, SampleSet
17logger = logging.getLogger("")
18rc = UserDefaults("bobrc.toml")
21class RFWDatabase(Database): # TODO Make this a CSVDatabase?
22 """
23 Dataset interface for the Racial faces in the wild dataset:
25 The RFW is a subset of the MS-Celeb 1M dataset, and it's composed of 44332 images split into 11416 identities.
26 There are four "race" labels in this dataset (`African`, `Asian`, `Caucasian`, and `Indian`).
27 Furthermore, with the help of we've added information about gender and
28 country of birth.
30 We offer two evaluation protocols.
31 The first one, called "original" is the original protocol from its publication. It contains ~24k comparisons in total.
32 Worth noting that this evaluation protocol has an issue. It considers only comparisons of pairs of images from the same
33 "race".
34 To close this gap, we've created a protocol called "idiap" that extends the original protocol to one where impostors comparisons
35 (or non-mated) is possible. This is closed to a real-world scenario.
37 .. warning::
38 The following identities are associated with two races in the original dataset
39 - m.023915
40 - m.0z08d8y
41 - m.0bk56n
42 - m.04f4wpb
43 - m.0gc2xf9
44 - m.08dyjb
45 - m.05y2fd
46 - m.0gbz836
47 - m.01pw5d
48 - m.0cm83zb
49 - m.02qmpkk
50 - m.05xpnv
53 For more information check:
55 .. code-block:: latex
57 @inproceedings{wang2019racial,
58 title={Racial faces in the wild: Reducing racial bias by information maximization adaptation network},
59 author={Wang, Mei and Deng, Weihong and Hu, Jiani and Tao, Xunqiang and Huang, Yaohai},
60 booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},
61 pages={692--702},
62 year={2019}
63 }
65 """
67 name = "rfw"
68 category = "face"
69 dataset_protocols_name = "rfw.tar.gz"
70 dataset_protocols_urls = [
71 "",
72 "",
73 ]
74 dataset_protocols_hash = "83549522"
76 demographics_urls = [
77 "",
78 "",
79 ]
81 def __init__(
82 self,
83 protocol,
84 original_directory=rc.get(""),
85 **kwargs,
86 ):
87 if original_directory is None or not os.path.exists(original_directory):
88 raise ValueError(f"Invalid or non existent {original_directory=}")
90 self._check_protocol(protocol)
91 self._races = ["African", "Asian", "Caucasian", "Indian"]
92 self.original_directory = original_directory
93 self._default_extension = rc.get("", ".jpg")
95 super().__init__(
96 protocol=protocol,
97 annotation_type="eyes-center",
98 fixed_positions=None,
99 memory_demanding=False,
100 **kwargs,
101 )
103 self._pairs = dict()
104 self._first_reference_of_subject = (
105 dict()
106 ) # Used with the Idiap protocol
107 self._inverted_pairs = dict()
108 self._id_race = dict() # ID -- > RACE
109 self._race_ids = dict() # RACE --> ID
110 self._landmarks = dict()
111 self._cached_biometric_references = None
112 self._cached_probes = None
113 self._cached_zprobes = None
114 self._cached_treferences = None
115 self._cached_treferences = None
116 self._discarded_subjects = (
117 []
118 ) # Some subjects were labeled with both races
119 self._load_metadata(target_set="test")
120 self._demographics = None
121 self._demographics = self._get_demographics_dict()
123 # Setting the seed for the IDIAP PROTOCOL,
124 # so we have a consistent set of probes
125 self._idiap_protocol_seed = 652
127 # Number of samples used to Z-Norm and T-Norm (per race)
128 self._nzprobes = 25
129 self._ntreferences = 25
131 def _get_demographics_dict(self):
132 """
133 Get the dictionary with GENDER and COUNTRY of birth.
134 Data obtained using the wiki data `` using the following sparql query
136 '''
137 SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?genderLabel ?countryLabel WHERE {
138 ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5.
139 ?item ?label "{MY_NAME_HERE}"@en .
140 optional{ ?item wdt:P21 ?gender.}
141 optional{ ?item wdt:P27 ?country.}
142 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
143 }
144 '''
147 """
149 filename = (
150 download_file(
151 urls=RFWDatabase.demographics_urls,
152 destination_sub_directory="protocols/" + RFWDatabase.category,
153 checksum="8eb0e3c93647dfa0c13fade5db96d73a",
154 checksum_fct=md5_hash,
155 extract=True,
156 )
157 / "msceleb_wikidata_demographics.csv"
158 )
159 if self._demographics is None:
160 self._demographics = dict()
161 with open(filename) as f:
162 for line in f.readlines():
163 line = line.split(",")
164 self._demographics[line[0]] = [
165 line[2],
166 line[3].rstrip("\n"),
167 ]
169 return self._demographics
171 def _get_subject_from_key(self, key):
172 return key[:-5]
174 def _load_metadata(self, target_set="test"):
175 for race in self._races:
176 pair_file = os.path.join(
177 self.original_directory,
178 target_set,
179 "txts",
180 race,
181 f"{race}_pairs.txt",
182 )
184 for line in open(pair_file).readlines():
185 line = line.split("\t")
186 line[-1] = line[-1].rstrip("\n")
188 key = f"{line[0]}_000{line[1]}"
189 subject_id = self._get_subject_from_key(key)
190 dict_key = f"{race}/{subject_id}/{key}"
192 if subject_id not in self._id_race:
193 self._id_race[subject_id] = race
194 else:
195 if (
196 self._id_race[subject_id] != race
197 and subject_id not in self._discarded_subjects
198 ):
199 logger.warning(
200 f"{subject_id} was already labeled as {self._id_race[subject_id]}, and it's illogical to be relabeled as {race}. "
201 f"This seems a problem with RFW dataset, so we are removing all samples linking {subject_id} as {race}"
202 )
203 self._discarded_subjects.append(subject_id)
204 continue
206 # Positive or negative pairs
207 if len(line) == 3:
208 k_value = f"{line[0]}_000{line[2]}"
209 dict_value = f"{race}/{self._get_subject_from_key(k_value)}/{k_value}"
210 else:
211 k_value = f"{line[2]}_000{line[3]}"
212 dict_value = f"{race}/{self._get_subject_from_key(k_value)}/{k_value}"
214 if dict_key not in self._pairs:
215 self._pairs[dict_key] = []
216 self._pairs[dict_key].append(dict_value)
218 # Picking the first reference
219 if self.protocol == "idiap":
220 for p in self._pairs:
221 _, subject_id, template_id = p.split("/")
222 if subject_id in self._first_reference_of_subject:
223 continue
224 self._first_reference_of_subject[subject_id] = template_id
226 # Preparing the probes
227 self._inverted_pairs = self._invert_dict(self._pairs)
228 self._race_ids = self._invert_dict(self._id_race)
230 def _invert_dict(self, dict_pairs):
231 inverted_pairs = dict()
233 for k in dict_pairs:
234 if isinstance(dict_pairs[k], list):
235 for v in dict_pairs[k]:
236 if v not in inverted_pairs:
237 inverted_pairs[v] = []
238 inverted_pairs[v].append(k)
239 else:
240 v = dict_pairs[k]
241 if v not in inverted_pairs:
242 inverted_pairs[v] = []
243 inverted_pairs[v].append(k)
244 return inverted_pairs
246 def background_model_samples(self):
247 return []
249 def _get_zt_samples(self, seed):
250 cache = []
252 # Setting the seed for the IDIAP PROTOCOL,
253 # so we have a consistent set of probes
254 np.random.seed(seed)
256 for race in self._races:
257 data_dir = os.path.join(
258 self.original_directory, "train", "data", race
259 )
260 files = os.listdir(data_dir)
262 np.random.shuffle(files)
263 files = files[0 : self._nzprobes]
265 # RFW original data is not super organized
266 # train data from Caucasians are stored differently
267 if race == "Caucasian":
268 for f in files:
269 template_id = os.listdir(os.path.join(data_dir, f))[0]
270 key = f"{race}/{f}/{template_id[:-4]}"
271 cache.append(
272 self._make_sampleset(
273 key, target_set="train", get_demographic=False
274 )
275 )
277 else:
278 for f in files:
279 key = f"{race}/{race}/{f[:-4]}"
280 cache.append(
281 self._make_sampleset(
282 key, target_set="train", get_demographic=False
283 )
284 )
285 return cache
287 def zprobes(self, group="dev", proportion=1.0):
288 if self._cached_zprobes is None:
289 self._cached_zprobes = self._get_zt_samples(
290 self._idiap_protocol_seed + 1
291 )
292 references = list(
293 set([s.template_id for s in self.references(group=group)])
294 )
295 for p in self._cached_zprobes:
296 p.references = copy.deepcopy(references)
298 return self._cached_zprobes
300 def treferences(self, group="dev", proportion=1.0):
301 if self._cached_treferences is None:
302 self._cached_treferences = self._get_zt_samples(
303 self._idiap_protocol_seed + 2
304 )
306 return self._cached_zprobes
308 def probes(self, group="dev"):
309 self._check_group(group)
310 if self._cached_probes is None:
311 # Setting the seed for the IDIAP PROTOCOL,
312 # so we have a consistent set of probes
313 np.random.seed(self._idiap_protocol_seed)
315 self._cached_probes = []
316 for key in self._inverted_pairs:
317 sset = self._make_sampleset(key)
318 sset.references = [
319 key.split("/")[-1] for key in self._inverted_pairs[key]
320 ]
322 # If it's the idiap protocol, we should
323 # extend the list of comparisons
324 if self.protocol == "idiap":
325 # Picking one reference per race
326 extra_references = []
327 for k in self._race_ids:
328 # Discard samples from the same race
329 if k == sset.race:
330 continue
332 index = np.random.randint(len(self._race_ids[k]))
333 random_subject_id = self._race_ids[k][index]
335 # Search for the first reference id in with this identity
336 extra_references.append(
337 self._first_reference_of_subject[random_subject_id]
338 )
340 assert len(extra_references) == 3
342 sset.references += extra_references
344 self._cached_probes.append(sset)
345 return self._cached_probes
347 def _fetch_landmarks(self, filename, key):
348 if key not in self._landmarks:
349 with open(filename) as f:
350 for line in f.readlines():
351 line = line.split("\t")
352 # pattern 'm.0c7mh2_0003.jpg'[:-4]
353 k = line[0].split("/")[-1][:-4]
354 self._landmarks[k] = dict()
355 self._landmarks[k]["reye"] = (
356 float(line[3]),
357 float(line[2]),
358 )
359 self._landmarks[k]["leye"] = (
360 float(line[5]),
361 float(line[4]),
362 )
364 return self._landmarks[key]
366 def _make_sampleset(self, item, target_set="test", get_demographic=True):
367 race, subject_id, template_id = item.split("/")
369 # RFW original data is not super organized
370 # Test and train data os stored differently
372 key = f"{race}/{subject_id}/{template_id}"
374 path = (
375 os.path.join(
376 self.original_directory,
377 f"{target_set}/data/{race}",
378 subject_id,
379 template_id + self._default_extension,
380 )
381 if (target_set == "test" or race == "Caucasian")
382 else os.path.join(
383 self.original_directory,
384 f"{target_set}/data/{race}",
385 template_id + self._default_extension,
386 )
387 )
389 annotations = (
390 self._fetch_landmarks(
391 os.path.join(
392 self.original_directory, "erratum1", "Caucasian_lmk.txt"
393 ),
394 template_id,
395 )
396 if (target_set == "train" and race == "Caucasian")
397 else self._fetch_landmarks(
398 os.path.join(
399 self.original_directory,
400 f"{target_set}/txts/{race}/{race}_lmk.txt",
401 ),
402 template_id,
403 )
404 )
406 samples = [
407 DelayedSample(
408 partial(
410 path,
411 ),
412 key=key,
413 annotations=annotations,
414 template_id=template_id,
415 subject_id=subject_id,
416 )
417 ]
419 if get_demographic:
420 gender = self._demographics[subject_id][0]
421 country = self._demographics[subject_id][1]
423 return SampleSet(
424 samples,
425 key=key,
426 template_id=template_id,
427 subject_id=subject_id,
428 race=race,
429 gender=gender,
430 country=country,
431 )
432 else:
433 return SampleSet(
434 samples,
435 key=key,
436 template_id=template_id,
437 subject_id=subject_id,
438 race=race,
439 )
441 def references(self, group="dev"):
442 self._check_group(group)
444 if self._cached_biometric_references is None:
445 self._cached_biometric_references = []
446 for key in self._pairs:
447 self._cached_biometric_references.append(
448 self._make_sampleset(key)
449 )
451 return self._cached_biometric_references
453 def all_samples(self, group="dev"):
454 self._check_group(group)
456 return self.references() + self.probes()
458 def groups(self):
459 return ["dev"]
461 def protocols(self):
462 return ["original", "idiap"]
464 def _check_protocol(self, protocol):
465 assert (
466 protocol in self.protocols()
467 ), "Invalid protocol `{}` not in {}".format(protocol, self.protocols())
469 def _check_group(self, group):
470 assert group in self.groups(), "Invalid group `{}` not in {}".format(
471 group, self.groups()
472 )