Source code for

import os

[docs]class File: """This class defines the minimum interface of a database file that needs to be exported. Each file has a path, an id and an associated client (aka. identity, person, user). Usually, this file is part of a database, which has a common directory for all files. The path of this file is usually *relative* to that common directory, and it is usually stored *without* filename extension. The file id can be anything hashable, but needs to be unique all over the database. The client id can be anything hashable, but needs to be identical for different files of the same client, and different between clients. **Parameters:** file_id : str or int A unique ID that identifies the file. This ID might be identical to the ``path``, though integral IDs perform faster. client_id : str or int A unique ID that identifies the client (user) to which this file belongs. This ID might be the name of the person, though integral IDs perform faster. path : str The file path of the file, which is relative to the common database directory, and without filename extension. """ def __init__(self, file_id, client_id, path): # The **unique** id of the file = file_id # The id of the client that is attached to the file self.client_id = client_id # The **relative** path of the file according to the base directory of the database, without file extension self.path = path def __lt__(self, other): """Defines an order between files by using the order of the file ids.""" # compare two File objects by comparing their IDs return <
[docs] def make_path(self, directory = None, extension = None): """make_path(directory = None, extension = None) -> path Generates the full path using the given directory and filename extension. **Parameters:** directory : str or ``None`` The directory to prepend. If ``None``, no directory will be preprended. extension : str or ``None`` The filename extension to append. If ``None``, no file name extension will be appended. **Returns:** path : str The full path including directory and extension. """ if directory is None: directory = '.' if extension is None: extension = '' return os.path.join(directory, self.path + extension)
[docs]class FileSet: """This class defines the minimum interface of a set of database files that needs to be exported. Use this class, whenever the database provides several files that belong to the same probe. Each file set has an id, and a list of associated files, which are of type :py:class:`File` of the same client. The file set id can be anything hashable, but needs to be unique all over the database. **Parameters:** file_set_id : str or int A unique ID that identifies the file set. files : [:py:class:`File`] A list of File objects that should be stored inside this file. All files of that list need to have the same client ID. """ def __init__(self, file_set_id, files, path=None): # The **unique** id of the file set = file_set_id # The id of the client that is attached to the file assert len(files) self.client_id = files[0].client_id assert all(f.client_id == self.client_id for f in files) # The list of files contained in this set self.files = files self.path = "+".join(f.path for f in files) def __lt__(self, other): """Defines an order between file sets by using the order of the file set ids.""" # compare two File set objects by comparing their IDs return <