The BEAT platform is an European computing e-infrastructure for Open Science proposing a solution for open access, scientific information sharing and re-use including data and source code while protecting privacy and confidentiality. It is developed by the Biometrics Security and Privacy Group, the Biosignal Processing Group, and the Research and Development Engineers at Idiap, in Switzerland. BEAT is primarily developed through Gitlab. Follow the links bellow to get started.
If you make use of BEAT or any derived work, we appreciate if you cited this website and our publications:
@inproceedings{beat2017, author = {A. Anjos AND L. El-Shafey AND S. Marcel}, title = {BEAT: An Open-Science Web Platform}, year = {2017}, month = aug, booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)}, url = {} } @misc{arxiv-2017, author = {A. Anjos AND L. El-Shafey AND S. Marcel}, title = {BEAT: An Open-Source Web-Based Open-Science Platform}, year = {2017}, month = apr, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {1704.02319}, primaryClass = {cs-se}, url = {} }
Work towards BEAT has been contemplated with some patents:
@patent{beat-patent-2017, author = {Anjos, André and Marcel, Sébastien}, title = {A data-network connected server, a device, a platform and a method for conducting computer-executable experiments}, year = {2017}, month = {12}, day = {28}, number = {WO/2017/221049}, type = {Patent}, location = {CH}, filing_num = {PCT/IB2016/053683}, yearfiled = {2016}, monthfiled = {6}, dayfiled = {21}, pat_refs = {P\&TS SA (AG, LTD.); Av. J.-J. Rousseau 4 P.O. Box 2848 2001 Neuchâtel, CH}, url = {} } @patent{beat-patent-2018, author = {Sébastien, Marcel and Anjos, André and Abbet, Philip}, title = {Method and internet-connected server for reviewing a computer-executable experiment}, year = {2018}, month = {5}, day = {15}, number = {US9973503B2}, type = {Patent}, location = {US}, filing_num = {14/970,333}, yearfiled = {2015}, monthfiled = {12}, dayfiled = {15}, pat_refs = {P\&TS SA (AG, LTD.); Av. J.-J. Rousseau 4 P.O. Box 2848 2001 Neuchâtel, CH}, url = {\&Sect2=HITOFF\&p=1\&u=/netahtml/PTO/search-bool.html\&r=1\&f=G\&l=50\&d=PALL\&RefSrch=yes\&Query=PN/9973503} }
© Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland.