The list is currently incomplete before 2007.
PhD thesis
Estimation, détection et segmentation du mouvement:
une approche robuste et markovienne
Jean-Marc Odobez,
PhD Thesis (in french), No 1304, University of Rennes, December 1994.
Year 2024
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Toward Semantic Gaze Target Detection
S. Tafasca, A. Gupta, V. Bros and J.-M. Odobez
37th Conf. on Neural Information Processing System (NeurIPS), December 2024.
MTGS: A Novel Framework for Multi-Person Temporal Gaze Following and Social Gaze Prediction
A. Gupta, S. Tafasca, A. Farkhondeh, P. Vuillecard and J.-M. Odobez
37th Conf. on Neural Information Processing System (NeurIPS), December 2024.
Investigating Semantic Segmentation Models to Assist Visually Impaired People
M. Villamizar and O. Canévet and J.-M. Odobez
European Conference on Computer Vision Workshop: Int. Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics, September 2024.
ChildPlay-Hand: A Dataset of Hand Manipulations in the Wild
A. Farkhondeh, S. Tafasca and J.-M. Odobez
European Conference on Computer Vision Workshop: Observing and Understanding Hands in Action, September 2024.
Sharingan: A Transformer Architecture for Multi-Person Gaze Following
S. Tafasca, A. Gupta and J.-M. Odobez
Int. Conference Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seatle, June 2024.
Exploring the Zero-Shot Capabilities of Vision-Language Models for Improving Gaze Following
A. Gupta, P. Vuillecard, A. Farkhondeh and J.-M. Odobez
Int. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Workshop on Gaze Estimation and Prediction in the Wild, Seatle, June 2024.
CCDb-HG: Novel Annotations and Gaze-Aware Representations for Head Gesture Recognition
P. Vuillecard, A. Farkhondeh, M. Villamizar and J.-M. Odobez
18th IEEE Int. Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), Istanbul, May 2024.
A Unified Model for Gaze Following and Social Gaze Prediction
A. Gupta, S. Tafasca, N. Chutisilp and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE Int. Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), Istanbul, May 2024.
Year 2023
- Conference publications
ChildPlay: A New Benchmark for Understanding Children’s Gaze Behaviour
S. Tafasca, A. Gupta and J.-M. Odobez
Int. Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Paris, October 2023.
A Multitask and Kernel approach for Learning to Push Objects with a Target-Parameterized Deep Q-Network
M. Ewerton, M. Villamizar, J. Jankowski, S. Calinon and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems conference (IROS), 2023.
The AI4Autism Project: A Multimodal and Interdisciplinary Approach to Autism Diagnosis and Stratification
S. Tafasca, A. Gupta, N. Kojovic, M. Gelsomini, T. Maillart, M. Papandrea, M. Schaer and J.-M. Odobez
Int. Conference on Multimodal Interactions (ICMI) workshop on Bridging Social Sciences and AI for Understanding Child Behavior, Paris, October 2023.
Efficient Grapevine Structure Estimation in Vineyards Conditions
T. Gentilhomme, M. Villamizar, J. Corre and J.-M. Odobez
ICCV 8th workshop on Computer Vision in Plant Phenotyping and Agriculture, Paris, October 2023.
Year 2022
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Robust Unsupervised Gaze Calibration using Conversation and Manipulation Attention Priors
R. Siegfried and J.-M. Odobez
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, Vol. 18(1), pp 20:1-20:27, 2022.
A Modular Multimodal Architecture for Gaze Target Prediction: Application to Privacy-Sensitive Settings
A. Gupta, S. Tafasca and J.-M. Odobez
CVPR, Int. workshop on Gaze Estimation and Prediction in the Wild, 2022.
Year 2021
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
A Differential Approach for Gaze Estimation
G. Liu, Y. Yu, K. Funes and J.-M. Odobez
in IEEE Transaction of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Vol 43(3): 1092-1099, 2021.
Neural Network Adaptation and Data Augmentation for Multi-Speaker Direction-of-Arrival Estimation
W. He, P. Motlicek and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol 29:1303-1317, 2021.
Towards an Engagement-Aware Attentive Artificial Listener for Multi-Party Interactions
C. Oertel, P. Jonell, D. Kontogiorgos, K. Funes-Mora, J.-M. Odobez and J. Gustafson
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Vol. 8, July 2021.
Active Learning of Bayesian Probabilistic Movement Primitives
T. Kulak, H. Girgin, J.-M. Odobez and S. Calinon
IEEE Robotic and Automation Letters (RAL), 2021.
Multi-Task Neural Network for Robust Multiple Speaker Embedding Extraction
W. He, P. Motlicek and J.-M. Odobez
Proc. Interspeech, pp 506-510, 2021.
Pose Transformers (POTR): Human Motion Prediction With Non-Autoregressive Transformers
A. Martínez-González, M. Villamizar and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops, 2021.
Visual Focus of Attention Estimation in 3D Scene with an Arbitrary Number of Targets
R. Siegfried and J.-M. Odobez
3rd International workshop on Gaze Estimation and Prediction in the Wild, at CVPR 2021, 2021.
An Efficient Image-to-Image Translation HourGlass-based Architecturefor Object Pushing Policy Learning
M. Ewerton, A.-N. Martinez-Gonzalez and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems conference (IROS), 2021.
Alpha-mini Speech Challenge: Open Datasets, Tracks, Rules and Baselines
Y. Fu, Z. Yao, W. He, J. Wu, X. Wang, Z. Yang, S. Zhang, L. Xie, D. Huang, H. Bu, P. Motlícek, J.-M. Odobez
Spoken Language Technology (SLT) Workshop, January, 2021.
An Attention Mechanism for Deep Q-Networks with Applications in Robotic Pushing
M. Ewerton, S. Calinon and J.-M. Odobez
Proc. of Workshop on Emerging paradigms for robotic manipulation: from the lab to the productive world, ICRA 2021, 2021.
Year 2020
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Depth-Based Multi-Person Pose Estimation
A. Martinez, M. Villamizar, O. Canévet and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE Trans. on Circuits and System for Video Technology (TCSVT, accepted for publication, Oct 2019), 2020.
Multi-scale sequential network for semantic text segmentation and localization
M. Villamizar, O. Canévet and J.-M. Odobez
Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 129, pp 63--69 2020.
WatchNet++: efficient and accurate depth-based network for detecting people attacks and intrusion.
M. Villamizar, A. Martinez-Gonz\'{a}lez, O. Canévet and J.-M. Odobez
Machine Vision and Applications, Vol. 31(6):41 2020.
Unsupervised Representation Learning for Gaze Estimation
Y. Yu and J.-M. Odobez
Int Conf. on Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seatle, June 2020.
The MuMMER Data Set for Robot Perception in Multi-party HRI Scenarios
O. Canévet, W. He, P. Motlicek and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Naples, pp 1294-1300 2020.
ManiGaze: a Dataset for Evaluating Remote Gaze Estimator in Object Manipulation Situations
R. Siegfried, B. Aminian and J.-M. Odobez
ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA) 2020.
Residual Pose: A Decoupled Approach for Depth-based 3D Human Pose Estimation
A. Martinez, M. Villamizar, O. Canévet and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, 10313-10318, 2020.
Year 2019
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Improving speech embedding using crossmodal transfer learning with audio-visual data
N. Le and J.-M. Odobez
Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol 78(11), pp 15681-15704, June 2019.
Improving Few-Shot User-Specific Gaze Adaptation via Gaze Redirection Synthesis
Y. Yu, G. Liu and J.-M. Odobez
Int Conf. on Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Long Beach, June 2019.
A Deep Learning Approach for Robust Head Pose Independent Eye Movements Recognition from Videos
R. Siegfried, Y. Yu and J.-M. Odobez
ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA), Denver, June 2019.
Adaptation of Multiple Sound Source Localization Neural Networks with Weak Supervision and Domain-Adversarial Training
W. He, P. Motlicek and J.-M. Odobez
Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019.
Year 2018
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
HeadFusion: 360 degree Head Pose tracking combining 3D Morphable Model and 3D Reconstruction
Y. Yu, K. Funes and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Vol 40(1), pp 2653-2667, Nov. 2018.
Codical Maya Glyph Segmentation: A Crowdsourcing Approach
G. Can, J.-M. Odobez and D. Gatica-Perez
IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp 711-725, March 2018.
How to Tell Ancient Signs Apart? Recognizing and Visualizing Maya Glyphs with CNNs
G. Can, J.-M. Odobez and D. Gatica
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), Vol 11(4), 2018.
Investigating Depth Domain Adaptation for Efficient Human Pose Estimation
A. Martinez, M. Villamizar, O. Canévet and J.-M. Odobez
ECCV Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding, 2018.
Deep Multitask Gaze Estimation with a Constrained Landmark-Gaze Model
Y. Yu, G. Liu and J.-M. Odobez
The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Workshops 2018.
WatchNet: Efficient and Depth-based Network for People Detection in Video Surveillance Systems
M. Villamizar, A. Martinez-Gonzalez, O. Canévet and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), Dec. 2018.
UNICITY: A depth maps database for people detection in security airlocks
J. Dumoulin, O. Canévet, M. Villamizar, H. Nunez, O. Khaled, E. Mugellini, F. Moscheni and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), Workshop on Human Behavior Analysis based on Video Analytics and Deep Learning, Dec. 2018.
Facing Employers and Customers: What Do Gaze and Expressions Tell About Soft Skills?
S. Muralidhar, R. Siegfried, J.-M. Odobez and D. Gatica-Perez
in Int. Conf. on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM), Cairo, Nov. 2018.
A Differential Approach for Gaze Estimation with Calibration
G. Liu, Y. Yu, K. Funes and J.-M. Odobez
in British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2018.
Real-time Convolutional Networks for Depth-based Human Pose Estimation
A. Martinez, M. Villamizar, O. Canévet and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2018.
Leveraging Convolutional Pose Machines for Fast and Accurate Head Pose Estimation
Y. Cao, O. Canévet and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2018.
Joint Localization and Classification of Multiple Sound Sources Using a Multi-task Neural Network
W. He, P. Motlicek and J.-M. Odobez
Interspeech, Hyderabad, 2018.
Robust and Discriminative Speaker Embedding via Intra-Class Distance Variance Regularization
N. Le and J.-M. Odobez
Interspeech, Hyderabad, 2018.
Deep Neural Networks for Multiple Speaker Detection and Localization
W. He, P. Motlicek and J.-M. Odobez
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
GPU Accelerated Probabilistic Latent Sequential Motifs for Activity Analysis
K.W. Mohiuddin, J. Varadarajan, R. Emonet, J.-M. Odobez and P. Moulin
Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), pp 409-418, 2018.
Year 2017
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Extracting Maya Glyphs from Degraded Ancient Documents via Image Segmentation
R. Hu, J.-M. Odobez and D. Gatica-Perez
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, Vol. 10, Issue 2, Apr. 2017.
Analyzing and Visualizing Ancient Maya Hieroglyphics Using Shape: from Computer Vision to Digital Humanities
R. Hu, C. Pallan Gayol, J.-M. Odobez and D. Gatica-Perez
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, published online Jul. 2017, Vol. 32, Issue Suppl_2, pp. 179-194, Dec. 2017.
Theories and Models of Teams and Group
R. Reiter-Palmon, T. Sinha, J. Gevers, J.-M. Odobez and G. Volpe
Journal of Small Group Research, Vol. 45(5), pp 544-567, 2017.
MAAYA: Multimedia Methods to Support Maya Epigraphic Analysis
D. Gatica-Perez, G. Can, R. Hu, S. Marchand-Maillet, J.-M. Odobez, C. Pallan Gayol, and E. Roman-Rangel
In Diego Jimenez-Badillo (Ed.) Arqueologia Computacional: Nuevos Enfoques para el Analisis y la Difusion del Patrimonio Cultural. INAH-RedTDPC, in press 2017.
Robust and Accurate 3D Head Pose Estimation through 3DMM and Online Head Model Reconstruction
Y. Yu, K. Funes and J.-M. Odobez
12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2017), Washington, May 2017.
Active Online Anomaly Detection using Dirichlet Process Mixture Model and
Gaussian Process Classification
J. Varadarajan, R. Subramanian, N. Ahuja, P. Moulin and J-M. Odobez
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2017.
A Domain Adaptation Approach to Improve Speaker Turn Embedding Using Face Representation
N. Le and J.-M. Odobez
in 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), Glasgow, Nov. 2017.
Towards the Use of Social Interaction Conventions as Prior for Gaze Model Adaptation
R. Siegfried, Y. Yu and J.-M. Odobez
in 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), Glasgow, Nov. 2017.
Improving speaker turn embedding by crossmodal transfer learning from face embedding
N. Le and J.-M. Odobez
ICCV Workshop on Computer Vision for Audio-Visual Media (ICCVW) 2017.
Shape Representations for Maya Codical Glyphs: Knowledge-driven or Deep?
G. Can, J.-M. Odobez and D. Gatica-Perez
Int. Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), Special Session on Multimedia for Cultural Heritage, Florence, Jun. 2017.
Towards large scale multimedia indexing: A case study on person discovery in broadcast news
N. Le, H. Bredin, G. Sargent, M. India, P. Lopez-Otero, C. Barras, C. Guinaudeau, G. Gravier,
G.B. da Fonseca, I. Freire, Z. Patrocínio, S. J. F. Guimarães, G. Martí, J. R. Morros, J. Hernando, L. Fernandez, C. Garcia-Mateo,
S. Meignier and J-M. Odobez
15th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI) 2017.
Supervised Gaze Bias Correction for Gaze Coding in Interactions
R. Siegfried and J.-M. Odobez
Communication by Gaze Interaction Symposium (COGAIN), Wuppertal, Aug. 2017.
Year 2016
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Deep Dynamic Neural Networks for Multimodal Gesture Segmentation and Recognition
D. Wu, L. Pigou, P.-J. Kindermans, N. Le, L. Shao, J. Dambre and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Vol. 38(8), pp 1583--1597 2016.
Gaze Estimation in the 3D Space Using RGB-D sensors: Towards Head-Pose And User Invariance
K. Funes and J.-M. Odobez
Int. Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Vol. 118(2), pp 194--216, June 2016.
CRF-Based Context Modeling for Person Identification in Broadcast Videos
P. Gay, S. Meignier, P. Deleglise and J.-M. Odobez
Frontiers in ICT: Computer Image Analysis, Vol. 3, 2016.
Evaluating Shape Representations for Maya Glyph Classification
G. Can, J.-M. Odobez and D. Gatica-Perez
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, Vol 3(8), pp 14:1--14:26. Sept. 2016.
Learning Multimodal Temporal Representation for Dubbing Detection in Broadcast Media
N. Le and J.-M. Odobez
ACM Multimedia conference (ACM MM), Amsterdam, Oct. 2015.
The MuMMER project: Engaging human-robot interaction in real-world public spaces
M.E Foster, R. Alami, O. Gestranius, O. Lemon, M. Niemela, J.-M. Odobez and A. Pandey
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2016), November 2016.
Temporally Subsampled Detections for Accurate and Efficient Face Tracking and Diarization
N. Le, A. Heili, D. Wu and J.-M. Odobez
Int. Conf. on Pattern Recgnition (ICPR), Cancun, 2016.
Towards Building an Attentive Artificial Listener: On the Perception of Attentiveness in Audio-Visual Feedback Tokens
C. Oertel, J. Lopes, Y. Yu, K. Funes, J. Gustafson, A. Black and J.-M. Odobez
Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interactions (ICMI), Tokyo, 2016.
Training on the Job: Behavioral Analysis of Job Interviews in Hospitality
S. Muralidhar, L. Nguyen, D. Frauendorfer, J.-M. Odobez, M. Schmid Mast and D. Gatica-Perez
ACM Int. Conf on Multimodal Interactions (ICMI), Tokyo, 2016.
Long-Term Time-Sensitive Costs for CRF-Based Tracking by Detection
N. Le, A. Heili and J.-M. Odobez
ECCV Workshop: Benchmarking Multi-target Tracking (MOTChallenge), 2016.
Unsupervised Interpretable Pattern Discovery in Time Series Using Autoencoders
K. Bascol and R. Emonet and E. Fromont and J.-M. Odobez
IAPR Int. Workshops on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition (SSPR), Nov. 2016.
Assessing a Shape Descriptor for Analysis of Mesoamerican Hieroglyphics: A View Towards Practice in Digital Humanities
R. Hu, J.-M. Odobez and D. Gatica-Perez
Digital Humanities (DH) conference, July,Krakow 2016.
Ancient Maya Writings as High-Dimensional Data: a Visualization Approach
G. Can, J.-M. Odobez, C. Pallan-Gayol and D. Gatica-Perez
Digital Humanities (DH) conference, July, Krakow, 2016.
Year 2015
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Multimedia Analysis and Access of Ancient Maya Epigraphy
R.Hu, G. Can, C. Pallan, G. Krempel, J. Spotak, G. Vail, S. Marchand-Maillet, J.-M. Odobez and D. Gatica-Perez
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 32(4):75-84, July 2015.
Combining dynamic head pose–gaze mapping with the robot conversational state for attention recognition in human–robot interactions
S.Sheikhi and J.-M. Odobez
Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 66, pp 81-90, Nov. 2015.
Klewel Webcast: from Research to Growing Company
M. Guillemot, J.-M. Odobez, A. Vinciarelli, and S. Ingram
IEEE Multimedia, Vol. 22(4), pp 94-99, Oct-Dec. 2015.
Deciphering the Silent Participant: On the Use of Audio-Visual Cues for the Classification of Listener Categories in
Group Discussions
C. Oertel, K. Funes, J. Gustafson and J.-M. Odobez
Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interactions (ICMI), Washington, 2015.
EUMSSI team at the MediaEval Person Discovery Challenge
N. Le, D. Wu, S. Meignier and J.-M. Odobez
Media Eval workshop 2015.
Head Nod Detection from a Full 3D Model
Y. Chen, Y. Yu and J.-M. Odobez
Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Workshop, Santiago, Chile, 2015.
Year 2014
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Exploiting Long-Term Connectivity and Visual Motion in CRF-based Multi-Person Tracking
A. Heili, A. Lopez-Menez and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 23(7):3040-3056, 2014.
Temporal Analysis of Motif Mixtures using Dirichlet Processes
R. Emonet, J. Varadarajan and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 36(1):140-156, January 2014.
Leveraging Colour Segmentation for Upper-Body Detection
S. Duffner and J.-M. Odobez
Pattern Recognition, 47(6):2222-2230, 2014.
Geometric Generative Gaze Estimation (G3E) for Remote RGB-D Cameras
K. Funes and J.-M. Odobez
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference (CVPR), 2014.
Automated Bobbing and Phase Analysis to Measure Walking Entrainment
A. Lopez-Mendez, C.E.I. Westling, R. Emonet, M. Easteal, L. Lavia, H.J. Witchel and J-M. Odobez
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Paris 2014.
Improving Head and Body Pose Estimation through Semi-supervised Manifold Alignment
A. Heili, J. Varadarajan, B. Ghanem, N. Ahuja and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Paris 2014.
Face identification from overlaid texts using Local Face Recurrent Patterns and CRF models
P. Gay, E. Khoury, S. Meignier, J.-M. Odobez and P. Deleglise
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Paris 2014.
Who will get the grant ?
C. Oertel, K. Funes, S. Sheikhi, J.-M. Odobez and J. Gustafson
Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interaction Workshop on Understanding and modeling multiparty, multimodal interactions, 2014.
3D Gaze Tracking and Automatic Gaze Coding from RGB-D Cameras
K. Funes and J.-M. Odobez
CVPR Workshop on Vision Meets Cognition, 2014.
Automatic Maya Hieroglyph Retrieval Using Shape and Context Information
R. Hu, C. Pallan, G. Krempel, J.-M. Odobez and D. Gatica-Perez
ACM Multimedia conference, Orlando, 2014.
Is That a Jaguar? Segmenting Ancient Maya Glyphs via Crowdsourcing
G. Can, J.-M. Odobez and D. Gatica-Perez
ACM Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Multimedia, Orlando, 2014.
Comparison of Two Methods for Unsupervised Person Identification in TV Shows
P. Gay, G. Dupuy, C. Lailler, J.-M. Odobez, S. Meignier and P. Deleglise
12th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, Klagenfurt (AUT), 2014.
The MAAYA Project: Multimedia Analysis and Access for Documentation and Decipherment of Maya Epigraphy
D. Gatica-perez, C. Pallan Gayol, S. Marchand-Maillet, J.-M. Odobez, E. Roman Rangel, G. Krempel, N. Grube
Proc. Int. Conf. on Digital Humanities, Lausanne (CH), 2014.
A Conditional Random Field approach for Audio-Visual people diarization
P. Gay, E. Khoury, S. Meignier, J.-M. Odobez and P. Deleglise
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2014.
EYEDIAP: A Database for the Development and Evaluation of Gaze Estimation Algorithms from RGB and RGB-D Cameras
K. Funes, F. Monay and J.-M. Odobez
Proc. Int. Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA), Safety Harbor (US), 2014.
What to Show? Automatic Stream Selection Among Multiple Sensors
R. Emonet, E. Oberzaucher and J.-M. Odobez
Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) , January 2014.
Exploiting Scene Cues for Dropped Object Detection
A. Lopez-Mendez, F. Monay and J.-M. Odobez
Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), January 2014.
EUMSSI: a Platform for Multimodal Analysis and Recommendation using UIMA
J. Grivolla, M. Melero, T. Badia, C. Cabulea, Y. Esteve, E. Herder, J-M. Odobez, S. Preuss and R. Marin
Coling conference 2014.
Year 2013
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
A Sequential Topic Model for Mining Recurrent Activities from Long Term Video Logs
J. Varadarajan, R. Emonet and J.-M. Odobez
Int. Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Vol. 103, Num. 1, pages 100-126, May 2013.
A Track Creation and Deletion Framework for Long-Term Online Multi-Face Tracking
S. Duffner and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, March 2013.
Clustering flood events from water quality time series using Latent Dirichlet Allocation model
A. Aubert, R. Tavenard, R. Emonet, A. de Lavenne, S. Malinowski, T.
Guyet, R. Quiniou, J.-M. Odobez, P. Merot and C. Gascuel-Odoux
Water Resources Research, Vol. 49, pp 1-13 2013.
Observation of Vehicle Axles Through Pass-by Noise: A Strategy of Microphone Array Designe
P. Marmaroli, M. Carmona, X. Falourd, J.-M. Odobez and H. Lissek
IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.14, Num 4, pp 1654-1664, Dec. 2013.
Real-Time Audio-Visual Analysis for Multiperson Videoconferencing
P. Motlicek, S. Duffner, D. Korchagin, H. Bourlard, C. Scheffler, J-M Odobez, G Del Galdo, M. Kallinger and O. Thiergart
Advances in Multimedia, Vol 2013, 2013.
Unsupervised Methods for Activity Analysis and Detection of Abnormal Events
R. Emonet and J.-M. Odobez
in Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems (ISTE). J.-Y. Dufour (editor), Wiley 2013.
Nonverbal Behavior Analysis
D. Gatica-Perez, A. Vinciarelli and J.-M. Odobez
in Interactive Multimodal Information Management. H. Bourlard and A. Popescu-Belis (Eds.), EPFL Press 2013.
A Semi-Automated System for Accurate Gaze Coding in Natural Dyadic Interactions
K. Funes, L. Nguyen, D. Gatica-Perez and J.-M. Odobez
Proc. Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), Sydney 2013.
Leveraging the Robot Dialog State for Visual Focus of Attention recognition
S. Sheikhi and V. Khalidov and D. Klotz and B. Wrede and J.-M. Odobez
Proc. Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), Sydney 2013.
Person independent 3D gaze estimation from remote RGB-D cameras
K. Funes and J.-M. Odobez
Int. Conf. Image Processing (ICIP), Sept. 2013.
Time-sensitive Topic Models for Action Recognition in Videos
R. Tavenard, R. Emonet and J.-M. Odobez
Int. Conf. Image Processing (ICIP), Sept. 2013.
Given that, Should I Respond? Contextual Addressee Estimation in Multi-Party Human-Robot Interactions
D. Jayagopi and J.-M. Odobez
8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction,
Late Breaking News 2013.
The Vernissage Corpus: A Conversational Human-Robot Interaction Dataset
D. Jayagopi and S. Sheikhi and D. Klotz and J. Wienke and J.-M. Odobez
and S. Wrede and V. Khalidov and L. Nguyen and B. Wrede and D. Gatica-Perez
8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Late Breaking News 2013.
Fusing Matching and Biometric Similarity Measures for Face Diarization in Video
E. Khoury and P. Gay and J.-M. Odobez
ACM Int. Conf. on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), April 2013.
Localized Anomaly Detection via Hierarchical Integrated Activity Discovery
T. Chockalingam, R. Emonet and J.-M. Odobez
IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), Aug. 2013.
Pass-by noise acoustic sensing for estimating speed and wheelbase
length of two-axle vehicles
P. Marmaroli and J.-M. Odobez and X. Falourd and H. Lissek
Proc. of Meetings on Acoustics, Volume 19 2013.
Discovering temporal patterns in water quality time series, focusing on floods, with the LDA method
A. Aubert and R. Tavenard and R. Emonet and S. Malinowski and T.
Guyet and R. Quiniou and J.-M. Odobez and C. Gascuel-Odoux
European Geosciences Union (EGU) annual workshop 2013.
Evaluating Shape Descriptors for Detection of Maya Hieroglyphs
E. Roman-Rangel, J.-M. Odobez and D. Gatica-Perez
Proc. Mexican Conf. on Pattern Recognition (MCPR), Queretaro, June 2013.
Parameter Estimation and Contextual Adaptation for a Multi-Object Tracking CRF Model,
Alexandre Heili and Jean-Marc Odobez,
IEEE Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (PETS), Best Paper Award, January 2013.
Year 2012
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Sampling techniques for audio-visual tracking and head pose estimation
J.-M. Odobez and O. Lanz
In S. Renals, H. Bourlard, J. Carletta and A. Popescu-Belis (Eds.),
Multimodal Signal Processing: Human Interactions in Meetings,
Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Assessing Sparse Coding Methods for Contextual Shape Indexing of Maya Hieroglyphs
E. Roman-Rangel, J.-M. Odobez, and D. Gatica-Perez
Journal of Multimedia, Vol. 7(2), pp. 179-192, April 2012.
Investigating the Midline Effect for Visual Focus of Attention Recognition,
Samira Sheikhi and Jean-Marc Odobez,
Int Conf. on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), Santa Monica, October 2012.
Using Self-Context for Multimodal Detection of Head Nods in Face-to-Face Interactions
Laurent Nguyen, Jean-Marc Odobez, and Daniel Gatica-Perez
Int Conf. on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), Santa Monica, October 2012.
Recognizing the Visual Focus of Attention for Human Robot Interaction
Samira Sheikhi, Vasil Khalidov and Jean-Marc Odobez
IROS workshop on Human Behavior Understanding, Vilamoura, October 2012.
Bridging the Past, Present and Future: Modeling Scene Activities From Event Relationships and Global Rules
Jagan Varadarajan, Rémi Emonet and Jean-Marc Odobez,
IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Providence, June 2012.
Supplementary material.
We are not contortionists: coupled adaptive learning for head and body orientation estimation in surveillance video.
Chen Chen and Jean-Marc Odobez,
Oral presentation at IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Providence, June 2012.
Gaze estimation from multimodal Kinect data.
Kenneth Funes and Jean-Marc Odobez,
Oral presentation at CVPR Workshop on Face and Gesture and Kinect demonstration competition, Providence, June 2012 (Best Student Paper award).
Unsupervised Activity Analysis and Monitoring algorithms for Effective Surveillance Systems
Jean-Marc Odobez, C. Carincotte, R. Emonet, E. Jouneau, S. Zaidenberg, B. Ravera, F. Bremond and A. Grifoni
European Conf. on Computer Vision (ECCV), Demonstration paper, Firenze, October 2012.
Year 2011
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Fast Human Detection from Joint Appearance and Foreground Feature Subset Covariances
J. Yao and J.-M. Odobez,
Computer Vision and Image Understanding,
Vol. 115(10), pp. 1414-1426, October 2011.
Research report with more details about the method and results
Multi-Person Visual Focus of Attention from Head Pose and Meeting Contextual Cues
S. Ba and J.-M. Odobez,
IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI),
Vol. 33(1), pp. 101-116, January 2011.
3D Human Pose Recovery from Monocular Images via Efficient Visual Feature Selection
C. Cheng, Y. Yang, F. Nie and J.-M. Odobez,
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 115(3), pp. 290-299, March 2011.
Analyzing Ancient Maya Glyph Collections with Contextual Shape Descriptors
E. Roman-Rangel, C. Pallan, J.-M. Odobez, and D. Gatica-Perez
Int. Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 94(1), pp. 101-117, August 2011.
Joint Adaptive Colour Modelling and Skin, Hair and Clothing Segmentation Using Coherent Probabilistic Index Maps
Carl Scheffler and Jean-Marc Odobez
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Aberdeen, August 2011.
Pdf of Main article + supplementary material
Webpage of corresponding code and data
Extracting and Locating Temporal Motifs in Video Scenes Using a Hierarchical Non Parametric Bayesian Model
Rémi Emonet, Jagan Varadarajan and Jean-Marc Odobez,
IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Colorado Springs, June 2011.
Webpage of supplementary material
Combined Estimation of Location and Body Pose in Surveillance Video
Cheng Chen, Alexandre Heili, and Jean-Marc Odobez,
IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), Klagenfurt, Austria, Aug. 2011.
Multi-camera Open Space Human Activity Discovery for Anomaly Detection
Rémi Emonet, Jagan Varadarajan and Jean-Marc Odobez,
IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), Klagenfurt, Austria, Aug. 2011.
Exploiting Long-Term Observations for Track Creation and Deletion in Online Multi-Face Tracking
S. Duffner and J.-M. Odobez,
IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition,
Santa Barbara, March 2011.
Searching the Past: An Improved Shape Descriptor to Retrieve Maya Hieroglyphs
E. Roman Rangel, C. Pallan, J.-M. Odobez, and D. Gatica-Perez
Proc. ACM Int. Conf. on on Multimedia (MM), Scotsdale, Nov. 2011.
A Bimodal Sound Source Model for Vehicle Tracking in Traffic Monitoring
P. Marmaroli, J.-M. Odobez, X. Falourd and H. Lissek,
European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO),
Barcelona, August 2011.
A Joint Estimation of Head and Body Orientation Cues in Surveillance Video
Cheng Chen, Alexandre Heili, and Jean-Marc Odobez,
IEEE ICCV-SISM, Int. Workshop on Socially Intelligent Surveillance and Monitoring, Barcelona, Nov. 2011.
Detection-Based Multi-Human Tracking Using a CRF Model
Alexandre Heili, Cheng Chen, Alexandre Heili, and Jean-Marc Odobez,
IEEE ICCV-VS, Int. Workshop on Visual Surveillance, Barcelona, Nov. 2011.
Engagement-based Multi-party Dialog with a Humanoid Robot
D. Klotz, J. Wienke, J. Peltason, B. Wrede, S. Wrede, V. Khalidov and J.-M. Odobez,
ACM SIGDIAL, June 2011.
New World, New Worlds: Visual Analysis of Pre-Columbian Pictorial Collections
D. Gatica-Perez, E. Roman Rangel, J.-M. Odobez, and C. Pallan,
Proc. Int. Workshop on Multimedia for Cultural Heritage (MM4CH), Modena, May 2011.
Year 2010
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Visual Attention, Speaking Activity, and Group Conversational Analysis in Multi-Sensor Environments
D. Gatica-Perez and J.-M. Odobez
In H. Nakashima, J. Augusto, H. Aghajan (Eds.),
Handbook of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Springer
A Sparsity Constraint for Topic Models - Application to Temporal Activity Mining
Jagan Varadarajan, Rémi Emonet and Jean-Marc Odobez,
in NIPS Workshop on Workshop on Practical Applications of Sparse Modeling:
Open Issues and New Directions, 2010.
View additional material webpage
Probabilistic Latent Sequential Motifs:
Discovering temporal activity patterns in video scenes
Jagan Varadarajan, Rémi Emonet and Jean-Marc Odobez,
in Proc. British Machine and Vision Conference (BMVC),
Aberystwyth, Sept. 2010.
View-Based Appearance Model Online Learning for 3D Deformable Face Tracking
Stéphanie Lefèvre and Jean-Marc Odobez,
in Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Angers, May 2010.
Year 2009
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Contextual classification of image patches with latent aspect models
F. Monay and P. Quelhas and and J.-M. Odobez and D. Gatica-Perez,
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 20 pages, 2009.
Recognizing Visual Focus of Attention from Head Pose in Natural Meetings
S. Ba and J.-M. Odobez,
IEEE Trans. on System, Man and Cybernetics: part B, Cybernetics,
Vol. 39. No. 1. pp. 16-34, Feb 2009.
Multi-Person Bayesian Tracking with Multiple Cameras
J. Yao and J.-M. Odobez
Chapter 15, pp 363-388, in H. K. Aghajan, A. Cavallaro (Eds.),
Multi-camera networks: principles and applications, Academic Press, 2009.
Topic Models for Scene Analysis and Abnormality Detection
J. Varadarajan and J.M. Odobez,
in Proc. ICCV Visual Surveillance workshop (ICCV-VS), Kyoto, Ocotber 2009.
Dynamic Partitioned Sampling For Tracking With Discriminative Features
S. Duffner, J.M. Odobez and E. Ricci,
in British Machine Vision Conference, London, September 2009.
Visual Activity Context For Focus of Attention Estimation in Dynamic Meetings
S. Ba, H. Hung and J.M Odobez,
in IEEE Proc. Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), New-York, June 2009.
Learning Large Margin Likelihood for Realtime Head Pose Tracking
E. Ricci and J.M Odobez,
in IEEE Int. Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Cairo, Nov. 2009.
View video examples in additional material webpage
Investigating the use of Visual Focus of Attention for Audio-Visual Speaker Diarisation
G. Garau, S. Ba, J.M. Odobez and H. Bourlard,
in ACM Multimedia (ACM MM) conference, Bejing, October 2009.
Structure and appearance features for robust 3D facial actions tracking
Stéphanie Lefèvre and Jean-Marc Odobez,
in IEEE Proc. Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), New-York, June 2009.
Year 2008
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Tracking the Visual Focus of Attention for a Varying Number of
Wandering People
K. Smith, S. Ba, J.-M. Odobez and D. Gatica-Perez,
IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Vol. 30. No. 7. pp. 1212-1229, July 2008.
Utilisation du mouvement visuel en suivi par filtrage particulaire
J.-M. Odobez, D. Gatica-Perez and S. Ba,
Traitement du Signal Vol. 25, No. 5, 2008.
Multi-Camera Multi-Person 3D Space Tracking with MCMC in Surveillance Scenarios
Jian Yao and Jean-Marc Odobez,
in European Conference on Computer Vision, workshop on Multi Camera and Multi-modal
Sensor Fusion Algorithms and Applications (ECCV-M2SFA2), Marseille, Oct. 2008.
Fast Human Detection from Videos Using Covariance Features
Jian Yao and Jean-Marc Odobez,
in 8th European Conference on Computer Vision Visual Surveillance workshop (ECCV-VS), Marseille, Oct. 2008.
Multi-Camera 3D person Tracking with Particle Filter in a Surveillance Environment
Jian Yao and Jean-Marc Odobez,
in 8th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Lausanne, Aug. 2008.
Investigating Automatic Dominance Estimation in Groups from Visual Attention and Speaking Activity
H. Hung, D. Jayagopi, S. Ba, J.-M. Odobez, and D. Gatica-Perez,
in Proc. Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), Chania, Oct. 2008.
Predicting Two Facets of Social Verticality in Meetings from Five-minute Time Slices and Nonverbal Cues
D. Jayagopi, S. Ba, J.-M. Odobez, and D. Gatica-Perez,
in Proc. Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), Special Session on Social Signal Processing, Chania, Oct. 2008.
Understanding Metro Station Usage using Closed Circuit Television Cameras Analysis
C. Carincotte, X. Naturel, M. Hick, J-M. Odobez, J. Yao, A. Bastide and B. Corbucci,
in 11th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Bejing, 2008.
Multi-Camera 3D Person tracking with Particle Filter in a Surveillance Environment
Jian Yao and Jean-Marc Odobez,
in 16th European Signal processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Lausanne, August 2008.
Detecting Queues at Vending Machines: a Statistical Layered Approach
Xavier Naturel and Jean-Marc Odobez,
in IEEE Proc. Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Tampa, December 2008.
Visual Focus of Attention Estimation from Head Pose Posterior Probability Distributions
Sileye Ba and Jean-Marc Odobez,
in IEEE Proc. Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Hannover, June 2008.
Multi-party Focus of Attention Recognition in Meetings
from Head Pose and Multimodal Contextual Cues
Sileye Ba and Jean-Marc Odobez,
in IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Las Vegas, March 2008.
Year 2007
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
A Thousand Words in a Scene
P. Quelhas, F. Monay, J.-M. Odobez, D. Gatica-Perez and T. Tuytelaars,
IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Vol. 29. No. 9. pp. 1575-1590, Sept. 2007.
Short-Term Spatio-Temporal Clustering Applied to
Multiple Moving Speakers
G. Lathoud and J-M. Odobez,
IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing,
Vol. 15. No. 5. pp. 1696-1710, July. 2007.
Audio-visual probabilistic tracking of multiple speakers in meetings
D. Gatica, G. Lathoud, J-M. Odobez and I. McCowan,
IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing,
Vol. 15. No. 2. pp. 601-616, Feb. 2007.
Using Audio and Video Features to Classify the Most Dominant Person
in a Group Meeting
H. Hung, D. Jayagopi, C. Yeo, G. Friedland,
S. Ba, J.M. Odobez, K. Ramchandran, N. Mirghafori and D. Gatica-Perez,
in Proc. ACM Multi Media, Augsburg, Germany, September 2007.
A Cognitive and Unsupervised MAP Adaptation approach to the Recognition of the Focus of Attention from Head Pose
J.-M. Odobez and S.O. Ba,
in Proc. Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Bejing, July 2007.
Multi-Layer Background Subtraction Based on Color and Texture.
Jian Yao and Jean-Marc Odobez,
in Proc. CVPR Visual Surveillance workshop (CVPR-VS), Minneapolis, June 2007.
Multi-level local descriptor quantization for Bag-of-Visterms image representation
Pedro Quelhas and Jean-Marc Odobez,
in Proc. ACM Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (ACM_CIVR), Amsterdam, July 2007.
Probabilistic Head Pose Tracking Evaluation in Single and Multiple Camera Setups
Sileye Ba and Jean-Marc Odobez,
in Proc. Classification of Events, Activity and Relationships Evaluation Workshop
(CLEAR'07), Baltimore, May 2007.
Year 2006
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Embedding Motion in Model-Based Stochastic Tracking
J-M. Odobez, D. Gatica Perez and S.O. Ba,
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 15, No. 11, pp. 3515-3531, Nov. 2006.
Application of Information Retrieval Technologies to Presentation Slides
Alessandro Vinciarelli and Jean-Marc Odobez,
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 981-995, Oct. 2006
Tracking the Multi-Person Wandering Visual Focus of Attention
K. Smith, S. Ba, D. Gatica-Perez, and J.-M. Odobez,
in Proc. Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), Banff, Nov. 2006.
Natural Scene Image Modeling Using Color and Texture Visterms
Pedro Quelhas and Jean-Marc Odobez,
in Proc. ACM Conf. on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR), pp 411-412,
Tempe (AZ), July 2006.
Integrating Co-Occurrence and Spatial Contexts on Patch-Based Scene Segmentation
F. Monay, P. Quelhas, J.-M. Odobez, and D. Gatica-Perez,
in Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Workshop on Beyond Patches (CVPR-BP), New York, Jun. 2006.
Head pose tracking and focus of attention recognition algorithms in
meeting rooms.
S. Ba and J-M. Odobez,
in Proc. Workshop on Classification of Events, Activities and
Relationships (CLEAR'06), Southampton, April 2006.
Toward generic intelligent knowledge extraction from video and audio: the Eu-funded CARETAKER project
C. Carincotte, X. Desurmont, B. Ravera, F. Bremond, J. Orwell, S. Velastin,
J.M. Odobez, B. Corbucci, J. Palo and J. Cernocky,
in Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP 2006), London, June 2006.
Year 2005
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Video Text Recognition using Sequential Monte Carlo and Error Voting Methods
D. Chen and J.-M. Odobez,
in Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 26, pp 1386-1403, 2005.
Using Particles to Track Varying Numbers of Interacting People
K. Smith, D. Gatica-Perez, and J.-M. Odobez,
in Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), San Diego, Jun. 2005.
Evaluating Multi-Object Tracking
K. Smith, D. Gatica-Perez, J.-M. Odobez, and S. Ba,
in Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Workshop on Empirical Evaluation Methods in Computer Vision (CVPR-EEMCV), San Diego, Jun. 2005.
Modeling Scenes with Local Descriptors and Latent Aspects
P. Quelhas, F. Monay, J.-M. Odobez, D. Gatica-Perez, T. Tuytelaars, and L. Van Gool,
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV), Beijing, Oct. 2005.
OCR Based Slide Retrieval
Nabil Daddaoua, Alessandro Vinciarelli and Jean-Marc Odobez,
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), pp. 945-949, Seoul, 2005.
A Rao-Blackwellized Mixed State Particle Filter
for Head Pose Tracking in Meetings
S. Ba and Jean-Marc Odobez,
Proc. of ACM-Int. Conference on Multimodal Interface, Workshop on
Multimodal Multiparty Meeting Processing (ICMI-MMMP), pp 9-17,
Trento, Oct. 2005.
Sports Event Recognition Using Layered HMMS
M. Barnard and J.-M. Odobez,
Proc. of IEEE Int. Conference on Multimedia and Expo (IEEE-ICME), pp 1150-1153, 2005.
Year 2004
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Text Detection and Recognition in Images and Videos
D. Chen, J-M. Odobez and H. Bourlard,
Pattern Recognition, Vol. 37, pp 595-608, 2004.
A Localization/Verification Scheme for Finding Text in Images and Video
Frames Based on Contrast Independent Features and Machine Learning
D. Chen, J-M. Odobez and J.P. Thiran,
Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 19, pp 205-217, 2004.
A probabilistic framework for joint head tracking and pose
S. Ba and J.-M. Odobez,
in 17th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR), volume~4, Cambridge, UK, August 2004.
Robust Playfield Segmentation using MAP Adaptation,
M. Barnard and J.-M. Odobez,
in 17th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR), vol. 3, page 610-613, Cambridge, UK, August 2004.
Unsupervised Location-Based Segmentation of Multi-Party Speech
G. Lathoud, I. McCowan, and J.-M. Odobez,
in Proceedings of the 2004 ICASSP-NIST Meeting Recognition Workshop, May 2004.
AV16.3: an Audio-Visual Corpus for Speaker Localization and Tracking
G. Lathoud, J.-M. Odobez, and D. Gatica-Perez
in Proc. Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction (MLMI), Martigny, Jun. 2004.
Year 2003
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
An Implicit Motion Likelihood for Tracking with Particle Filters,
J-M. Odobez, S. Ba, and D. Gatica-Perez,
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Norwich, 2003.
Video Shot Clustering using Spectral Methods,
J-M. Odobez, D. Gatica-Perez and M. Guillemot,
3rd Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), Rennes, France, Sept. 2003.
Year 2001 and before
- Journal publications
- Conference publications
Robust multiresolution estimation of parametric motion model
J-M. Odobez and P. Bouthemy,
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation,
Vol. 6, Number 4 pp 348-365, December 1995.
Direct incremental model-based image motion segmentation analysis for video analysis
J-M. Odobez and P. Bouthemy,
Signal Processing, Vol. 66, pp 143-155, 1998.
MRF-based motion segmentation exploiting a 2D motion model robust estimation
J-M. Odobez and P. Bouthemy,
Proc. of 2nd Int. Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 3, pp 628-631, Oct. 1995.
Determination of singular points in 2D deformable flow fields
M. Maurizot, P. Bouthemy, B. Delyon, A. Juditski and J-M. Odobez,
Proc. of 2nd Int. Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 3, pp 488-491, Oct. 1995.
Detection of multiple moving objects using multiscale MRF with camera motion compensation
J-M. Odobez and P. Bouthemy,
Proc. of 1st Int. Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 2, pp 257-261, Nov. 1994.
A ROI approach for Hybrid Image Coding
E. Nguyen, C. Labit and J-M. Odobez,
Proc. of 1st Int. Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 3, pp 245-249, Nov. 1994.