Python API

This section includes information for using the Python API of bob.extension.


Core Functionality

bob.extension.boost([requirement]) A class for capturing configuration information from boost
bob.extension.build_ext(dist, **kw) Compile the C++ :py:class`Library`’s using CMake, and the python extensions afterwards
bob.extension.check_packages(packages) Checks if the requirements for the given packages are satisfied.
bob.extension.CMakeListsGenerator(name, …) Generates a CMakeLists.txt file for the given sources, include directories and libraries.
bob.extension.construct_search_paths([…]) Constructs a list of candidate paths to search for.
bob.extension.DEFAULT_PREFIXES The list common places to search for library-related files.
bob.extension.Extension(name, sources, **kwargs) Extension building with pkg-config packages.
bob.extension.find_executable(name[, …]) Finds an executable on the file system.
bob.extension.find_library(name[, version, …]) Finds a library file on the file system.
bob.extension.generate_self_macros(extname, …) Generates standard macros with library, module names and prefix
bob.extension.get_bob_libraries(bob_packages) Returns a list of include directories, libraries and library directories for the given bob libraries.
bob.extension.get_config([package, …]) Returns a string containing the configuration information for the given package name.
bob.extension.get_full_libname(name[, path, …]) Generates the name of the library from the given name, path and version.
bob.extension.Library(name, sources, version) A class to compile a pure C++ code library used within and outside an extension using CMake.
bob.extension.load_bob_library(name, _file_) Loads the bob Library for the given package name in the given version (if given).
bob.extension.normalize_requirements(…) Normalizes the requirements keeping only the most tight
bob.extension.pkgconfig(name[, paths]) A class for capturing configuration information from pkg-config
bob.extension.rc The content of the global configuration file loaded as a dictionary.
bob.extension.reorganize_isystem(args) Re-organizes the -isystem includes so that more specific paths come first
bob.extension.uniq(seq[, idfun]) Very fast, order preserving uniq function
bob.extension.uniq_paths(seq) Uniq’fy a list of paths taking into consideration their real paths, …) Downloads a file from a given url…) Download a file from a given URL list, save it somewhere and unzip/untar if necessary


bob.extension.utils.egrep(filename, expression) Runs grep for a given expression on each line of the file
bob.extension.utils.find_file(name[, …]) Finds a generic file on the file system.
bob.extension.utils.find_header(name[, …]) Finds a header file on the file system.
bob.extension.utils.find_packages([directories]) This function replaces the find_packages command from setuptools to search for packages only in the given directories.
bob.extension.utils.link_documentation([…]) Generates a list of documented packages on our documentation server for the packages read from the “requirements.txt” file and the given list of additional packages.
bob.extension.utils.load_requirements([f]) Loads the contents of requirements.txt on the given path.


bob.extension.rc_config.ENVNAME Name of environment variable to look for an alternative for the RC file
bob.extension.rc_config.RCFILENAME Default name to be used for the RC file to load
bob.extension.config.load(paths[, context, …]) Loads a set of configuration files, in sequence

Stacked Processors

bob.extension.processors.SequentialProcessor(…) A helper class which takes several processors and applies them one by one on data sequentially.
bob.extension.processors.ParallelProcessor(…) A helper class which takes several processors and applies data on each processor separately and yields their outputs one by one.


bob.extension.scripts.click_helper.ConfigCommand(name) A click.Command that can take options both form command line options and configuration files.
bob.extension.scripts.click_helper.ResourceOption([…]) A click.Option that is aware if the user actually provided this option through command-line or it holds a default value.
bob.extension.scripts.click_helper.verbosity_option(…) Adds a -v/–verbose option to a click command.
bob.extension.scripts.click_helper.bool_option(…) Generic provider for boolean options
bob.extension.scripts.click_helper.list_float_option(…) Get option to get a list of float f
bob.extension.scripts.click_helper.open_file_mode_option(…) Get open mode file option
bob.extension.scripts.click_helper.AliasedGroup([…]) Class that handles prefix aliasing for commands
bob.extension.scripts.click_helper.log_parameters(…) Logs the click parameters with the logging module.
bob.extension.scripts.click_helper.assert_click_runner_result(result) Helper for asserting click runner results

Core Functionality

A custom build class for Pkg-config based extensions

bob.extension.DEFAULT_PREFIXES = ['/opt/local', '/usr/local', '/usr']

The list common places to search for library-related files.

bob.extension.rc = {}

The content of the global configuration file loaded as a dictionary. The value for any non-existing key is None.


Checks if the requirements for the given packages are satisfied.

:param list of str: Each representing a requirement that

must be statistfied. Package requirements can be set like this:

"pkg > VERSION"

In this case, the package version should be greater than the given version number. Comparisons are done using distutils.version.LooseVersion. You can use other comparators such as <, <=, >= or ==. If no version number is given, then we only require that the package is installed.

Raises:RuntimeError – in case requirements are not satisfied. This means either not finding a package if no version number is specified or verifying that the package version does not match the required version by the builder.
bob.extension.generate_self_macros(extname, version)[source]

Generates standard macros with library, module names and prefix


Re-organizes the -isystem includes so that more specific paths come first


Normalizes the requirements keeping only the most tight


Returns a list of include directories, libraries and library directories for the given bob libraries.

bob.extension.get_full_libname(name, path=None, version=None)[source]

Generates the name of the library from the given name, path and version.

bob.extension.load_bob_library(name, _file_)[source]

Loads the bob Library for the given package name in the given version (if given). The _file_ parameter is expected to be the __file__ member of the main of the package. It is used to determine the directory, where the library should be loaded from.

Keyword parameters

name : string
The name of the bob package to load the library from, e.g. bob.core
_file_ : string
The __file__ member of the file in which the library is loaded.

Finds system include paths if the environment variable CC is set

Returns:A list of include paths defined by the compiler
Return type:list
class bob.extension.Extension(name, sources, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: setuptools.extension.Extension

Extension building with pkg-config packages.

See the documentation for distutils.extension.Extension for more details on input parameters.

class bob.extension.Library(name, sources, version, bob_packages=[], packages=[], boost_modules=[], include_dirs=[], system_include_dirs=[], libraries=[], library_dirs=[], define_macros=[])[source]

Bases: bob.extension.Extension

A class to compile a pure C++ code library used within and outside an extension using CMake.

compile(build_directory, compiler=None, stdout=None)[source]

This function will automatically create a CMakeLists.txt file in the package_directory including the required information. Afterwards, the library is built using CMake in the given build_directory. The build type is automatically taken from the debug option in the buildout.cfg. To change the compiler, use the compiler parameter.

class bob.extension.build_ext(dist, **kw)[source]

Bases: setuptools.command.build_ext.build_ext

Compile the C++ :py:class`Library`’s using CMake, and the python extensions afterwards

See the documentation for distutils.command.build_ext for more information.


Set final values for all the options that this command supports. This is always called as late as possible, ie. after any option assignments from the command-line or from other commands have been done. Thus, this is the place to code option dependencies: if ‘foo’ depends on ‘bar’, then it is safe to set ‘foo’ from ‘bar’ as long as ‘foo’ still has the same value it was assigned in ‘initialize_options()’.

This method must be implemented by all command classes.


Iterates through the list of Extension packages and reorders them, so that the Library’s come first


Builds the given extension.

When the extension is of type Library, it compiles the library with CMake, otherwise the default compilation mechanism is used. Afterwards, it adds the according library, and the include and library directories of the Library’s, so that other Extensions can find the newly generated lib.


Returns the library path for the given name

class bob.extension.CMakeListsGenerator(name, sources, target_directory, version='1.0.0', include_directories=[], system_include_directories=[], libraries=[], library_directories=[], macros=[])[source]

Bases: object

Generates a CMakeLists.txt file for the given sources, include directories and libraries.

generate(source_directory, build_directory)[source]

Generates the CMakeLists.txt file in the given directory.


alias of setuptools.extension.Extension

class bob.extension.boost(requirement='')[source]

Bases: object

A class for capturing configuration information from boost

Example usage:

>>> from bob.extension import boost
>>> pkg = boost('>= 1.35')
>>> pkg.include_directory
>>> pkg.version

You can also use this class to retrieve information about installed Boost libraries and link information:

>>> from bob.extension import boost
>>> pkg = boost('>= 1.35')
>>> pkg.libconfig(['python', 'system'])
libconfig(modules, only_static=False, templates=['boost_%(name)s-mt-%(py)s', 'boost_%(name)s-%(py)s', 'boost_%(name)s-mt', 'boost_%(name)s'])[source]

Returns a tuple containing the library configuration for requested modules.

This function respects the path location where the include files for Boost are installed.


modules (list of strings)
A list of string specifying the requested libraries to search for. For example, to search for, pass only mpi.
static (bool)
A boolean, indicating if we should try only to search for static versions of the libraries. If not set, any would do.
templates (list of template strings)

A list that defines in which order to search for libraries on the default search path, defined by self.include_directory. Tune this list if you have compiled specific versions of Boost with support to multi-threading (-mt), debug (-g), STLPORT (-p) or required to insert compiler, the underlying thread API used or your own namespace.

Here are the keywords you can use:

resolves to the module name you are searching for
resolves to the current boost version string (e.g. '1.50.0')
resolves to the string 'pyXY' where XY represent the major and minor versions of the current python interpreter.

Example templates:

  • 'boost_%(name)s-mt'
  • 'boost_%(name)s'
  • 'boost_%(name)s-gcc43-%(ver)s'


directories (list of strings)
A list of directories indicating where the libraries are installed
libs (list of strings)
A list of strings indicating the names of the libraries you can use

Returns package availability and version number macros

This method returns a python list with 2 macros indicating package availability and a version number, using standard GNU compatible names. Example:

>>> from bob.extension import boost
>>> pkg = boost('>= 1.34')
>>> pkg.macros()
[('HAVE_BOOST', '1')]
bob.extension.construct_search_paths(prefixes=None, subpaths=None, suffix=None)[source]

Constructs a list of candidate paths to search for.

The list of paths is constructed using the following order of priority:

  1. BOB_PREFIX_PATH environment variable, if set. BOB_PREFIX_PATH can contain several paths divided by os.pathsep.
  2. The paths provided with the prefixes parameter.
  3. The current python executable prefix.
  4. The CONDA_PREFIX environment variable, if set.
  • prefixes ([str], optional) – The list of paths to be added to the results.
  • subpaths ([str], optional) – A list of subpaths to be appended to each path at the end. For example, if you specify ['foo', 'bar'] for this parameter, then os.path.join(paths[0], 'foo'), os.path.join(paths[0], 'bar'), and so on are added to the returned paths. Globs are accepted in this list and resolved using the function glob.glob().
  • suffix (str, optional) – suffix will be appended to all paths except prefixes.

paths – A list of unique and existing paths to be used in your search.

Return type:


bob.extension.find_executable(name, subpaths=None, prefixes=None)[source]

Finds an executable on the file system. Returns all candidates.

This method will find all occurrences of a given name on the file system and will return them to the user. It uses construct_search_paths to construct the candidate folders that the executable may exist in accounting automatically for typical executable folder names.


A list of filenames that exist on the filesystem, matching your description.

Return type:


bob.extension.find_library(name, version=None, subpaths=None, prefixes=None, only_static=False)[source]

Finds a library file on the file system. Returns all candidates.

This method will find all occurrences of a given name on the file system and will return them to the user. It uses construct_search_paths to construct the candidate folders that the library may exist in accounting automatically for typical library folder names.

  • name (str) – The name of the module to be found. If you’d like to find, for example, specify "z". For, specify "math".
  • version (str, optional) – The version of the library we are searching for. If not specified, then look only for the default names, such as and the such.
  • subpaths (str, optional) – See construct_search_paths
  • subpaths – See construct_search_paths
  • only_static (bool, optional) – A boolean, indicating if we should try only to search for static versions of the libraries. If not set, any would do.

A list of filenames that exist on the filesystem, matching your description.

Return type:


class bob.extension.pkgconfig(name, paths=None)[source]

Bases: object

A class for capturing configuration information from pkg-config

Example usage:

>>> from bob.extension import pkgconfig
>>> blitz = pkgconfig('blitz')
>>> blitz.include_directories()
>>> blitz.library_directories()

If the package does not exist, a RuntimeError is raised. All calls to any methods of a pkgconfig object are translated into a subprocess call that queries for that specific information. If pkg-config fails, a RuntimeError is raised.


Returns a pre-processed list containing include directories.

Equivalent command line version:

$ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<paths> pkg-config --cflags-only-I <name>

Returns a pre-processed dictionary containing compilation options.

Equivalent command line version:

$ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<paths> pkg-config --cflags-only-other <name>

The returned dictionary contains two entries extra_compile_args and define_macros. The define_macros entries are ready for deployment in the setup() function of your package.


Returns a pre-processed list containing libraries to link against

Equivalent command line version:

$ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<paths> pkg-config --libs-only-l <name>

Returns a pre-processed list containing libraries to link against

Equivalent command line version:

$ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<paths> pkg-config --libs-only-other <name>

Returns a pre-processed list containing library directories.

Equivalent command line version:

$ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<paths> pkg-config --libs-only-L <name>

Returns a pre-processed list containing extra link arguments.

Equivalent command line version:

$ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<paths> pkg-config --libs-only-other <name>

Returns a list with all variable names know to this package

Equivalent command line version:

$ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<paths> pkg-config --print-variables <name>

Returns a variable with a specific name (if it exists)

Equivalent command line version:

$ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<paths> pkg-config --variable=<variable-name> <name>


If a variable does not exist in a package, pkg-config does not signal an error. Instead, it returns an empty string. So, do we.


Returns package availability and version number macros

This method returns a python list with 1 macro indicating package availability, using standard GNU compatible names. For example, if the package is named blitz, this command would return:

>>> from bob.extension import pkgconfig
>>> blitz = pkgconfig('blitz')
>>> blitz.package_macros()
[('HAVE_BLITZ', '1')]
bob.extension.uniq(seq, idfun=None)[source]

Very fast, order preserving uniq function


Uniq’fy a list of paths taking into consideration their real paths

bob.extension.get_config(package='bob.extension', externals=None, api_version=None)[source]

Returns a string containing the configuration information for the given package name. By default, it returns the configuration of this package.

This function can be reused by other packages. If these packages have external C or C++ dependencies, the externals dictionary can be specified. Also, if the package provides an API version, it can be specified.

Keyword parameters:

package : str
The name of the package to get the configuration information from. Usually, the __name__ of the package.
externals : {dep: description}
A dictionary of external C or C++ dependencies, with the dep``endent package name as key, and a free ``description as value.
api_version : int (usually in hexadecimal)
The API version of the package, if any.


General utilities for building extensions

bob.extension.utils.find_file(name, subpaths=None, prefixes=None)[source]

Finds a generic file on the file system. Returns all occurrences.

This method will find all occurrences of a given name on the file system and will return them to the user. It uses construct_search_paths to construct the candidate folders that file may exist in.


A list of filenames that exist on the filesystem, matching your description.

Return type:


bob.extension.utils.find_header(name, subpaths=None, prefixes=None)[source]

Finds a header file on the file system. Returns all candidates.

This method will find all occurrences of a given name on the file system and will return them to the user. It uses construct_search_paths to construct the candidate folders that header may exist in accounting automatically for typical header folder names.


A list of filenames that exist on the filesystem, matching your description.

Return type:


bob.extension.utils.egrep(filename, expression)[source]

Runs grep for a given expression on each line of the file


filename, str
The name of the file to grep for the expression
A regular expression, that will be initialized using re.compile().

Returns a list of re matches.


Loads the contents of requirements.txt on the given path.

Defaults to “./requirements.txt”


This function replaces the find_packages command from setuptools to search for packages only in the given directories. Using this function will increase the building speed, especially when you have (links to) deep non-code-related directory structures inside your package directory. The given directories should be a list of top-level sub-directories of your package, where package code can be found. By default, it uses 'bob' as the only directory to search.

Generates a list of documented packages on our documentation server for the packages read from the “requirements.txt” file and the given list of additional packages.


additional_packages : [str]
A list of additional bob packages for which the documentation urls are added. By default, ‘numpy’ is added
requirements_file : str or file-like
The file (relative to the documentation directory), where to read the requirements from. If None, it will be skipped.
server : str or None
The url to the server which provides the documentation. If None (the default), the BOB_DOCUMENTATION_SERVER environment variable is taken if existent. If neither server is specified, nor a BOB_DOCUMENTATION_SERVER environment variable is set, the default "" is used., out_file)[source]

Downloads a file from a given url

  • url (str) – The url to download form.
  • out_file (str) – Where to save the file., filename)[source]

Download a file from a given URL list, save it somewhere and unzip/untar if necessary


download_and_unzip([“”], filename=”~/my_file_example.tag.bz2”)

  • urls (list) – List containing the all the URLs. The function will try to download them in order
  • filename (str) – File name (full path) where the downloaded file will be written and uncompressed


Implements a global configuration system for bob using json.

bob.extension.rc_config.ENVNAME = 'BOBRC'

Name of environment variable to look for an alternative for the RC file

bob.extension.rc_config.RCFILENAME = '~/.bobrc'

Default name to be used for the RC file to load

Functionality to implement python-based config file parsing and loading.

bob.extension.config.load(paths, context=None, entry_point_group=None, attribute_name=None)[source]

Loads a set of configuration files, in sequence

This method will load one or more configuration files. Every time a configuration file is loaded, the context (variables) loaded from the previous file is made available, so the new configuration file can override or modify this context.

  • paths ([str]) – A list or iterable containing paths (relative or absolute) of configuration files that need to be loaded in sequence. Each configuration file is loaded by creating/modifying the context generated after each file readout.
  • context (dict, optional) – If provided, start the readout of the first configuration file with the given context. Otherwise, create a new internal context.
  • entry_point_group (str, optional) – If provided, it will treat non-existing file paths as entry point names under the entry_point_group name.
  • attribute_name (None or str) – If provided, will look for the attribute_name variable inside the loaded files. Paths ending with some_path:variable_name can override the attribute_name. The entry_point_group must provided as well attribute_name is not None.

mod – A module representing the resolved context, after loading the provided modules and resolving all variables. If attribute_name is given, the object with the attribute_name name (or the name provided by user) is returned instead of the module.

Return type:

module or object

  • ImportError – If attribute_name is given but the object does not exist in the paths.
  • ValueError – If attribute_name is given but entry_point_group is not given.

Converts the loaded module of load to a dictionary context. This function removes all the variables that start and end with __.

Parameters:mod (object) – What is returned by load
Returns:The context that was in mod.
Return type:dict
bob.extension.config.resource_keys(entry_point_group, exclude_packages=[], strip=['dummy'])[source]

Reads and returns all resources that are registered with the given entry_point_group. Entry points from the given exclude_packages are ignored.

  • entry_point_group (str) – The entry point group name.
  • exclude_packages (list, optional) – List of packages to exclude when finding resources.
  • strip (list, optional) – Entrypoint names that start with any value in strip will be ignored.

List of found resources.

Return type:


Stacked Processors

bob.extension.processors.SequentialProcessor(…) A helper class which takes several processors and applies them one by one on data sequentially.
bob.extension.processors.ParallelProcessor(…) A helper class which takes several processors and applies data on each processor separately and yields their outputs one by one.
class bob.extension.processors.SequentialProcessor(processors, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A helper class which takes several processors and applies them one by one on data sequentially. See Stacked Processing for more details.


A list of processors to apply.

__init__(processors, **kwargs)[source]


  • processors (list) – A list of preprocessors to be used.
  • **kwargs – Any kwargs are passed to the parent class.
__call__(data, **kwargs)[source]

Applies the processors on the data sequentially. The output of the first one goes as input to the next one.

  • data (object) – The data that needs to be processed.
  • **kwargs – Any kwargs are passed to the processors.

The processed data.

Return type:


class bob.extension.processors.ParallelProcessor(processors, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A helper class which takes several processors and applies data on each processor separately and yields their outputs one by one. See Stacked Processing for more details.


A list of processors to apply.

__init__(processors, **kwargs)[source]


  • processors (list) – A list of preprocessors to be used.
  • **kwargs – Any kwargs are passed to the parent class.
__call__(data, **kwargs)[source]

Applies the processors on the data independently and outputs a generator of their outputs.

  • data (object) – The data that needs to be processed.
  • **kwargs – Any kwargs are passed to the processors.

object – The processed data from processors one by one.


Sets-up logging, centrally for Bob.

bob.extension.log.setup(logger_name, format='%(name)s@%(asctime)s -- %(levelname)s: %(message)s')[source]

This function returns a logger object that is set up to perform logging using Bob loggers.

  • logger_name (str) – The name of the module to generate logs for
  • format (str, optional) – The format of the logs, see logging.LogRecord for more details. By default, the log contains the logger name, the log time, the log level and the massage.

logger – The logger configured for logging. The same logger can be retrieved using the logging.getLogger() function.

Return type:


bob.extension.log.set_verbosity_level(logger, level)[source]

Sets the log level for the given logger.

  • logger (logging.Logger or str) – The logger to generate logs for, or the name of the module to generate logs for.
  • level (int) – Possible log levels are: 0: Error; 1: Warning; 2: Info; 3: Debug.

ValueError – If the level is not in range(0, 4).


bob.extension.scripts.click_helper.bool_option(name, short_name, desc, dflt=False, **kwargs)[source]

Generic provider for boolean options

  • name (str) – name of the option
  • short_name (str) – short name for the option
  • desc (str) – short description for the option
  • dflt (bool or None) – Default value
  • **kwargs – All kwargs are passed to click.option.

A decorator to be used for adding this option.

Return type:


bob.extension.scripts.click_helper.list_float_option(name, short_name, desc, nitems=None, dflt=None, **kwargs)[source]

Get option to get a list of float f

  • name (str) – name of the option
  • short_name (str) – short name for the option
  • desc (str) – short description for the option
  • nitems (obj:int, optional) – If given, the parsed list must contains this number of items.
  • dflt (list, optional) – List of default values for axes.
  • **kwargs – All kwargs are passed to click.option.

A decorator to be used for adding this option.

Return type:



Get open mode file option

Parameters:**kwargs – All kwargs are passed to click.option.
Returns:A decorator to be used for adding this option.
Return type:callable

Adds a -v/–verbose option to a click command.

Parameters:**kwargs – All kwargs are passed to click.option.
Returns:A decorator to be used for adding this option.
Return type:callable
class bob.extension.scripts.click_helper.ConfigCommand(name, context_settings=None, callback=None, params=None, help=None, epilog=None, short_help=None, options_metavar='[OPTIONS]', add_help_option=True, entry_point_group=None, config_argument_name='CONFIG', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: click.core.Command

A click.Command that can take options both form command line options and configuration files. In order to use this class, you have to use the ResourceOption class also.


The name of the config argument.


The name of entry point that will be used to load the config files.

is_resource(param, ctx)[source]

Checks if the param is an option and is also in the current context.


Given a context, this invokes the attached callback (if it exists) in the right way.


Generate configuration file from parameters and context

Parameters:ctx (object) – Click context
class bob.extension.scripts.click_helper.ResourceOption(param_decls=None, show_default=False, prompt=False, confirmation_prompt=False, hide_input=False, is_flag=None, flag_value=None, multiple=False, count=False, allow_from_autoenv=True, type=None, help=None, entry_point_group=None, required=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: click.core.Option

A click.Option that is aware if the user actually provided this option through command-line or it holds a default value. The option can also be a resource that will be automatically loaded.


If provided, the strings values to this option are assumed to be entry points from entry_point_group that need to be loaded.

Type:str or None

Holds the real value of required here. The required value is hidden from click since the option may be loaded later through the configuration files.


True if the user actually provided this option through command-line or using environment variables.

consume_value(ctx, opts)[source]
full_process_value(ctx, value)[source]
class bob.extension.scripts.click_helper.AliasedGroup(name=None, commands=None, **attrs)[source]

Bases: click.core.Group

Class that handles prefix aliasing for commands

Basically just implements get_command that is used by click to choose the comamnd based on the name.


To enable prefix aliasing of commands for a given group, just set cls=AliasedGroup parameter in decorator.

get_command(ctx, cmd_name)[source]

Given a context and a command name, this returns a Command object if it exists or returns None.

bob.extension.scripts.click_helper.log_parameters(logger_handle, ignore=())[source]

Logs the click parameters with the logging module.

  • logger_handle (object) – The logger handle to write debug information into.
  • ignore (tuple) – The keys in ignore will not be logged.
bob.extension.scripts.click_helper.assert_click_runner_result(result, exit_code=0)[source]

Helper for asserting click runner results