The COHFACE dataset contains RGB video sequences of faces, synchronized with heart-rate and breathing-rate of the recorded subjects.

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COHFACE is a remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) dataset. The dataset contains RGB videos of faces, synchronized with heart-rate and breathing-rate of the recorded subjects. The dataset includes 160 one-minute long video sequences of 40 subjects (12 females and 28 males).

The video sequences have been recorded with a Logitech HD C525 at a resolution of 640x480 pixels and a frame-rate of 20Hz. Physiological recordings, namely blood volume pulse (BVP) and breathing rate have also been recorded. Physiological signals have been acquired using devices from Tought Technologies and using the provided BioGraph Infiniti software suite, version 5.



If you use this dataset, please cite the following publication:

Guillaume Heusch, André Anjos, Sébastien Marcel, “A reproducible study on remote heart rate measurement”, arXiv, 2016.