professional activities (last 5 years)

  associate editor
  pacm imwut: proceedings of the acm on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous technologies

  icmi: steering committee member, acm int. conf. on multimodal interaction
  ubicomp/iswc: workshop co-chair

  keynote and invited talks
  digiweek: semaine de la digitalisation

  program committee member
  icmi: acm int. conf. on multimodal interaction

  associate editor
  pacm imwut: proceedings of the acm on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous technologies

  icmi: steering committee member, acm int. conf. on multimodal interaction
  acm mm: workshop chair, acm int. conf. on multimedia

  keynote and invited talks
  mmm: international conference on multimedia modeling
  applens: acm workshop on mining and learning from smartphone apps
  swiss embassy: swiss innovation night
  dcdh: summer school on digital communication and digital humanities
  digiweek: semaine de la digitalisation
  amld: applied machine learning days
  technoark: conference on the future of work

  associate editor
  pacm imwut: proceedings of the acm on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous technologies

  icmi: steering committee member, acm int. conf. on multimodal interaction

  keynote and invited talks
  moco: international conference on movement and computing
  symcollab: acm workshop on symbiotic interaction & collaboration for wisdom computing
  wbi: public health and nutrition conference
  fors: methods and research meetings series
  datathink: international doctoral course

  program committee member
  www: the web conference
  icwsm: aaai int. conf. on weblogs and social media
  icmi: acm int. conf. on multimodal interaction

  associate editor
  pacm imwut: proceedings of the acm on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous technologies

  icmi: steering committee member, acm int. conf. on multimodal interaction

  keynote and invited talks
  ams: first european seminar on urban data science
  citirec: acm int. workshop on recommender systems for citizens
  u-zurich: workshop on smartphone and social sensing in psychological science
  ecovillages: ecovillages forum
  carnotzets: carnotzets scientifiques
  unil : seminar on cognitive delegation to machines

  program committee member
  www: world wide web conference
  icwsm: aaai int. conf. on weblogs and social media

  icmi: acm int. conf. in multimodal interaction, paper award chair

  program committee member
  www: world wide web conference
  icwsm: aaai int. conf. on weblogs and social media
  ubicomp: acm int. joint conference on pervasive and ubiquitous computing

  keynotes and invited talks
  eccv: workshop on apparent personality analysis
  cbmi: int. workshop on content-based multimedia indexing
  essentialtalk: epfl cooperation and development center series

  cscw: acm int. conf. on computer-supported collaborative work and social computing